Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

The Plan (Chapter 17)

"Tell me exactly what happened," I said to the girls after we had all sat down and everyone had calmed down.
"Shannon woke us all up and said something important was happening," said Andrea.
"Yeah, and then she lead us here to the dining hall," said Brehanna.
"Then the portal showed up," said Mandy.
"That's when you came in," said Libby.
I looked around the table at the girls. Kah'lie and Kym'mee weren't present, they were too upset to come to the meeting.
I know how they feel, I thought. It had taken everything I had to call the meeting because I was so upset about Dav'id's betrayal.
"I think we all know what must be done," I said. "We must plan an attack."
"But the prophecy says only one shall defeat the evil," said Danielle. "We can't all come."
"It says only one shall defeat it, but it didn't say she didn't have help up to that point."
"We need to come up with a plan," said Lacey.
"Which is why I called this meeting," I said. "But we need more information first."
"Information we can probably provide you," said Kah'lie as she entered the room, her hair red.
"We can tell you anything you need to know," said Kym'mee, following in after Kah'lie, her nails red.
"Are you sure you want to fight with us?" I asked.
"We are not going to let our parents die in vain," said Kah'lie.
"Then tell us where to find the evil, it's weaknesses, and what it even is."
"The evil is a magician named Salindath. He lives in the palace of the other kingdom. The rulers of that kingdom thought they could control him, but he ended up killing them and taking over," said Kah'lie.
"As for weaknesses, his only one is his staff. With it he has enough power to kill with only a few words. Without it he's powerless," said Kym'mee.
"Good, then here's the plan," I said. "We'll have Kah'lie and Kym'mee fly us there, and then we'll sneak into the palace and search for him. When we find him, Lacey, Libby, and Kym'mee will distract him so that Brehanna, Mandy, and Andrea can get the staff away from him. Then I'll go in for the final blow. Kah'lie, you and Danielle will be standing guard for Shannon and Dav..................." I couldn't bring myself to say his name, so I looked down at my hands instead.
I felt someone lay a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Lacey. I looked around and saw everyone else looked hurt as well at what Dav'id had done.
"I wish I knew why Shannon betrayed us," I said, trying to change the subject.
"I don't know why, but we're going to find out!" said Andrea.

The next morning all of us headed out to the castle's courtyard. We were all wearing fighting clothes that made it easy to move in. As a bonus, the clothes could not tear or rip when struck by something sharp. We were all armed with a sword and small dagger.
"Where are they?" said Andrea impatiently. She crouched down to tie the laces on her boots.
"They'll be here in a minute," I said, referring to Kah'lie and Kym'mee. "Just give them time to change forms."
Then the twin sisters came flying down to the courtyard in dragon form. I took the clothes from them and put them in a small sack.
"Okay, everyone get on and let's go," I said. I scrambled onto Kah'lie's back and waited for everyone else to mount. Once ready, I signaled for them to take off. I smiled at the sound of everyother girl screaming when we lurched into the air.
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Sorry, this chap's a bit boring..