Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

Explanation (Chapter 18)

A few minutes later after we had landed, I gathered everyone together.
"Does everyone know the plan?" I asked.
"Yes," they all said.
"Okay then, let's go."
We all walked along the edge of the palace until we reached the back entrance. I opened the door and stepped inside. The hall was barely lit and the stone floors were grey and dusty. We tip-toed down the hallway and checked every room as we went. I stopped outside the door to the entrance hall when I heard voices on the other side.
"They should either attack in a few days, or not at all," said a male voice on the other side. I recognized it as Dav'id.
"We'll be ready for them," said a female voice I identified as Shannon.
"Well we'll have to be won't we?" said another male voice. Salindath.
"All three of them are in there!" I whispered to the other girls who had gathered around to listen.
"Now that we're done, I think I'll go take care of a few rats," said Salindath.
What does he mean by that? I thought.
I heard him walk across the floor and go into another room.
"Now that we have the time, since I didn't get to talk to you last night, tell me your reason for leaving," said Dav'id.
"Well, I didn't realize it until the night Katie brought her sister to the palace. I looked around the room and saw so many people that were now my friends. Then I thought about our fight with Salindath. I knew someone would die and I didn't want to go through what I did with Taylor again. So I decided to leave before I got to close to them and then have one of them die. That's when I offered you to come with me. I for some reason didn't want to take your kingdom away from you so I offered you to join the winning side. I contacted Salindath and he agreed," Shannon said.
"One question, who's Taylor?" asked Dav'id.
"That's right, I didn't tell you. He's and old beau of mine that died trying to save me from being a sacrifice. We both thought I was going to die."
"Did you hear that!" I whispered excitedly.
They all nodded.
"I can't believe it."
I put my ear against the door and listened. When I didn't hear anything I stepped back.
"I think they're gone," I said.
I turned around and saw no one behind me.
"Girls, you there?" I said. "Anyone?"
I walked forward a few steps and stopped. Something in the dim light stirred. I crouched to the ground and closed my eyes.
I will not be afraid, I thought, and reopened my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, how the mighty have fallen. (I just wanted to say that :) )