Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

Dav'id (Chapter 2)

Then.................................something tugged at the chains around my wrists. They were hands, I realized, human hands.
I opened my eyes as the chains fell to the ground. I sat on the ground as a young man, about my age, sat down next to me. He had long brown hair tied up into a ponytail, and his eyes were blue. He had a sparkle in his eyes I had never seen in someone before, and he had strong muscles on his arms that you could slightly see the outline of against his shirt. He wore a man's shirt and breeches with dark brown leather boots. If I were like any of the other girls in the village I would have started hanging on his arm. I knew better though. I had tried that once and all it had landed me was a humiliating rejection from the guy I liked and ridicule from every girl who could speak other than my sister. I was used to being turned down so I wouldn't be surprised if this guy ran away right now as if he were being chased by a pack of hungry wolves. I looked at him and said, “Who are you?"
"My name is Dav'id," he said. My knees quivered at the sound of his voice. It was mild, not too high or too low. It was smooth and enchanting, making me want to hear him speak again. What was with his name though? I'd never heard anything like it.
"Where'd the dragon go?" I asked, never taking my eyes off of him.
Dav'id chuckled softly and I thought I saw his eyes turn green. "You're looking at him," he said, being quite forward about it.
"Yeah, right. Like I'm going to believe that." I rolled my eyes at him.
"I'll show you then." He held out his arm and his hand began to change colors before growing long claws and scales. Then he quickly changed it back.
I jumped up surprised and frightened. "Why did you let me go then? Are you toying with me before you eat me?" I said, my voice quivering as I backed away from him.
"I'm not going to eat you. We dragons don't actually eat the maidens we are given," said Dav'id.
"Okay then, but I didn't know a dragon could take on human shape."
He laughed loudly this time and I distinctly saw his eyes turn green. "No maiden has ever been so forward about it before. Usually they run away and I have to chase them down when they find out."
"Why did you're eyes just turn green?" I asked, never taking a step forward.
"A dragon's eyes cannot lie. They change colors with my emotions." he said.
"What do green and blue mean?"
"Blue is nervousness and green is associated with laughter, so when I laugh or think something is funny my eyes change green," he explained.
"And let me guess, only dragons have apostrophes in their names."
"That is correct."
"Well then what do you do with the maidens you are given?"
"Well, just as I have been instructed to do with you, we take them back to our kingdom and-"
"Dragons have kingdoms?" I interrupted.
"Yes we do, we hide them deep in the mountains where most humans dare not tread. Anyway, we let the maidens live in our communities. If it weren't for the maidens in our kingdom, we dragons would not have all of the human emotions in this form. All dragons have human DNA in them somehow. We can change human form without the DNA but, as I said, we don't have all the emotions in the form without it. We are nearly emotionless," he said quickly, "Now let's go since the rain's let up enough to fly safely."
"Wait! What if I don't want to go? I want to go home and see my sister!" I exclaimed, backing further away.
"You must go. We need maidens now more then ever. I will explain later," he said, standing up and walking towards me.
When I kept stepping backward his eyes turned red and he sighed, annoyed.

Anger, I realized, he's angry.
"Fine if you won't come willingly, I'll have to make you come!" he said angrily. He stepped back and ran into the woods on the other side of the clearing. A few seconds later he emerged in dragon form, clothes in his mouth.
"Leave me alone!!" I screamed. I turned around and ran for the woods. The sound of his roar filled my ears as he rose up into the air. The beating of his wings pushed me to the ground, and before I could stand back up I felt myself being lifted into the air. I screamed at the sight of the ground hundreds of hand lengths below me.
"Let me go!" I screamed.
A gurgling sound emitted from his throat and his scales turned green.
He's laughing at me, I thought, so his scales change colors too. I wonder what other colors there are.
Suddenly Dav'id's voice rang in my head. There are only nine, they are the only emotions known to us. All of them are human emotions.
"How are you doing that?" I asked surprised.
Dragons have the ability to speak with people in their minds, said Dav'id's voice.
"How far do we have to go?" I asked.
Not far. Days if you walk, but a matter of minutes by dragon wings. We are very fast.
Then, just as Dav'id had said, a beautiful city appeared below us. It had homes built in trees and large cabins on the ground. The most magnificent site though, was the grand palace in the very center.
Dav'id flew to the palace gates and dropped me in some hay before flying into the woods next to us. He emerged in human form and fully clothed.
"What are we doing here?" I asked him.
"Just follow me and find out," he said.
Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the palace gates. The gates were polished and silver, a guard stood behind them and watched as we approached.
"State your business," said the guard. You could tell by the look on his face that he was suspicious.
"Why, don't you recognize me?" said Dav'id, stepping into the light of the torch the guard had.
"Why Prince!! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you clearly in the dim light. I'll let you in of course."
The guard stepped back and began to open the gate.
My jaw dropped and stared at him in disbelief. "You're a prince!?!?" I whispered into his ear.
"Yes, I am. I'll explain everything once we're inside," said Dav'id.
"All right, you can go through," said the guard, stepping away from the gate's entrance.
Dav'id grabbed my hand and pulled me through to the palace.
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Tell me what you think! Is Dav'id cute, or what?