Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

New Plan (Chapter 20)

I opened my eyes and the blackness was gone, instead I saw all the girls around me.
"What happened?" I asked.
"It was an ambush," said Kah'lie, "Salindath snuck up on us. You weren't taken when we were. You arrived a few minutes later."
"I do remember turning around and no one being there," I said.
"You were under his spell when you were brought in, we thought we were going to lose you," said Kym'mee, "You must have broken it, what was happening?"
"I was replaying the images of me parents deaths. I woke up when I started to try thinking about happier memories. By the way, who brought me in here?"
I saw all the girls give each other quick glances before Mandy answered me. "Dav'id," she said quietly.
All the girls scrambled next to me as the door to the cell we were in opened and Salindath, Shannon, and Dav'id walked in.
"I sensed you had broken the spell," said Salindath, laughing coldly. He had a crooked nose and short brown hair. "So tell me, what's it like to have your own worst memories replayed in front of your eyes?"
"Having someone relive their parents deaths is a cold trick only a coward would use," I said, staring at him.
He grimaced at me. "Well this is one coward who won't hesitate to kill you," he said.
"Whatever you have to tell yourself," I said coldly.
He looked at me for a long moment, then smiled. "You'll be the first to go," he said. Then he turned on his heel and left with Shannon. Dav'id stared at me a moment before and following them. Once the door was shut, people immediately started talking.
"What's the plan Katie?" asked Kah'lie.
"I don't know," I said.
"I suggest we come up with something!" said Andrea.
"I agree," said Kym'mee, "If only our magic could pick locks."
"Wait a second, did you just say 'our magic'?" I asked.
"Yes, why?"
"Why didn't you tell me you have magic powers!
"We can only do illusions that feel and act real. So we never really use it."
A thought popped into my head. "I've got it! Okay here's the plan," I said excitedly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I know, I'm sorry. It's a slow chapter, okay? The good part is coming up soon, though.