Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

Illusions (Chapter 21)

"You're sure about this?" said Kah'lie when I was done explaining.
"I am," I said reassuringly, "Okay Kym'mee, cast the spell."
"Dama Invisi Shrowda," said Kym'mee. It felt as though my blood had been replaced with ice as I became see through.
"Good, now they won't see us," I said, "Kah'lie, you make the illusion girls over there." I pointed to the far corner of the room.
"Illusias Girals Fak," said Kah'lie. Then fake versions of us girls appeared in the corner.
"Good Kah'lie," I said, "I think I hear foot steps, everyone be ready." We all grabbed hands and backed into an empty corner.
Dav'id walked into the room first, followed by Shannon and Salindath. They walked over to the fake us and started pulling them out the door.
"At least they're cooperating," said Salindath, sounding surprised.
"Yeah," said Dav'id. I could tell something was on his mind but he acted like nothing was wrong.
I walked over once the fake us had been shepherded out the door. We followed them out the door and down a few hallways.
"Where are they going?" I whispered to myself. My question was answered when we walked into a room with grey stone walls and floors. There was a torch in each corner of the room and the fake us were pushed to the room's center. Salindath walked over to a stand and retrieved a small book.
"Just as I said, you will be the first to go," said Salindath. He pulled the fake me to one side and had Dav'id hold her there. I knew that once the spell hit her, Kah'lie's illusion spell would be broken.
"Be ready," I whispered to the other girls.
"Killas Giral Deat!" screamed Salindath, his staff pointed directly at the fake me. A beam of light shot out the end of the staff and hit her in the chest. Instantly on impact the illusions vanished.
"I knew I sensed something!" shouted Dav'id, "It's was a trick! Dragon magic! They were illusions!”
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Hahahahaha! This is where it gets interesting!