Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

Dragon Fight (Chapter 22)

"Where are they? They're in here somewhere!" said Dav'id, "They have to be, why else would they conjure illusions of themselves?"
"For this!" I shouted, jumping on the magician. He dropped his staff and fell to the ground with me on top of him. The staff shot out another beam because of the jolt it got from hitting the floor and hit the wall, making a large hole in the wall. The invisibility spell wore off, as Kym'mee'd said it would, and I could be seen again.
"Fine, let's take this outside!" shouted Dav'id. He ran out of the hole and a few seconds later was in dragon form. Kym'mee and Kah'lie followed him. Soon the twin sister dragons and Dav'id were fighting in midair. I wanted to watch but couldn't, because Salindath was starting to stand up. I reached over and grabbed the staff from the floor and threw it across the room. I drew my blade and held it against his neck.
"Don't move," I said sternly. Unfortunately, I forgot about Shannon. She pushed me away and grabbed for the dagger at my belt. I moved away just in time as all the other girls jumped on top of her. "Restrain her!" I shouted, "I'll take care of Salindath."
I walked over to where he was and watched him try to stop the bleeding on the side of his neck. The blade had sliced his throat when Shannon had pushed me away. "You can die of blood loss, or I can make it quick for you," I offered.
"Quick," he said. I held the blade up to his neck and swiftly brought it through his neck. His head landed with a dull thunk. The grey stone floor around his body was red.
"It's over," I said.
"NO! I WILL NOT BE BEATEN!" screamed Shannon. She broke free of their grasp and grabbed the book and staff from the floor. She opened the book and smiled.
"No!" I shouted, running at her.
"Too late, it's over for you!" Shannon looked at the pages of the book again and gave me a cold smile. "Restrainas Alus Un!"
All the girls in the room except me were sent hurtling against the wall.
"I'll take you out personally," said Shannon with a grin.
"Shannon you don't know what you're doing!" I yelled at her, "You're condemning a kingdom to misery; this isn't what Taylor would want!"
"How would you know!"
"You know I'm right!" In my mind I urged Kah'lie to come as I backed towards the opening in the wall.
"We'll see about that!" Shannon looked directly at me and pointed the staff towards me. "Glodrielo Stocnas!"
I had backed to the hole when she said it. The beam of white light that emitted from the staff barely missed me as I grabbed onto Kah'lie's foot as she flew by. I crawled up onto Kah'lie's back and looked back to where I had been. Shannon had emerged from the hole, a look of pure anger on her face. I wrapped my arms around Kah'lie's neck as she looped in midair. I saw Dav'id fly next to us and try to push us towards the ground. I also saw several flashes of light coming from below and barely missing us as we flew. I looked around when the flashes stopped and saw Dav'id rise up in front of us, Shannon on his back. They were about to ram us when Kym'mee came up beneath us and rammed Dav'id in the stomach. I watched as Dav'id tried to recover from the hit.
Unfortunately for us, we didn't move quick enough to evade the next spell and a sudden force began to pull me, Kym'mee, and Kah'lie to the ground. We hit the ground hard and I heard Kah'lie and Kym'mee roar in pain.
"Kah'lie! Kym'mee! Are you okay?" I asked, trying to stand up. I felt as though chains had bound my body and I couldn't move. I tried harder, using every amount of energy I could muster, but to no avail. I lay there limply as Dav'id and Shannon landed, a triumphant look on her face. Dav'id flew away after she dismounted, probably to change clothes. I was right because a few second later Dav'id came back in human form, dressed.
"This is it, I will end your life in front of your friends. Dav'id, will you help me restrain her once she has had the spell removed?" asked Shannon, "Then we'll get these two once she's chained up inside."
"All right," said Dav'id. Shannon lifted the spell and he pulled me inside and latched me to a wall, the twins following shortly.
"You will be first to go," Shannon said, walking to the center of the room. "Dav'id, make sure she doesn't do anything to escape while I do this."
Dav'id stood next to me and I sighed. Shannon opened the book and started muttering a long incantation. Suddenly blackness jumped into Dav'id's eyes. He looked at me and his expression was grim. Tears were pouring from my eyes because I was afraid to die.
"What?" I asked him quietly. "You're getting what you wanted. I'm going to die, your sisters are going to die, and my friends are going to die. You're going to have two kingdoms, why are you upset?"
"Because I just realized what I really want, and it isn't this," he whispered back, and I could tell by the sincerity in his voice that he wasn't lying. Shannon finished muttering and a beam shot out of the staff like a missile at me. I heard Dav'id whisper, "I won't lose you." He stepped in front of me, his back to Shannon, just in time for the missile to hit him instead. In those last few moments I could tell everything he was feeling just from the look on his face. It was a look of horror, sadness, regret, fear, anger, and love. A bright light flashed through the room and it was over in a matter of seconds.
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Wow. This sucks. Yeah.