Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

A Ghost From Shannon's Past (Chapter 23)

Dav'id's body fell limp to the floor and Shannon stared at him, her mouth agape.
"DAV'ID!" I screamed, pulling at the chains that bound me. Tears flowed from my eyes like a river as I tried to reach Dav'id's body.
"What have I done," Shannon said, sinking to her knees. "I was wrong, now I've lost more than one person close to me." She cried, her face in her hands.
"Look what you've done!" I yelled at her.
"It's all right Shannon, you can right your wrong," a male voice said. A young man walked into the room and put a hand on Shannon's shoulder.
Shannon looked up at the young man, a look of disbelief on her face. The young man had short brown-blonde hair and soft features to his face. His eyes lit up when he smiled at her.
"Taylor?" Shannon whispered.
"Yes Shannon," said Taylor.
Fresh tears brimmed Shannon's eyes as she leapt up to hug him. To her surprise she passed through him.
"What's going on?" I asked.
Shannon was staring at Taylor. "You're not real," she said.
"Yes I am, I'm just a ghost. I can touch you, but you can't touch me," Taylor said frowning. "The only reason I'm here is for Shannon. We can only visit people when they're in need. Right now Shannon needed me." He walked over and put a hand on her shoulder.
"I have made a terrible mistake," Shannon said.
"You realize what you have done don't you?" asked Taylor.
Shannon nodded her head.
"You were so caught up trying not to make friends you actually made one in Dav'id," said Taylor, "So you lost your friend anyway. That was your mistake, one you can fix. I can show you how to bring Dav'id back."
"HOW!" cried Kah'lie and Kym'mee at the same time.
I jumped when I heard them, I had forgotten everyone else was there. Looking around I saw everyone crying, including myself.
"Can you really bring him back?" I asked hopefully.
"I can't; you can. There is a part of the prophecy that wasn't legible on your copy, correct?" asked Taylor. I nodded. "There is a copy legible here; it will tell you what to do. Follow me."
"What about them?" I indicated the rest of the girls. Shannon flicked her wrist and the girls bound by magic were released, and the twins were unlatched. The chains that were around my wrists disappeared.
"Katie," said Shannon, "I want you to know that if I could, I would take it all back. I swear I would. Can you forgive me?"
"Shannon, of course I forgive you. Everyone else does to I'm sure." Slowly, all the girls nodded. I felt relief that the old Shannon was back and that she wouldn't do this again. I couldn't let this ruin our friendship, I cared too much about her to let that happen. I gave her a hug and we all followed Taylor. He lead us to a small room and one-by-one we all read the prophecy. I skipped ahead to the part I hadn't read yet.

Should tragedy strike and the Prince die
Set dragons to the sky
Take him to the most cherished place
Of his most cherished one
Stand hand-in-hand until the spell is done
While the cherished one shows how much they care
If none present dare
To not see him return
Then he shall come back
With all of the rainbow packed

"Will this work?" I asked once we were all finished.
"It should," said Mandy.
"Let's go then, I want my brother back!" said Kah'lie.
"Who's his most cherished one though?" I asked.
The girls all smiled a mischievous smile and pointed at me.
"I'm surprised you have to ask that! Of course it's you!" said Kym'mee.
"No, surely it's one of his sisters," I said. I blushed when no one stopped pointing at me.
"No it's you. He loves you, and you're the one he sacrificed himself for!" said Libby.
"Well, okay I guess." I felt my cheeks get warmer and I knew they were probably a deep red.
"Where's your most cherished place?" asked Brehanna.
"Probably my nameless town," I said, "It was where I was born and the place I remember my Momma best."
"Then let's go!" screamed everyone at once.
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Sorry if I don't seem to enthusiastic right now, but I'm tired right now. Ugh....