Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

The Palace (Chapter 3)

The palace was the most beautiful place I had ever seen, the walls were shining with every color of the rainbow; and the floors were marble with different colored specks throughout it. At the end of the entrance hall were two thrones and staircases on both sides that ran around and up to the next floor. Sitting on the thrones were a woman with long braided blonde hair and delicate features, and a man with medium length brown hair, quite like Dav'id's, and hard rough features. Both of them were wearing elegant clothing and had kind looks on their faces.
"Welcome home son," said the woman in a cool flowing voice," Whom have you brought us?"
They must be the King and Queen, I thought.
"I do not know her name actually. I believe she can pass the tests," said Dav'id in a knowing sort of way that made his voice sound more enchanting.
"Prince Dav'id are you sure? We must choose wisely in this matter," said the King, his voice was low and deep and reminded me of my Father's voice when he would try to sing. He looked me up and down, as if he could see into my soul just by looking.
"Yes Father, I am sure."
"Girl! Tell us your name and age, also tell us how you came to be chosen," the King bellowed.
I nearly jumped out of my skin when his voice boomed at me. "Yes sir, my name is Katie and I am fifteen years old. I believe I was chosen because I was thought to make a sufficient meal for the dragon. All the other girls were terribly short and thin," I said quickly.
The King's eyes shone green as he smiled. I hurriedly explained everything that had happened up to the point where Dav'id came in.
"Why did you show up in the first place?" asked the King once I had finished.
"We had been told that anyone who did not show up would be put to death. I also had thought that the odds of me getting chosen at the time were very slim," I said, glancing over at Dav'id. He hadn't moved since I began the tale and was now only slightly stirring. "Please sir, I wish to know. What exactly are the tests you were talking about?"
"Ahh, yes. There was a prophecy foretold centuries ago that we believe is taking place now. This would better help you understand," said the Queen, speaking for the King who appeared to be falling asleep. The Queen gestured forward two guards who were holding a large stone tablet between them. They carried it over to a small table on the other side of the room.
"You can read, can't you?" said the Queen.
"Yes, my mother taught me my figures before she died," I said walking over to the table. I looked down at the tablet and began to read it to myself.

An evil in the land shall rise
And one of the ancient tribes
Shall have to ward off this menace
In order to defend us
The other of the two shall fall
Dew to their brawl
And one of the last ten shall defeat him
And two shall be equal in power
But one's heart shall go dim
The prince's love shall protect us all
Though her mind will wander down a dark hall
Should tragedy strike and the prince................

The prophecy ended because the rest of the tablet was unreadable.
"Who are the ancient tribes?" I asked, once I'd finished.
"The two dragon kingdoms, and you shall be one of the ten maidens chosen," said the King.
"Yes, and you shall stay in the palace with the other maidens," said Dav'id.
"And the last ten are?" I asked.
"The last ten maidens we received. We get one every few weeks."
"All right," I said.
"Take her to her chambers and answer any other questions she may have Dav'id," said the Queen.
Dav'id waved his hand for me to follow him. He lead me up the flight of stairs on the right and down several hallways. He stopped and gestured for me to enter the door on my right. The room was grand and had a canopy bed that was stuffed with swan feathers. There was a small vanity in one corner and a night stand next to the bed.
"Does these chambers suit you?" Dav'id asked, walking into the room.
"It's marvelous, it's beautiful!" I said, turning around to look at him.
"Then it is yours. I will wake you in the morning for breakfast, is there anything else you wished to know?"
"Yes, one thing. Why did you have me chosen for the trials? I'm nothing special."
For a moment, I thought I saw his eyes turn pink.
"You're not like the some of the other maidens, you don't act like your someone's better all the time like some of the others do," he had crossed the room to stand in front of me, " and I also find you funny and charming."
"Isn't that something girls usually find guys to be?" I asked, flushing as his hand came up to stroke my cheek.
He laughed and said, “Yes, but I find you to be charming just as well."
He turned on his heels and left without saying another word. I sank down on the bed and closed my eyes.
What was that all about?, I thought, Surely he's not desperate enough to like me? I'll figure it out eventually I suppose, maybe I'll feel better about all of this in the morning.
I pulled the blankets up to my shoulders and closed my eyes.
Let us hope so, said Dav'id in my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, the palace. When I read this, I see how I pictured it all on the day I wrote it. The trees, the marble, the thrones...ah, memories. It's a bit nostalgic.