Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

Breakfast With Shannon (Chapter 4)

The next morning I woke up to Dav'id gently shaking my shoulders.
"Wake up, it's time for breakfast. I'll wait outside for you to change clothes then come out," he said softly.
I sat up just as he shut the door. I looked over at the vanity and saw a pink dress made of silk and satin pink gloves. The dress had short sleeves and the lower half was wavy with sparkled swirl designs running throughout it. At the top center was a beautiful and delicate brooch. The brooch was in the shape of a rose and green emeralds made up the stem, while blood red rubies made up the rose's petals. A pair of light pink slippers that glistened when light shone on them lay on the floor next to the vanity. I put on the slippers that, amazingly, fit me perfectly. The dress fit perfectly too and looked amazing when I put it on. When I looked back at the vanity I saw a small jewelry box and walked over to it, inside was jewelry fit for a queen. I chose to stick with my mother's necklace and a simple silver bracelet that had a rose etched into the metal. I walked over to the door and opened it. Dav'id was waiting on the other side.
"What do you think?" I asked.
He nodded his head, never looking away from me.
"Then let's go," I said, walking over to stand beside him.
"Yes," he said, his attention turning back to the present," Let's go."
He looped my arm around his and lead me down several hallways before stopping at on door and opening it. The room was bright as sunlight poured in through the windows. It wasn't until we were seated at the table that I noticed his formal clothing. He had a satin red suit and his hair was wavy around his shoulders. I looked around the room and noticed all the different people at the table staring at me. I looked down at my hands and was relieved when the servants served the meal. I looked up and was amazed at all the magnificent dishes. My mouth watered at the aroma of chocolate, a delicacy I had only had once in my life due to it's expensiveness. I saw the chocolate on strawberries and wondered how it must taste. I looked around to make sure everyone else was eating before I placed a few on my own plate. I took a bite of the chocolate dipped strawberry and was amazed at it's wonderful taste.
"First time having a chocolate dipped strawberry?" said the girl next to me.
"Yes," I said, setting down the strawberry, slightly embarrassed that it had been so noticeable. To my surprise the girl giggled.
"Don't be so embarrassed! The first time I had one of those was here, and I nearly ate the whole plate! By the way, my name is Shannon. I take it you are the tenth maiden chosen? I've been here for about two months myself," said Shannon.
"Really? What's it been like?"
"Well it's been a bit boring really. There isn't much to do other than talking with the other maidens, some of which are snobs. Take Emmalea for instance," Shannon said, pointing down to the end of the table. A girl with straight dark brown hair and sharp features sat there. She was wearing a dress like mine only hers was ruby red and her brooch was a red carnation flower. I looked around the room and saw that all the maidens had dresses like mine, only different colors and with different brooches. Shannon's dress was emerald green and had a brooch the shape of a leaf.
"Why does everyone have the same dress but with different colors?" I asked.
"Each girl has the color of the emotion they are most. I am green, the color of laughter. There are ten maidens and only nine colors, but one dragon emotion color, black, can mean fear or sadness. So there are two people with black dresses."
"So your a very funny person? What does pink mean?"
"Yes, I do have a tendency to tell a lot of jokes, and pink means caring and feelings of affection. I think I know why you were given that color," Shannon smiled at me when I blushed.
"Do you know anything about the first task?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"No, but now that you're here Dav'id should announce it at any moment."
As if on cue, the Dav'id stood up and asked for silence.
"I would like to announce the first trial. Each day one maiden shall be taken into town with me, where you shall face a series of little tasks, none of them are difficult and should be solved easily. Those who fail the tasks fail the first trial and will be sent home once all the maidens have tried. We'll be starting today with Emmalea," Dav'id said, gesturing for Emmalea to follow him as he made his way out of the door. Once they had gone conversation broke out again.
"If you're smart, you'll avoid Emmalea. She'll stop at nothing to get the Prince. She'll harm anyone who gets in her way," warned Shannon.
"I'll remember that," I said, picking up another chocolate covered strawberry.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, chocolate covered strawberries....