Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

The First Trial (Chapter 6)

The next eight days I tried to avoid Emmalea and Dav'id. It worked with Dav'id since he was always busy, but not Emmalea. She told all the girls what had happened so I got few smiling faces and few giggles from the other girls at the table. The only thing that could give me comfort was mine and Shannon's talks. Then the day I couldn't avoid Dav'id came. My test day. I tried to get in as much conversation with Shannon as possible to ease the butterflies in my stomach.
"So, why does each girl have their specific color? What are they like? You've been here longer than me you so you would know, " I said to Shannon.
"Well," Shannon said, looking around the room at the others. "The girl in the white dress's name is Andrea, and she always has something shocking to say, which is why her color is white for shock. The girl with black hair in the black dress's name is Kirsten, she is a creepy person, which is probably why her color is the fear meaning of the dragon emotion. The other girl in black's name is Hariette, she has the sadness meaning of the dragon color emotion because she is always so melancholy. She could make a court jester cry!" Shannon's eyes danced with laughter as she giggled.
"I didn't know black had two emotions," I said, resting my elbows on the table and my head in my hands.
"Yes, I told you remember? Well, anyway, the girl in blue's name is Mandy. She has a tendency to get nervous around guys. Which makes the guys feel nervous and uncomfortable. You get the idea. Then there's Brehanna, her color is aqua. That's because she always has a way to make people happy and amused. Before you arrived, we were all bored one day and she got us all to play a game of candles out hide and seek. It was so much fun!" Shannon grinned and let out a sigh. "I wish we could do that again soon. Well, I suppose I should finish explaining. Next there's Danielle in the purple dress. She is a very calm person, which is why she has the emotion color for calmness. Last, there's Libby in the yellow dress that means extreme happiness in dragon emotions. She is a joy to be around and always knows how to brighten someone's day!"
"Something tells me her and Hariette should get together!" I said, laughing quietly.
"Yeah," Shannon giggled again, “That might be an improvement! As for Emmalea, I bet you already know her reason for having red. Especially because of that little moonlight walk eight days ago." Shannon giggled once again. I rolled my eyes. I already knew why Shannon had a green dress, because she was funny and laughed so much. I only wished that everyone would stop mentioning that night. Oh well, I had gotten used to it.
"I just wish I knew what the task was," I said, trying to change the subject.
"It's not that hard. I mean, I passed. You see........." Shannon was cut off when Dav'id stood up and tapped his glass for attention.
"As you all know, today is the last day of the first trial. Today Katie will have her trial and then everyone who failed will be sent away. Have a good," I didn't hear the rest, I left the hall before he could finish. I waited for him outside the dining room on a stone bench.
"Let's go," I said the moment he closed the door behind him.
"Not unless you agree to start talking to me again. At least telepathy!" Dav'id looked as though he would beg on his knees to get me to talk to him again.
"I wasn't angry at you, how could I be? I just didn't want to cause any more problems between me and Emmalea," I said looking up at him. I'd never noticed before but Dav'id was the same height as me, so we could easily see eye to eye. His eyes were yellow with happiness and his face was cheerful at my reply.
"Are you kidding? She'd cause problems between you even if you hadn't been on that walk with me. Just to cause you problems, like she did when every other maiden arrived," Dav'id said, but he grinned at the memory of our walk.
"Okay, but there's one more thing," I said, "I want to go flying."
"Yes, flying."
"It was so much fun last time, so I want to do it again."
"Okay then, looks like we're going flying."
"Let's go then. The sooner we finish the better."
"All right."
We both hurried off down the hall to the front gates where a guard let us pass. We went to the clearing that we landed in the first time we flew and decided that we would take off from there.
"So what do we do first?" I asked once we had left the clearing.
"I'll show you, follow me," Dav'id said, and grabbed my arm pulling me into the crowded streets. I found myself in a sea of multiple colored eyes as Dav'id pulled me to a garden that had the statue of a man on a horse. "The statue will ask you a riddle, and if you get it right we can move on to the next mini challenge."
"Okay," I said, and walked toward the statue. I saw Dav'id's eyes turn blue as I got closer. Suddenly the statue came alive and started to recite a riddle.
"In marble walls as white as milk, lined with skin as soft as silk. Within a fountain crystal clear, a golden apple does appear. No doors are there to this stronghold, yet thieves break in and steal the gold. What is it?"
"I know this! My mother taught me this as a little girl! Is the answer an egg?" I asked the statue. I crossed my fingers for luck.
"You are correct, my dear lady."
"Next challenge!" I said to Dav'id confidently.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, the statue. It's one of my favorite features. Oh, this next one is short but sweet. Well, okay, so it's not sweet, but it is short.