Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

Swimming With The Fishes (Chapter 7)

Here is the site of your last challenge," said Dav'id as we approached a small lake in the garden my first challenge had taken place at.
"What silly thing do I have to do now?" I asked, "I already picked the one dress that one extra bead, the bread that was drier than the other loafs, and solved that sliding block puzzle. What's the point of all these challenges?"
"These are to figure out which of the maidens are smart enough to solve a puzzle, and which ones can find a certain thing among many others. Like an extra bead or dry bread. However, this next one is to test your reflexes. You must catch a fish with your bare hands."
I stared at him in disbelief. "With my bare hands?" I asked.
"With your bare hands," he replied.
"All right, I'll do it. But I won't like it!" I took off my slippers and took off my over dress. My under dress was a pale pink but was not covered in designs or swirls. I waded out into the water and stood still. Eventually a school of fish swam close to me and I dipped my hand in to grab one. I thought I had it but it slipped through my fingers.
This is tougher than it looks, I thought, maybe I should try a different technique.
I moved closer to shore and sat down in the shallows. I cupped my hand and put it on the sandy bottom. A small fish came close to my hands but got away when I tried to grab it. I put sand in my hand, thinking that this way the fish might not be as hesitant about swimming into my hand. I was right, for another small fish cam right up to the center of my palm. I waited a second then quickly I closed my hand shut. I stood as fast as I could and walked over to Dav'id on the shore and opened up my hands. The small fish was in the pool of water still in my hand.
"You did it!" he said, his eyes yellow. I put the fish back and walked over to him. I put on my dress and shoes as he watched the clouds go by.
"Are you ready to go flying now?" I asked.
Dav'id looked down at me and said, "Of course, you earned it."
"Then I'll beat you back to the clearing!" I called to him as I started running.
"No you won't!" he said, and with inhuman like speed he passed me.
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Oh, Dear Lord! She has to catch a fish?!