Dragonshire (This is the original version, extremely different from the other one)

Picnic On The Mountain (Chapter 8)

Five minutes later I'm panting as I run into the clearing.
"What took you so long?" asked Dav'id.
"I wonder," I said sarcastically.
"I have a surprise for you," he said, "You took so long I was able to set a little something up."
"What is it?"
"You'll find out." Then Dav'id ran into the wooded area and emerged in dragon form, his clothes in his mouth. He picked me up and we soared high above the trees so that within moments we were at a mountain range.
I love flying, I thought as I looked down at the trees and up at the sky.
It's beautiful isn't it?,said Dav'id.
It is, I thought back to him using telepathy. I had discovered that it was the only way of communicating with him when he was in dragon form.
Then let's land.
Before I could protest, he landed quickly in the clearing near the mountain edge. He walked into the forest and reemerged in human form, with his clothes on.
"That was a nice flight," I said to him.
"Come with me," Dav'id said, pulling me to the edge of the clearing near the mountains edge. As we got closer I noticed something I hadn't seen in the air. A small picnic basket was on a multicolored cloth with two candles lit on each side.
"Oh," I said with a sigh.
"Surprise," Dav'id whispered.
"It's beautiful." I kneeled down and opened the basket. All my favorites were inside.
"How did you know I love chocolate covered strawberries?" I asked.
"I have my ways," he replied.
Shannon, figures. "Aren't you going to join me?" I asked teasingly, "Or am I going to have to eat this all by myself?" He walked over and sat down next to me. I took out the strawberries and offered him one. He took it and we sat in nervous silence until I heard music.
"Where's that coming from?" I asked out loud. I looked over the edge and saw the lights of a small village beneath us. I could see people dancing and I could hear music playing. We sat and listened to the music for a while, then Dav'id stood up when the people below began to play a sweet sounding slow song.
"Would you like to dance?" he asked, holding his hand out to me.
"I'd love to," I answered. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. We danced and I gave his hand a little squeeze. He pulled me close and we looked into each other's eyes. His eyes were pink and I blushed. His lips began to close the gap between us and I could feel my foot begin to rise like my sister had said it would when I kissed a boy. Just as our lips were about to touch, my foot rises too high and knocks over a candle. Which catches the cloth on fire.
"Watch out!" Dav'id said, beginning to stamp on the fire.
A few minutes later when the fire had been put out, I sat on the ground and looked up at Dav'id.
"Maybe we should just go back to the palace," I said.
"Good idea," said Dav'id.
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Damn! So close!