Wishing To Be The Friction In Your Jeans, You Start Shaking At The Thought

It Gets So Bad, You Almost Pick Up The Phone

~*Adeline's Point Of View*~

"Hurry Up, Eve! We're going to be late for the concert! Adam called four times already! That's two calls past desperate!"
After years of being friends with Evelynn, I would think that about an hour of prep time before we go anywhere would be something anticipated rather then being shocked with. Perhaps I'm being too judgmental. Eve isn't exactly the picture of vanity, it could be just her dumbass "boyfriend" questioning every single piece of clothes she pulls out of her closet.

'This is too revealing, this looks like something my grandma would wear.' Ugh! He's never satisfied!

Maybe I should go and check on her, she could be having problems with her eyeliner again. Last time she nearly poked out her eye.

I slumped to her bathroom and called out to her.

"Eve! Hurry the hell up! The first band goes on in about-"

My words, along with my body froze mid-sentence at the sight. Eve was looking at her boyfriend with a strange mixture of fear and rage in her eyes. She looked over to me, still frozen at the door with another emotion in her eyes. This one looked something like being upset.

"I'm done here, lets go, Adeline." Eve said grabbing her bag and walking past me.

I sighed and rolled my eyes at her boyfriend, Sebastian.

"You really know how to screw things up, don't you Seb?" I asked him as I grabbed Evelynn's keys. Once outside, I saw Eve waiting at the car. I gave her a worried face but she responded with a cheesy grin and an overeager wave.

"Come on, Adeline! You said Adam called four times. I forget, is that three, or two times past desperate?"
I grinned.

"Two calls. Two miserable calls past desperate." I said as I opened the car door and hopped in the drivers seat. Normally I would let her drive, because she drives faster, but she needs to call back Adam.

"Eve, we've got about two hours before the concert so I'm going to floor it." I said starting the car.

"It's only fifteen minutes away, Adeline." I looked over to her, and as expected, she smacked my head.

"Ow! Damn it Evelynn! You're so damn violent!" I said rubbing the place where she had hit me. She rolled her eyes and laughed.

"You're such a drama queen." I groaned and reversed the car out of the driveway.

"Do you want to get something to eat before the concert?" I asked as we drove away from the house.

"Nah, lets just go help set up or something. We're getting there two hours early, we might as well help."

I smiled. "Okay then, Miss Evelynn. Straight to the garden it is. Oh! You should call Adam back and tell him we're on our way before he does something... Adam-like."
We both laughed and pressed on.

It's so amazing to think that Taking Back Sunday is playing Madison Square Garden, only this time, it's their own concert.
I looked over to Eve who was just staring out the window. The awkward silence was broken by a familiar tune.

"Eve! Is that Smother Me? That one song by The Used?" I asked.

She nodded "I love The Used"
She took her phone out of her pocket, and on the front screen, was a picture of her and Adam smiling.

"He's calling?" I asked.

She nodded and put the phone back in her pocket, muffling the song.

"What the hell?! You're not going to answer it?"
She looked over to me.

"Nah, Adam is easier to make fun of when he's nervous and spastic."

"But that's like... everyday Adam..."

"Mmhm. Just add about 2,000 and you've got a valid preview of the Adam at MSG right now."
I groaned.

"That's gonna be interesting."

We came to a red light and I started to beat a tune on the steering wheel. Eve made a sound indicating that I was annoying her.

"Addie! Seriously! Stop!" She said as she clenched her fist.

I grinned.

"Evelynn.... I think he likes you..."

Her face hinted confusion.

"What the hell is this, High School. Come on, Adeline. Grow up."

My grin widened.

"He likes yoooooouuuuuu." I sang.


"You know very well who I'm talking about! Adam you dumbass!"

Eve made a confused face and started to laugh.

"I'd normally listen to you, but in relationships your opinion is as good as asking my grandma."

My eyes widened.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" I asked as I accelerated the car.

"The day you grow some balls and talk to Patrick without giggling like a little girl is the day you can give me relationship advice."
I gasped.

"No fair, Evelynn! It's Patrick Freaking Stump! You can't just TALK to Patrick Stump!"

She laughed.

"Oh Patrick. Oooooooh Patrick! Patttrriiiccckkkk you're SOOOO adorableeee. Patriccckkkkk Stumpppppppppppp." She said mocking me.
I reached over and hit her arm.

Ten minutes away from The Garden and Smother Me rang from Eve's phone again.

"You broad! Adam is probably pulling his hair out by now!"

She lifted her eyebrow.

"Really now?"

I hit her again.

"What is wrong with you? He totally likes you! SIX phone calls! Three calls past desperate! And if you notice, every time he calls, he asks if YOU'RE on your way! Open your eyes!"
She looked at me and sighed.

"He's asking for me because I have his lightweight microphone for his microphone tricks... see?"

My face went blank as she pulled out a small microphone from her bag.

I kept quiet.
Lightweight microphone or not, Adam Lazzara likes her. It's a lot more than a lightweight microphone he wants...

~*In Evelynn's Point Of View*~

Sensitive! Adeline has always been so sensitive! Even in high school, she couldn't stand being wrong. Judging by her face and by the mumbling noises she's making, I'm pretty sure she's not going to talk to me until we get to the stadium. I rolled my eyes.

"Look, Adeline... I'm sorry..."

She lowered her eyebrows.

"I don't need a half ass apology, Eve. If you're going to-"

She was interrupted by my phone ringing again.

Oh Adam. Pleas stop calling me. I'd just end up sounding stupid. I don't know what to say to him. Plus, he'd just question my relationship with Sebastian. Hell, I question it myself.

"We're here, Slut. Get the hell out." She said taking the keys out of the ignition.

I smirked. That didn't take long.

I walked alongside my friend until she spontaneously jumped on my back.

"Hurry the hell up! Your HUSBAND is waiting for you!"

I groaned and forced her off of me.

"Husband? All those blows to the head must be getting to you, I'm not married."

"Fine, SECRET LOVER THEN! ADAM LAZZARA!" She said as she jumped around, making childish kissy noises.

I groaned at her antics.

"Seriously, Adeline. You're worse than Adam." I said clenching my purse and walking towards the back entrance.

"Ha! Worse than your BOYFRIEND!" She said as she skipped closer to the door, giggling like a little girl.

"Calm down, Adeline. Patrick isn't anywhere around."

She stopped skipping and shot me a glare.

I laughed.

"Shut up then, smartass."

She stuck out her tongue at me and went inside.

I guess some part of me Heard what Adeline had to say. It just doesn't make any sense....

Why would Adam like me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm... first chapter. Any thoughts?