Wishing To Be The Friction In Your Jeans, You Start Shaking At The Thought

I'm Just Asking You To Hear Me, Could You Please?

~*Evelynn’s point of view*~

Why would Adam like me? I mean…unless Adam told Adeline something. I’m pretty sure he would tell me something. I’ve known Adam for a long time now. I met him seven years ago at a concert in London. Funny how we met…I bumped into him while heading to the bathroom and I was in a hurry that I tripped and fell on top of him. He though it was funny and I remember him saying

“Oh, I guess dreams do come true!”

Ha ha. But, in the end it all worked out very well. I’m very happy to met Adam…he’s such a great guy and he’s always there when I need him. Sometimes I feel like he really gets me, but then other times he’s just being Adam. Heh he I guess you could say not everyone knows what happens in Adam’s world. Adam….woah! Wait what am I saying? Eh! I already have a boyfriend and his name is…..ugh. UGH! I can’t even think of his name! Why is Adam in my head? I guess Adeline’s words are getting to me.

“Hey…Evelynn? Evelynn what are you thinking about? AADDAAMM? Mr. Adam Lazzara!”

Adeline joked as she laughed but she gave out a snort noise, from laughing to hard. She stopped her laughing in that instant. I laughed at her and soon after that she hit me on the arm.

“Ouch! What was that for?”

I said rubbing my and lightly laughing.

“You’re very lucky to have a great guy like Adam. I’m telling Evelynn that he really likes you.”

She said opening the backstage door.

“And I can prove it you Eve! Watch I’ll point out all t he little signs he gives you and how you're too stupid to notice his attempts.”

I laughed a little at the thought of Adeline going through a day and just pointing out these supposed signs that Adam is giving me. I’m pretty sure I would be able to tell if he was giving me signs... maybe not. I was the girl in high that was a bit slow in relationships and stuff like that.

“OK Adeline but I still think that your looking into something that’s not there. Adam doesn't’t like me the way you think he does.”

“Whatever you dumbass he likes you! You just can't see it!”
She said as we both walked in the back door of Madison Square Garden.


Adeline yelled out. The sound of her voice echoed throughout the whole room.

“Shh! They could be in the middle of something important.”

“Like what? During their interviews they mess around. Then on stage they act stupid until the last thirty minutes or so before they go on stage. Not a lot of excitement from Taking back Sunday.”

She said as she arch her eyebrows and then shrugged her shoulders. I guess she's right Taking back Sunday is pretty spastic. Most of the time they are sitting around trying to find something to do and end up breaking things. They broke one of their own lights last time from kicking a big ball around the stage. Either way, they’ve always been my favorite band.


I looked around for the owner of the high pitch tone that that said my name. Soon I felt two arms wrap around my waist, followed by a warm body close to mine.

“Evelynn you made it! Did you get my phone calls? I called you? Do you have your phone? Does it work? I’m so happy you’re here now!”

I turned and looked as Adam’s worried but happy face as he laid his head on top of mine. Then I looked at Adeline’s face which had a hug grin on it. Soon she giggled and it became a hard laugh. But I can't see why. Adam does things like this all the time. I mean... it took me a while to come around to his ways and how he… he is Adam. I looked him over. He was dressed in his outfit for tonight and he smelled really good. But soon after the show he’ll be all full of sweat.

“I got your phone calls and Adam…. I was just busy.”
I said getting lose from Adam’s arms.

“But, I did bring the light weight microphone like you asked!”
I said as I pulled the microphone from inside of my MCR bag. I held it out to him and smiled big. He took it, but with a sad face. I couldn't’t put my finger on it but something didn’t seem right.

“Thank you Eve, but what took you so long to get here? You’re not that far and I wanted you to be in the interviews with me…”

Adeline’s laughing interrupted Adam and we both looked at her.

“S-sorry! It’s just…AH! You’re such an idiot Eve! I swear! But OK continue! Ha ha!”

“Heh heh, so where were you Eve?”
Adam asked with a happy voice.

“Well ugh…”
What should I say? I mean I can’t tell him I was with my boyfriend cause then he’ll ask questions. Since the last time they met wasn’t so pleasant. Shit! Ah! That’s it shit! I will tell him I was constipated!

“I was-”

“I was helping her with her eyeliner. You remember last time she was having trouble? She came to the concert with one eye heavily with eyeliner and the other red due to her poking it. You made it worst Adam cause you kept staring at it like it was a bomb waiting to explode.”
The three of us laughed at a ONE TIME thing. But I was happy Adeline said something. I mean, it was a lot better than my excuse.

“Ha ha! Yeah you’re right Adeline! Eve’s eyeliner does look good today. That’s my Eve! Well I’m going to catch up with the other guys and see what’s going on with the concert. Erick Valentine, our producer, said something about a delay due to Matt having trouble with his bass and the horrible fact that he only brought that one single bass guitar. Heh heh. I see you two later OK?”

Adam waved at us and began to swing his microphone around as he walked away. Adeline and I watched in anticipation, to our expectations, we noticed him trip over a wire as his microphone swung into a light stand. He turned back to us, laughed and ran away.
Silly Adam. I turned to Adeline and in a second the same huge grin from earlier dawned her face once more. I’m still confused on why she’s grinning but I guess I should just smile back. I wanted to question her but in the end I’d rather not know the answer.

“See Eve? I told you he liked you….”
She was beginning to talk when a moving object from behind caught my eye. I focused closely on the body and it was none other than Patrick Stump himself. Heh heh. He must be here with Pete. This means that more than likely, My Chemical Romance is here too. I should tell Adeline. Wow Patrick looks so lost right now. He made eye contact with me then smiled and waved giddily.

“Didn’t you notice how fast Adam came up and wrapped his arms around you? I could tell he didn’t want to let go.”
I waved back at Patrick and that caught Adeline’s attention.

“Who are you waving at Eve? Adam is already gone.” She said with a smirk.

“Oh, Patrick is here.”
She was about to turn around but she didn’t.

“Quit trying to change the subject! You know Adam likes you!”
I could see Patrick coming towards us. I should tell her but she wont shut up long enough for me to tell her.

“I’m right Eve! He likes yo-”

“Hey Eve!”

Patrick walked up and gave me a small hug and smile. I turned to Adeline’s bright red face, her insane embarrassment very obvious. I should leave her here with him. Heh heh, besides this Adam thing is giving me a headache. I need to go and think. Just how do I leave these two alone?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ha. My Co-Writer finally e-mailed this to me after me nagging her like crazy. She did good, no? I really like it. This is so much better than I could have written.