Wishing To Be The Friction In Your Jeans, You Start Shaking At The Thought

I Keep Telling Myself I'm Not The Desperate Type..

*Adeline's Point Of View*

"Hey Adeline! It's been... hey, are you okay? You look pretty red..."
Patrick said as he lowered his eyebrows in worry. My face is burning due to the continious blushing my body insists I do everytime I'm around Patrick.
What the hell is he doing here anyway! It's not like I don't want him here, because I do... It's just that I'm SO not prepared to talk to him! My hair is discusting, my fingers have blood around the fingernail where I bite too close to the skin, my makeup isn't as nice as it could be and now I'm nervously bouncing around. This is just great.

"Um... y-yeah. I'm...I'm j-just..." I stopped talking and exhaled angrily. I got rid of my studdering for the most part around when I was thirteen. The thing about a speech impediment, is it never truly goes away. Mine comes back to haunt me when I'm nervous. Big surprize, being this close to Patrick Stump gets me nervous. Fucking fantastic.

"Addie... um...do you have to use the bathroom or something? You're moving around a lot..." Patrick said.

My eyes widened as my knees nearly buckled. Evelynn began to laugh uncontrolably as I shot her a glare.

"Oh look! Cookies! I'll be going now."
Evelynn said as she smirked at me.

"No! DUDE!" I exclaimed imediatly.

Patrick looked at me in confusion, then lowered his head and pulled down his hat.

FUCK! Way to ruin things! Now he probably thinks I want him gone. UGH! This is SO frustrating! If only I wasn't so damn nervous. Charming men is never easy, but Patrick is so much harder to charm. It's not like other guys where I was just looking for temporary happiness. I want things to last with Patrick. I don't want it to end so quickly and it mean nothing. AHH! It's not like it'll matter anyway. He's damn near perfect! Amazing voice, astounding guitar skills, creative and innovative musical ear, such a different view on music it's incredible. The he's got those acting skills, and the fact that he's a producer makes him all the more terrifying to talk to. That's just the mans musical ability, on to his heart. He's so thoughtful, so funny, his modesty is plain to see, and not that I'm all about the way he looks, but his sideburns along with those deep green eyes, his soft reddish hair and the way he fills out a pair of jeans is enough to have me drooling all over him. Now that I've thought of all the things that make him amazing, he's about three times more terrifying to talk to. I feel so desperate around him. Desperate for my body not to betray me and my words not to fail me. The most I can do is keep telling myself that I'm NOT the desperate type. The more I think about it, the more I stop believing myself.

"Addie... Hey... Adeline... ADELINE!"

I was torn from my thoughts by Patrick repeating my name.

"Oh... Patrick..." I smiled up at him, like a dumbass.

"You okay? You were quiet for a while... are you getting sick or something?"

I sighed. He's so thoughtful.

"Nah. I'll... I'll be okay, I guess. Maybe if I-" I stopped midsentence at the sight of two men laughing and pushing each other into walls.

"Hey! That looks like... AHH! IT IS! ADELINEEEEE!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!" One of the men yelled. As he ran closer to my line of sight, I realized it was Pete Wentz.

"PETER PANDA!" I yelled back.

Before I could object, Pete was running closer then without warning, he tackled me.

"AH! Pete! Seriously! Can't you ever give me a warning?" I asked.
Everytime he does this, my back hits the floor a little harder than the last time.

"You're a big girl. Figure it out when you see me running towards you with open arms."

I coughed. The weight of his body on top of mine was preventing me from beathing as well as I would like to.

"Woah! Guys! There are children here! Leave that discusting poro and infidelity shit at home! Pete! You're a married man! What would Ashlee say at this display?" A man's voice questioned. I looked around to see none other than Mikey Way standing over Pete and I with a raised eyebrow.

"MIKEY!" I scremed as I punched Pete.

"OW!" He wined as he quickly got off of me.

I embraced being able to breathe correctly and ran into Mikey's arms.

"Hey Addie! What are you doing here?" Mikey asked.

"Oh! Me and Evelynn are here cause Adam practacally got on his knees and begged Eve to come."

"Hmm. Begged EVE to come? Do I sence a new relationship in the making?" He asked as he lifted his eyebrow.

"I thought Eve was with that one dude... um... his name..." Pete mumbled as he struggled to figure out the name.

"Isn't it Sebestian?" Another familiar voice asked.

"GERARD!" I squealed as I saw Gerard Way walking towards the group with a smile.

I ran towards him and nearly knocked him over as I pushed him.

"Ow! Adeline! Careful now, I'm an old man, remember?" He asked as he moved my bangs away from my eyes.

"Aw. 34 isn't old." I said as I rubbed his back.

"Psh. Not for trees it isn't" A voice said.
I looked over to see Frank Iero, Ray Toro and Bob Bryar walking over to the group.

"Ray! Frankie! BOB!" I screamed running over to them.

"Ha! She's doing that a lot today, isn't she?" I hered Pete ask Mikey.

"Hey Pretty Lady! You let your hair grow out!" Frank said as he ran his fingers through my hair.

Ray sighed. "So, you didn't take my idea for growing out a fro?"

Everyone laughed as we approached the group.

"Dude! Seriously! Addie looks good in everything." Pete said putting one arm around my waist.

"Once a flirt, always a flirt, eh Wentz?" Mikey asked.

Pete grinned andpulled me closer to him.

"Ew! You're married!" I said getting out of his grip.

"OoOh! Casinova Pete Wentz gets turned down by a woman! I never thought I'd see the day." Gerard said with a big grin.

"Hey! What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas." Pete said with a raised eyebrow.

The group paused.

"We're in New York, you douche!" Frank said throwing a candy wrapper at Pete.

"Paris, Rome, whatever. Same difference. All in the states." Pete said crossing his arms.

"Pete... Paris and Rome isn't in..." I sighed.

Frank started to giggle. "You're stupid."

We all laughed.

"Hey guys! Look at what I can do!" I hered Adam yell out.

We all looked over to see Adam swinging his new lightweight microphone.

"I think I finally got it down!" Adam said with a grin.

He started to skip and swing the microphone towards us.

"Ahh! This is gonna look SO kickass on stage!" He beamed.

He dropped to his knees and let the microphone cord swing around his neck, but miscalculated the velocity and the angle of the microphone and hit himself in the face.

"Ow!" He started, but his voice choked out.

"ADAM!" I screamed as I ran towards him, thinking he was suffocating.

I ran to his sick and quickly unwravled the microphone cord from around his neck.

The side of his face was red and puffy, and the friction burns on his neck had nearly doubled.

"ADAM! Ugh you DUMBASS! Say something!" I said slapping him.
My heart rate sped up in fear of him being knocked out.

He groaned indicating that he was still alive.

"Dudeee! Did you see that? That was awesome!" He said quickly getting up.

I rolled my eyes.

"You're such a dumbass." I said crossing my arms.

"The KING of dumbasses!" He said picking me up onto his shoulders.

I laughed.

"Calm down, I'm not Evelynn." I said to him.

Adam nervously chuckled.

"I have no clue as to what you're talking about." He said suspiciously.

He began to run, and I gripped on tighter to his shirt.

He stopped suddenly at the sight of Patrick looking over to us.

"Hey um... Adeline... you seem a little pre occupied right now... um... I'm going to go get something to drink... I don't know... well... if you neeed me or like... want to talk to me... I'll... yeah, I'll be getting a drink..."

I frowned.

"No, Patrick... you don't have to go. Really... you don't have to go..." I said digging my nails into Adam's shoulders so he would put me down.

"Ow! Addie! What the hell was that for?" He asked letting me down.

"N-no... It's fine. You looked happy. I'll just... I'm thirsty anyway. I'll see you um... later, I guess? Yeah... like I said, I'll be here in the venue... getting something to drink... here... in this venue..." He coughed.

Adam lowered his eyebrows and looked to me in confusion.

"But, Patrick..."

Patrick smiled softly.
"You did look happy though..." He said turning and walking away.

I groaned as soon as Patrick was out of ear shot.

"Oooohhh shit!" I said stomping my foot.

"Why do I ALWAYS fuck things up with him?! Ugh! Why can't I just TALK to him like I do everyone else?!" I said falling to my knees.

I felt myself being picked up again, it didn't feel like Adam through.

I looked at the arms full of tattoos and realized it was Pete.

I looked around to see Gerard, Mikey, Pete, Frank, Ray, Bob, and Adam surrounding me.

"Did we um... interrupt something?" Pete asked while he pointed to where Patrick walked off.
I shook my head and got loose of Pete's grip.

"Nah... nothing to speak of."

Mikey frowned.

"Feels like we interrupted something." He said.

I shook my head again.

"Not like it's ever gonna happen anyway..." I paused and looked up at the guys all with frowns on their faces.

"Um... what the hell is this? Fucking gossip corner?! Look over there! A cart of guitars! And Oh my gosh! It's Mark O'Connel!" AHH!" I screamed as I ran over to him.

Mark widened his eyes and took another bite of his cookie.


He began to cough.

"Damn cookie went down the wrong way!"

I laughed and gave him a big hug.

True to Mark's shy nature, he awkwardly tried to hug me back.

I faked a laugh.

"Get me out of here, and I will love you forever." I said through clenched teeth.

"Oh. Trouble with the girls?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Nah. Evelynn and I are as close as ever."

"No, no. Not Eve. Those girls." He said pointing back to the group of guys I was just talking to.

Pete was grinning while Frank was waving.

I groaned.

"Alright then, Addie... you can um... help me make sure my drums are ready for tonight. Come on." He said putting his hand on my back and guided me through the door.

I looked back to the guys and smiled.

Pete stuck out his tounge.
"I'll find out eventually! I'll find out, Adeline! I'm PETER FUCKING WENTZ! AHHHH!"

I rolled my eyes and walked fasted away from the group.

"Come on, Mark."

Mark laughed.

"You lead a very interesting life, Adeline."

I groaned again.

"Do you want to switch?"

He shook his head.

"No way in hell! It's fun just watching."

I sighed.

"It was worth a shot."

Mark smiled.

"So, what exactly are you hiding from the ladies?"

I looked over to him.

"It's nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over, Marky Mark."
I said ruffling his hair.

He rolled his eyes.

"It wouldn't by any chance have anything to do with a certain guitar player slash lead singer named Patrick, now would it?" He asked while he raised his eyebrow.

I sighed.

"Keep pressing me for details, and you're gonna go on stage to find a giant hole in your bass drum."

Mark shook his head and chuckled.

"Adeline likes Patrick, Adeline likes Patrick! Ooh! I'll bet you want to kissss him. Adeline likes Patrick! Oh please Patrick, sing me a little tune will you? Muah muah muah."

I exhaled angrily and sped up to go towards Mark's drums.

"Oh! Addie has got a little soft spot for the Trickster! Muah muah Patrick!"

"Shut up!" I said flipping him off.

"Muahaaaha! Adeline likes Patrick!"

I rolled my eyes and took out my drum key from my keychain so I could tune Mark's drums.

This is gonna be a long night...