


I woke up freezing all through the night but I was used to it. It started happening when I took this job. I knew that it was going to be gruesome but I didn't expect it to be anything like this. The chief told me that he had a case for me but I couldn't work alone on it since I was new to the city. I came in from New York because they wanted to move me up. They needed a new detective after one of theirs passed away. The guys from New York told me they heard the guy was actually murdered but I don't believe it one bit. It's hard for anyone to trick me into believing something as dumb as that.

I came from an Italian family who were dysfunctional. My actual father passed away when I was five and my mom remarried an Italian drunk asshole. He hated me but loved my brother dearly and I never knew why. My stepfather became abusive towards me when I was about thirteen years old when he found out I was gay. My brother supported me and when the drunk asshole got out of hand my brother was always there to stop him.

Unfortunately my brother Giovanni was murdered a year ago and they still haven't found his killer. I swore to whatever god is up there that I would find him and I would serve justice for my brother.


Once I took a nice long shower, I figured I would get something to eat on the way to work. I normally just do that when I'm late, but today's my lazy day.

To get me familiar with things, they usually had me file papers in the backroom which I didn't mind since I'm very ocd. I love things to be nice and neat and let me tell you, that room was a disaster before I cleaned it.


Once I get there I have a smile on my face, but when I get in there it fades because of a pile of papers on my new desk. The organization of the papers didn't bother me but I knew exactly why those papers bothered me.

I asked the chief if I could get the papers on my brother's murder and he said that he would put them on my desk bright and early.

Great. I muttered as I stood frozen next to Barbara's desk.

"You okay Giosia?" She asked and all I could do was nod slowly.

I looked at her and I saw she was worried about me, but I wish she wouldn't. I quickly put my big boy pants on and made my way to my desk.

Once I sat down, I picked up the papers and read:

Name: Giovanni Calvi
DOB: 9/17/88
DOD: 10/10/11

I didn't bother reading the rest of that page because I already knew all that.

Page two:

Crime Scene Notes: Drag marks, stabbed in the heart and stomach. Along with his genitals. Knife handle shoved deep into his anal cavity.

Signs of Struggle: Yes. Bruised knuckles and torn off fingernails.

With that, I felt like I was going to throw up all over so I ran to the bathroom. Once I was done throwing up my McDonald's, I wiped my face and bought a coke.

I don't drink coffee because I never liked the taste, even with tons of creme and sugar.


About a half an hour later, a short guy walked in with a Tim Hortons coffee and a bag that I guessed was doughnuts because who doesn't love doughnuts? He had shoulder length black hair and he was extremely sexy.

He can put those handcuffs on my any time. I laughed to myself as I put away the papers.

This was going to be an interesting day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Note: Giosia is pronounced Joshua in Italian.