Status: will update when I can

Into the Night


It was another normal day in the city of Los Angeles. Except for the weather. For some reason, it was colder then usual. Not that Andy was complaining. It usually meant that he could walk around without too many people out and about.

As Andy was walking down the Sunset Strip, he couldn't help but think about his breakup from his long time girlfriend, Juliet. Andy was so sure that she was the one He was going to spend the rest of his life with, but it came as a shock that he was just a pawn in Juliet's game. Not only did he find her in bed with another man, he was told by Juliet herself that she was just using Andy to make a name for herself. Sadden and extremely heartbroken, Andy broke up with Juliet and demanded that she leave his home immediately. Without so much as a word to him, the man she was having sex with and herself began packing all her belongings and in bless then two hours, Juilet was out the door and out of Andy's life.

Sighing, Andy shook his head and took out his IPhone. Checking his messages, he was that he had a message from Ashley. As Andy was about to reply, he failed to notice a woman running towards his direction. And she failed to notice the man in front of her path. Seconds later, the woman crashed straight into the man and they both fell into a heap of arms and legs on the floor.

"Son of a whore," the woman groaned out as she took her green headphones out.

"Fuck," Andy said, rubbing his stomach.

Looking at the woman who happened to still be on top of him, Andy couldn't help but feel the breath leave his body. Her hair was in a high ponytail with some strands loose around her oval shaped face. Their was a hint of sweat covering her forehead so he knew she was out for a jog and her cheeks were tinted with a soft red. He saw her eyes open and staring right back at him had to be the most beautiful deep chocolate brown eyes staring back at him. He watched her eye grow wide and her mouth formed a perfect 'O'.

"Fuck! I'm so sorry, man! I didn't see you," the woman said as she scrabbled off of him.

Andy chuckled and shook his head before getting to his feet.

"Don't worry about it," he said as he stuck his hand out for her to take," I wasn't paying attention either. So we're both at fault here."

The woman chuckled and the soft sound of it sent chills through Andy.

"Well, that makes everything so much better!" The woman exclaimed," my name's Luna."

Andy smiled and took her outstretched hand and without any hesitation, brought it to his lips and kissed the back of her hand.

"I'm Andy," he smiled, noticing that her hand was extremely soft.

He saw the red on her cheeks deepen and felt his ego go up a couple notches. Andy was about to say something more when he heard someone calling the woman. Looking over her shoulder, he saw a man dressed in all black with his hair tied in the back.

"Dude! I told you to wait!" The guy exclaimed at Luna.

Andy smirked a bit when he saw Luna roll her eyes at him and crossed her arms.

"We were jogging. Not my fault a leather skull belt caught your attention and you just had to have it."

As Luna and the mystery man bickered back and forth, Andy couldn't help but look at Luna up and down. She was wearing a dark green running sweater and some leggings that complimented her beautiful, shapely thighs. Andy never descrominated on a woman's size, he though all woman were beautiful no matter how they looked, but Luna has got to be the most beautiful one he has ever seen. He could tell, despite her sweater covering the rest of her, that she was a curvy woman. Shaking his head, the mystery mans voice brought him back to the current situation.

"Holy fuck! You're Andy Beirsak!"

"Way to make things uncomfortable," Luna huffed out," sorry about him. He's a huge Black Veil Brides fan."

"You know who I am?" Andy asked, brow raised and a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Yup!"Luna said, popping the 'p' "just didn't want to make things weird for you."

Andy just laughed and shook his head." Well thank you for making me feel normal for once."

"Any time, Andy,"Luna said with a smile and a small shrug,"oh, and this is Angel, my annoying roommate. Angel, you know who this is."

Andy nodded at Angel and shook his hand before putting his hands in the leather jackets pockets.

"Hey, as an apology, why don't you join Angel and I for some breakfast," Luna said.

"Oh, no," Andy said with a small shake of his head," I can't impose."

"I insist! And I wasn't even asking you. I was telling you. So I won't take no for an answer!"Luna said, smiling widely at Andy.

Andy could help but chuckle at the silly woman before him. Finally agreeing with her conditions, Luna, Angel and himself walked together to a small diner. Andy could help but feel something towards the woman.

Andy didn't know yet if they were good or bad feelings.
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So what do you think? This is my first Andy fic.