Maelstrom Saga: Scion of the Moon

Tun and Mel left their hometown on a pilgrimage through the Scij mountains. Praying to the shrines devoted to the Trivium for a happy marriage. They spend months hiking through the snow laden peaks and windswept valleys, growing stronger as a couple and as friends.

But they soon discover that below Scij's reputation as the industrial and spiritual centers of the world hid many dark dark entities. The seeds of war were already planted, all it needed was one, tiny, push.

Tun provided that push, and with it he brought about the end of the Age of Scions.
  1. Chapter 1: A Town Trapped by Two Cliffs
    Tun and Mel took a detour to Quil. Within this tucked away town they meet a strange girl who is more than she appears. A catalyst of things to come.
  2. Chapter 2: A Temple Devoted to the Moon
    Having agreed to go to the moon temple with Vosa, Tun and Mel follow the strange girl across the fertile fields and are amazed at what they find.
  3. Chapter 3: The Charm of Quil
    Tun and Mel spend their last days in Quil relaxing with new friends and enjoying the town's quiet charm. And practice the magical arts a bit.
  4. Chapter 4: Along the Trail We Go.
    Tun says goodbye to the peaceful town of Quil and returns to his travels, this time with three new friends and the warmth of spring fueling him on.