The Diary of a Haunting

Thursday 19th December 2030

Thursday 19th December 2030

The garden has started to take shape now. I've had multiple people help me to be able to get the garden to look better than it was when we first moved in. But something is stopping us from gardening at least a quater of the garden. Ive tried to garden it but I seem to get the feeling someone is there. I told my Dad about this and how much it is upsetting me but he wouldn't listen. He didn't pay attention and said I was just being stupid. All the others that have been helping me don't think it's anything different and said that they were leaving that section for me to do as a personal spot for me. But it wasn't like that. I felt eyes glaring at me everytime I went close. I felt this thing attacking me emotionally every step I took closer and made me close to tears every time I stepped into that area. I have been trying since I started on the garden but each time the thing get angry and pushes me away. It keeps at it and glares at me. Only me. Nobody else but me. He knows I can sense him. He's angry I know he's there.

23:00 p.m (11pm)

Ok... He's moved from the spot and started to make his way towards the house. I can see him now. It's like a shadow of a person you see normally in total darkness. He looks normal. But He's not. He's still angry. I can hear him laugh and mutter to himself. Is he the only one out there? Or are there more like him? I decided to hide under my duvet and repeat to myself that He's not real and that I'm imagining things. I'm 17 for gods sake. I shouldn't be imagining this sort of stuff at my age.

A light has been turned on outside my room. My dad's voice can be heard talking to someone that has just been hired to help around the house. Thank goodness I'm not the only one awake at this time. The light goes off and two different footsteps go in opposite directions. Doors get open and shut as to say that they're off to bed.

00:02 a.m (12:02 a.m)

Just as I drift off to sleep, A knock on the door woke me. Heavy breathing could be heard from outside my thick wooden bedroom door and that made my heart race. Crying... Growls... Heavy breathing again.... What on earth was going on out there? No lights were on. I look outside again and he was gone. What if he was outside my room? a second knock came and a voiced called to me. It sounded like the new worker. I slowly started to make my way to my door and stood with my hand on the handle. It was freezing. The voice called again. But louder. As I slowly opened the door, Darkness came crawling in and the source of the voice wasn't there... My pulse increased but I still tried to reasure myself that I was hearing things. Trembling, I made my way back to bed and hid under the duvet. Nothing could get me right?