The Diary of a Haunting

Friday 20th December 2030

Friday 20th December 2030

22:00p.m (10:30pm)

oh god. thunder storm. what a way to keep me awake. especially when those things are back again. they seem to be more alive with this weather. lightening and thunder almost every couple of seconds and a down pour of hail which seems like its going to break Windows with how heavy its coming down. There hasn't been a break from this storm for at least two hours now. I'm usually good with storms, but not this time. Panic attack over load. there's a guy standing at the end of my bed watching me. He seems to be smiling like a maniac watching me suffer like this I'm too scared to go to wake my parents as he may follow and I'm too scared to even try to cry out for help. This man could be what I let I'm last night. I'm sure of it. He's moving. the lightening illuminates the outline of him and makes him more of a shadow like being than before. The panic increases and I shut my eyes tight hoping that it'll make him go away. I try and control my breathing but its difficult. especially if I can't move to get my asthma pump from the other side of the room. I feel a breath warm my face. Opening my eyes was a bad mistake. I managed to get enough air in my lungs to let off a blood boiling scream. Thunder crashed just before I fainted and the man got closer

23:22 (11:22pm)

my parents have only just managed to wake me up. They look worried. They must've heard the scream before I fainted. I'm still a little weasy from the panic attack bit luckily My asthma pump was moved to my bed side table. I could hear my parents talking amongst themselves over the thunder storm which was still going on but they weren't talking loud enough for me to hear. The man has dissappeared though which is good. My energy is still not back which is probably why my parents didnt notice I was conscious again until I struggled getting my asthma pump. they laid me back in bed in a way where I could breathe better and still be comfortable. they stayed with me until I fell asleep. I don't know how long it took but I know it didn't take too long for the tiredness to kick in.