The Diary of a Haunting

Sunday 22nd December 2030

Sunday 22nd December 2030

09:00 am

That's one of the best nights sleep I've have for a while. It was great! No needing to wake up and no panic attacks. I'm also no longer short of breath which is good. I peered out onto the garden and it looks perfect now that it's all complete. My corner didn't take that long and I can now focus on packing my stuff away as most of it is still in boxes. Maybe breakfast first though. I wander down to the kitchen where mum had just finished packing the kitchen stuff away and flat packing the boxes to put into the storage cupboard in the kitchen. I let her know I was up by giving her a good morning hug before I headed to cereal cupboard and choosing my favourite cereal. As I turned around, Mum's face dropped once she saw me and quickly grabbed the antibacterial wipes and one of those huge plasters. She rushed over to me and asked how I managed to get huge scratches on my face and neck. I honestly didn't know what she was on about until she pushed me towards the mirror by the back door. I started to panic. They weren't there when I went to sleep. The pain kicked in and I was in tears. I started screaming in agony and by the view of the sight of the deep scratches and dried blood. no wonder why I had a good night sleep. How the hell didn't I realise this until now? The tear stung the scratches which made the pain unbearable. after a couple of minutes, I passed out due to the pain and the moment i woke again, I was surrounded by the ambulance crew and I felt like I was moving. I only came round for a little bit before passing out again.

15:00 (3:00 pm)

I soon came round properly to find that I was in a white room surrounded with the sound of machinery beeps. It didn't take me long to realise that I had been rushed to hospital and placed into hospital for the care of my wounds. I looked around to find a blood drip hanging above my head attached to my arm. I lightly brushed my forehead which made me wince in pain. I carried on looking around with tears in my eyes to have a good look at where I was. I hadn't realised my parents were trying to get my attention until my dad touched my arm which made me flinch. They told me that the doctors had sewn the wounds up and wiped away the excess blood. The doctors think it was a suicide attempt but I know it wasn't. I wouldn't dare try and commit suicide. t was too weak to say what the real reason was and I knew none would believe me if I dare spoke about what it was. It was that man. I swear it was.

22:00 (10:00 pm)

The doctors have said I'll be able to go home by late afternoon tomorrow as long as I rest whilst I'm at home. They also said that they'll be keeping me on the blood drip until an half an hour before I go home as it'll be enough to replace the amount I lost. By this time, I had gained enough strength to speak. I told them I wouldn't want to end my life and that I had no clue why these mysterious scratches appeared as i was asleep and didn't realise they were there until my mum lead me towards the mirror. Even though the doctor said he believed me, i could see in his facial express and the tone of his voice that he didn't. I mentioned this to him. I honestly don't want to be seen as another person who wants to end there life. i wouldn't have acted the way I did if I really wanted to die.