The Ghosts Are Real

Ghost #07

Ghost #07 was the weirdest one. I was living with my boyfriend at the time when this ghost showed himself. Boyfriend was working and his parents went to a 80's weekend at Butlins. This meant I had the house to myself with their rabbit. I was minding my own business on facebook and doing assignments for college when I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen towards the living room where I was. I thought I was hearing things until I looked at the living room door.
This ghost was about 6"2 is height and was well built muscle wise. it was kind of odd seeing a ghost which was transparent but with the features still visible. I tried to ignore him but that made him angry. the more I ignored, the angrier he got and it lead me to a panic attack. I was in tears curled up on the floor unable to breathe properly asking him to leave me alone as loud as possible. a few hours past of the same thing until my Boyfriend for home from work. He panicked when he saw me in the state I was but managed to calm me down enough so I could tell him what triggered the panic attack. He instantly believed me and didn't think for a second that I was making it up after the state I was in.

The next day I was alone again slightly panicked about the ghost situation the night before. a few hours had past since my boyfriend had left for work before I became paranoid and panicky again. I had to close the door to save my sanity a bit. the footsteps from the kitchen came again. I concentrated in my breathing and had my inhaler within reaching distance. The footsteps didn't seem to stop. they were pacing up and down the hallway with a pause every time the ghost got to the closed living room door. after about an hour, my boyfriend got home and his parents a few hours later. by this time I was still breathless and tired but refused to sleep. the ghost never seemed to show himself again after that night