The Ghosts Are Real

Ghost #10 - #13 and Voices.

Ghost #10 seemed to show itself a night into me moving into the house I moved into on 23/03/2014. He was again like the ghost I saw at the past house but not as bad. He had a certain place to stand which was at the bottom of the stairs which lead into my basement bedroom. He was an army guy in his mid 20's, Pale skin and the clothes obviously showed the forest camouflage pattern which people know the army for wearing. All he did was stare at me every time I was in the room. This made me feel extremely uncomfortable. My sleeping patterns got worse and is still bad to this day. He was transparent like the ghost I saw at my ex's house with the features still showing just about. Though I could sense he was angry, Somehow I was used to that angry vibe coming from Ghosts. Two months in, He always seemed to vanish slowly when I entered my room. He made himself present to only one of my friends and made them slightly uneasy. He also made himself known by making two other friends sense he was there but they couldn't see him. Three months later, A number of other ghosts allowed me to sense they were there. They spoke for him. As I am able to climb out my window onto the street, I was over joyed but worried about the voice I heard. It was a female voice. All I heard the voice say whilst I climber out the window was "You're making hime Angry." After almost 15 years, That was the first time they spoke to me with a voice. That was the only reason why I was over joyed. I looked back into my room to see the army guy standing beneath my window for a brief moment before disappearing. Once I saw the mate who knew about the ghost, I had to tell him. I could tell he was happy that I was happy about hearing that voice. But my happiness didn't last long. The moment I got back into my room to try and sleep, The faces started again. More ghosts started to show themselves. One switched places to standing under the shower to floating above it, One would pace between the stairs and the shower, One would stand by my window and the army guy would casually appear and vanish again. By this time, I had started lighting candles in my room to be able to calm them. That worked for a few weeks. The nights where I hadn't lit the candles during the way is when they got restless. I tried a different approach. Have a dim light lit during the time I was asleep and that worked just the same. A couple of weeks later, Another voice came. I was sitting in silence with the window closed whilst on the computer. I could feel the breath on my right ear and someone whispering "Charlie" a number of times before I turned to see what it was. When turning back to face the computer screen, it happened again for a couple of seconds before I turned the second time. Ever since then, There has been no voices but still the sight of the Ghosts which lurk around my room.