Status: your love's got me lookin' so crazy right now

Crazy in Love


"It's after 9 o'clock. Is she coming or not?" My mother was getting impatient. I just sent her another text for the tenth time of where she is at. I know she sees them, it says read.

"She wasn't walking here was she? God I hope not after everything that's going on." Tris began to frantic but my mother comforted her by a kiss on the cheek.

"She's smarter than that, she has a car and she's lazy. She's also late, you need to go to bed. You have school in the morning." My mother stood up shutting the living room TV off. Tris stood up along with her. "She probably got in trouble with her mother, or she just fell asleep on you."

I doubt that.

"Either way, goodnight." She reached back for Tris' hand but Tris stepped back from her.

"I'm going to grab a drink and I'll meet you upstairs hun." She brushed her hand against her arm and lead herself to the kitchen.

"If Destiny comes any later and wakes us up, I'll give her hell." She kissed my forehead. "Goodnight daughter."

"Goodnight mother." I softly said as I glanced down at my phone. She finally replied.

236 Gibson Road. Park by the apartments. Hurry.

I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach. What did she get herself involved in, us involved in now? Was that even her who text me? I can't even leave after curfew.
The hell am I saying?! She said hurry, I can't just stand here and think.

"You okay?" Tris voice made me jump. I forget I wasn't the only one downstairs for a split second. "You look pale, than usual."

No, I'm not okay. I'm far from okay.

"Des needs me, but it's after curfew." I blurted out. She slowly nodded her head and smiled.

"Damn it, we're all out of coffee and mountain dew." She said loudly. She tossed her newly open can into the tin next to the couch, 'causing a loud thump. "I need coffee for the morning, so does your mother, but I just need my mountain dew."

I still wasn't catching on to why she was telling me this? Why is she being so loud, she's usually quiet? She needs to be quiet.

"I know it's after curfew, but I NEED you to go to the store and pick up coffee and mountain dew. 'And, check on Destiny to see if she wants to ride with you." She winked at me. I couldn't help but to smile as I was catching onto what she was doing.

"Thank you." I softly whispered.

"Don't stay out too late. And seriously, we need more mountain dew now." She whispered back.


Where is she? Was I too slow? Did something happen to her? My hands can't stop tapping onto the steering wheel.

"Get out of the car!" A shout made me jump out of my skin. I squinted across the street to see a tan figure with brown hair in a burgundy skirt, like the one that I have. Damn it Destiny.

"What the hell?!" I shouted back as I got out of the car. I threw my hands in the air, but she didn't seem to care. She walked in her heels around the corner. Where the hell is she going now?

I raced after her, but bumped into someone as I turned the corner. It was a tall male, with greasy hair.

"Watch it." He growled.

"Right here." I heard Destiny's voice. She was heading to the front of the line. Line? What is this line for? I quickly followed her to catch up to her pace.

"What are we doing here? Why did you text me to hurry?" I huffed in her ear.

"This is her." She said to a tall dark figure, he nodded as he moved aside for us to enter. She thanked him with a grin and made her way inside the loud building.

"Destiny." I shouted at her. She gripped onto my arm and pulled me close to her side.

"Alice was last seen her, at a club. It was a club for 18 and up. She's a typical bookworm, goody goody. Why would she be at this scene? It's out of her place." She whispered loudly into my ear. I should've known better.

"I told you not to get involved! My mother is in bed, my other mother is covering for me. If my parents find out I lied to them, my ass is getting fired up!" I hollered at her, but she just gripped my arm tighter and leaned back in.

"The bartender says she may have been meeting a mystery 'boo' here. She never seen his face, hell, it could be a she. Either way, she was fond of him and they were of her. The last time she seen Alice, she was in the corner of the club and rushed out of here like a horse in a race. Her lover wasn't with her the last time she was here. Sunday night." Destiny leaned away as if she's close to cracking some big case. "Don't you see? She wasn't a goody goody, she was a baddy baddy."

"So what? Every teenager needs to let loose. Maybe this was her way of letting loose." I shrugged not seeing the big point of why she drugged me in here.

"Well, I just need a few minutes with the bartender and then we're out." She simply said as she tried to walk away, but I snatched her back.

"The fuck you are going to talk to the bartender. Destiny, don't meddle. This isn't any of our business." I tried to pull her towards the door but she stood her ground.

"It is my business when my mother and Bill bring it to the dinner table. Now let go." She tried to walk away but she never left my grip.

"I'm 17. I can't be here." I whined, hoping this would change here mind.

"Well for the next few minutes, you're 18." She said as she tried again to leave my side, but I pulled her back.

"Why do I need to be here?" I questioned.

"You're on lookout. Bill said he was going to scope out this place. So I beat him here by running, and you did too. I also forgot the rest of my money for a cab ride home, so I kinda need you." She rushed out the sentence and managed to escape my grip.

"Destiny!" I hollered for her, but she kept squeezing through the crowd. I need a corner.

I squeezed past everyone until I made it to the far right corner. I can easy see who enters the club, and who leaves the club.
She always manages to drag me to hell and I'm left to pull us back up.

"Every girl here is wearing crop tops, and revealing clothes. You're different." I heard someone next to me say. I glanced to my left to see a tall curly wavy hair man, wearing a button down shirt with dark pants. He seems to be out of place here, along with me. He looked down on me and smiled. He has a big bright smile---shit he's waiting for me to reply isn't he? What do I even say? I can feel my stomach knotting. I hope I don't barf.

"Talk to me." He demanded, but his voice still sounded so soft.

"Hi." I spat out before I could make him more annoyed.

"Hello." He continued to smile.

We took a minute just staring at each other.

"Talk." He demanded once again.

I didn't like how he was trying to control me, when I don't even know him. I licked my lips as if I was going to saying something, but never did.

"Talk I said." He demanded once again, but his voice was no longer patient with me.

"No." I instantly replied. I hated being told what to do. Now that I think of it, I'm being stubborn with a complete stranger.

"No? You just talked." His smiled faded, and mine appeared.

"You don't know me, I don't know you. Do not tell me what to do." I said as I drawn my attention back to the door.

"Who's being demanding now?" He leaned in and whispered into my ear. His deep voice made the hair stand up on my arms, I can feel my adrenaline rushing. "I'm Mr.Styles."

If he has to introduce himself with his last name and not his first, he's too old for me anyway.

"This is the part where you tell me your name?" He nudged me with his shoulder, but my eyes were glued to the door.

"Do not touch me." I said looked over to see if Des was still at the bar. I never got a good look as I felt a hand brush to my lower back. I whipped away from him. "I told you not to touch me!"

"Tell me your name." He said so stern. I shook my head at him, he smirked. Does he find this amusing? "Are you a Courtney? All Courtney's have attitudes, and are always snappy."

I could feel my face warming up. I don't know this guy, and he managed to get under my skin.

"You're turning red babe."

My face has to look like a tomato by now. I'm not his babe, I'm not a Courtney, I'm not going to just stand here and take his cocky shit anymore.

As I went to open my mouth, I felt nails dig into my side and tug on my shirt. I looked over to see Destiny try to pull me.

"Good job lookout. I think Bill seen you flirting with some sleaze." She yelled over the music, but she was right about the sleaze.

She continued to drag me through the crowd by my side.

"I know he seen you! How irresponsible could you be?! All you had to do was keep lookout and you were too busy talking to some guy who looks older than you!" She snapped as she squeezed my side harder.

Says the girl who is taking on a case she's not involved in.

"You have a lot of nerve of calling me irresponsible!" I snapped back at her, which made her stop pulling me. She glared at me, but her eyes shifting behind me.

I stretched my neck around to see who it was, praying it wasn't Bill.


"I can't talk right now, okay? Leave me alone." I told him, he just nodded.

"I'll leave you alone, as you wish. Until then, Candace." He winked at me, and fell back into the crowd.


"He wasn't even that cute, and you gave him all your attention--"

"I don't find him cute at all." I lied. He was cute, but his personality wasn't. 'And I did give him all of my attention, and I didn't even mean to. He just kept talking, and I kept listening.

"Well, you must've found him just an ounce of cute for you to tell him your name. I even used a fake name for the bartender, I was Jennifer." She continued to rush to the car, but I stopped.

"Destiny." I called out to her, and she stopped in her tracks also.

"What?" She had a confused look on her face, just like mine.

"He said my name." I softly said.

"Yeah he did. Now, let's get in the car." She began to walk towards the Volkswagen Tiguan.

"I never told him my name."