My Boyfriend's a Rock Star, What About Yours?

Dance, Dance Pt. 1

Anyway here's some help so you can personalize your story: (Y/N) = Your name. (BF/N) = Your best friend's name, choose any one of your friends. (Y/LN) = Your last name. (HS/N) = Your high school's name, or your old high school, what ever, it's your story. Hope you have fun! Enjoy!

You walk away from the little club still humming with the excitement from the show you just saw. Your friend bought tickets to see your favorite band Fall Out Boy.

"Oh my gosh! They were amazing!" she said jumping up and down as you made your way to the car around back. "They sounded just like they do on the CD!"

"Yea, they were really awesome," you say with a smile fumbling with your keys. Flashbacks of the show play through your mind. One moment stuck out in your mind, possibly your favorite part. When Patrick sat alone on stage and sang Donnie, What a Catch. You could have sworn he made eye contact with you as he sang.

A screech pulled you from your thoughts and you felt (BF/N)'s hand grasp your arm. "Oh my fucking god! There they are! Let's go say hi!" she said screaming.

You turned around and saw them talking behind the club. You weren't able to think much before (BF/N) began to drag you towards them. You panicked a little, what if they don't like me? I'm way to awkward. I'm all sweaty from the crowd, I probably smell too.

You were scared a little. You were about to meet the men you obsessed over on tumblr and daydreamed in class about every day. These four men who helped you through your toughest times growing up, who were always there for you. They picked you up when you were down and reminded you that you were special and beautiful, and not to let anyone else tell you anything different. They taught you that cool was over rated and it was okay to be a loser.

Pete was talking to the other guys and stops when he sees you two approaching. You stop behind Joe, who still does not know you're behind him. "What?" he says before turning around to meet the two of you.

"Hey! I'm (BF/N) and this is my best friend (Y/N). We just wanted to say that you guys rocked up there tonight," (BF/N) says, her compliment made them smile.

You noticed the absent of a certain lead singer/guitarist. You looked around but you couldn't see a sign of him anywhere. Pete must have caught your wondering eyes, "You looking for Patrick sweetheart?"

You blush a little, "Uhh, yea," you say softly looking at the ground.

He chuckles, "It's alright, no need to be embarrassed. He loves meeting fans, except I have to warn you." He looked side to side then leaned close to your ear and whispered, "He's a little awkward."

You give him a small smile, "I have to warn you of something too." You copy every move he made then leaned towards his ear, "I'm extremely awkward too." He smiled.

Joe laughed, "You two seem like cool chicks, why don't you come inside?" he said motioning us to follow him inside.

(BF/N) squealed and followed him and Andy inside. But you were frozen in your spot. You were always the quieter and shyer than her. Pete walks over and pushes you forward a little, "Come on, don't be so shy. We're just people, you've got nothing to be scared of."

You give him another small smile, "Yeah, but that's the thing. I'm still not good with strangers."

He laughs a bit, "Lies, you're a pretty funny little girl."

You blush again and follow Pete into the club and through the hallway. He stops in front of a door were you hear a very familiar voice coming from inside. Pete catches the smile that creeps onto your face, "So you a fan of Patrick's," he asks opening the door.

You start to bush again, "Yeah, huge fan," you say quietly.

You walk in to find Patrick packing his wardrobe case. "Patrick! I've got your biggest fan right here!" Pete yelled.

You slap Pete on the shoulder, "Way to make me sound like a stalker!"

Patrick pops up from behind his case and gives you an awkward salute. He waves to you with his right hand, which was holding a pair of boxers. You giggle and turn red, putting your hand over your mouth. Patrick looks at you confused for a second, then realizes why you were laughing. He turns his head and his eyes go wide as he tries to hide this boxers behind him. He turns an even darker shade of red than you.

Pete laughs, "Sorry buddy, guess I should have given you a heads up huh?"

"That would be great thanks," Patrick answers glaring at him.

"I-I'm sorry. If this is a bad time, I'll just leave," you say turning around and walking towards the exit.

"No, no, no I'm just about finished. Pete says you're a fan of mine? What's your name?" he asks.

You nod and smile, " It's (Y/N) and I love your voice! Your voice is probably my favorite ever," you say shyly.

He blushes, "Aw shucks. Thank you. I'm not really used to the attention. Before the break I was just the chubby front man," Patrick says scratching the back of his head.

You stand there shocked. No way he thought he was just a "chubby front man". You always loved Patrick slightly better than the others. "No way! You were always my favorite!" you say making Patrick blush.

"Well thanks," Pete says from the corner eating from the food services table.

"Oh, I mean, I liked you too Pete..." You totally forgot Pete was here. Woops.

He chuckled, "It's alright honey. I always got all the attention, I don't know why, but I did. I'm glad to hear he was your favorite. Good for the self-esteem," he said popping another chip into his mouth.

"Looks like the tables have turned now, all the pretty girls like me now," Patrick says motioning to you.

"I'm not that great," you say waving off Patrick's compliment.

They scoff, "What? You one of the prettiest girls I've seen. You've got natural beauty. You aren't wearing make up and you still light up the room," Pete says walking towards you and Patrick.

You could feel yourself blushing so hard, you give them an awkward giggle. "Yeah, well, tell that to every boy in my high school. I'm a senior and still haven't been asked to 1 dance!" you tell them, taking a seat on the red couch.

Pete gets a concerned look on his face and Patrick adjusts his fedora. "Really? But you're gorgeous! You're lying," Patrick says taking a seat next to you.

Suddenly you aren't so happy as you'd thought you'd be when you met them for the first time. "Believe it. What a catch huh?" You joke.

Pete had been standing with the same stoic expression on his face for a while now. He snaps out of his trance and gets a smile on his face. "Hey, what high school do you go to? Isn't prom season coming up?" he asks out of the blue.

You raise your eye brow, "Uhh, (HS/N), and yeah, prom is next week. I won't be going though. Why do you ask?"

He smiles, "No reason."

You spend the rest of the time talking with Patrick about old 80's movies. (BF/N) came in with Joe and Andy carrying a bunch of junk food. Apparently, Joe and Andy invited the two of you to dinner with them. You had a great time and never wanted it to end.

Sadly, it was getting late and your phone was blowing up with text messages and calls from your parents. "I hate to go, but me and (BF/N) need to get home," you say sadly.

"Noo, you guys have to stay!" Pete says, who was hanging upside down on the couch. You had come out of your shell as the night went on and really got to know the guys.

"I wish we could, but (BF/N) and I have school tomorrow," you say pulling (BF/N) up from where she was sitting.

"Do you guys need a ride home?" Patrick asks getting up from where the two of you had been sitting.

"No, thank you though. We drove here. Bye guys!" you wave.

"Love you guys!" (BF/N) yells.

"You guys are pretty chill," Joe said taking a swig of beer.

"Yeah, bye guys. Next time we come out you guys need to come," Andy said.

"We will. Bye guys." You say your final goodbye and walk out of the club for the last time. All the way home you listen to (BF/N) story of her time with Joe and Andy. You occasionally give her a nod or a "uh ha, yeah" but you mind is replaying Patrick's cute little laughs or the way he adjusted his fedora.

That night you lay awake, thinking about what Pete had said. Why did he ask what school you went to? Why did he want to know about your prom? Weird. You kept tossing it around in your mind until you passed out.

It was the day before prom, Friday, and you were still without a date. Prom was the only thing anyone was talking about. You overheard conversations in class about all the drama that comes with prom each year. You even heard about the strange old dudes who tried to buy a ticket one day during lunch.

You walk into your last class of the day, which is English, and sit next to (BF/N). She was still bragging to everyone how you and her are on a first name bases with Fall Out Boy. Though it didn't really make anyone jealous, because not many people cared or knew who Fall Out Boy was. The reactions ranged from "Oh, the Light em' up guys. I love that song!" to "Who the fuck is Fall Out Boys?"

The bell rings and everyone quiets down. The teacher gets up from his desk and stands in the front of the room, as usual. "Okay class, today we're going to be reading poetry."

You get a little excited. You always loved poetry, it was just like music. Sometimes for projects you would even turn in Fall Out Boy lyrics, just to see what the teacher would think of them. You would never get caught because, once again, Fall Out Boy wasn't very popular.

"Miss (Y/LN), would you please come up."

You cringe, you hate going in front of the classroom. You hated attention and would do anything to avoid it. You stand up slowly and walk to the front of the room. You can feel every single eye in the room on you. Your teacher hands you a sheet of paper and tells you to read it aloud to the class.

"Struck us like matches, cause everyone deserves a flame. We only do it for the scars and stories, not the fame. At least everyone is trying, everyone is shining. Everyone deserves a flame."

You recognize the words instantly, it was one of your favorite songs. "Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Shame Friends". You wonder why your teacher picked this. On the bottom you see the initials PS written with black ink. You look up at him with a confused face and you see the wild grin spreading on his face.

Your still staring at your teacher's suspicious grin when you hear the door click and (BF/N) scream. Your head shoots to the doorway where you see Patrick Stump wearing a black suit and holding a bouquet of roses. Your mouth drops open, as well as the paper in your hands. Your hands fly to cover your mouth as you let out a gasp.

What was he doing here! It all made sense now, why Pete asked what high school you went to, the "strange men" buying tickets! Your heart skipped a beat as Patrick made his way to you with that one of a kind smile on his face. He handed you the bouquet of roses and you take them graciously, burying your face in the sweet smelling pillow of soft rose petals.

You smile, "They're wonderful! Oh my gosh Patrick!" you say pulling him into a hug, cradling your precious roses in on arm.

He chuckled, "I'm glad you like them!" he says. You were about to tell him how excited you were to see him when he puts a finger in front of your mouth. Your eyes go cross-eyed as you stare at his finger. He pulls two pieces of paper out of his pocket, "Courtney, will you go to prom with me?" he asks with a sparkle in his eye.

Again you can feel your heart skip and your knees go weak. Holy. Shit. Patrick fucking Stump just asked you to prom!¡!¡ You stood in shock until you heard (BF/N) scream, "What are you doing!? Say yes already!"

Both you and Patrick chuckle, "Yes, I will go to prom with you. Patrick Stump!" You pull him into another hug and (BF/N) stands up clapping. You feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes. All those girls who made fun of you didn't mean anything. They were going to the prom with the captain of the football team. You're going to prom with Patrick Martin Stump!
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Hey guys! Soooo how'd you like it? Part 2 will be out soon, so be excited for that! If you liked or have suggestions for other one shots I could do, leave a comment! Anywhore... Thnks Fr Rdng!