Love at the Cliff

.01: Meeting Him

“I’m Kendall.” i smile. “Willow.”


Kendall smiles. “That’s a pretty name.” i smile. “Thanks.“

We talk more about me, until i wanna know about him. “Why are you up here?” i ask. He goes to say something, but a yawn that escapes him mouth, answers for him. I laugh. “You’re tired, but you can’t sleep?” he nods his head. “Yeah. I come up here whenever I can’t sleep, which isn’t much. What about you? Do you come up here a lot?” I yawn. “A few times a week. When my mom and step-dad fight, and when I can’t sleep.” he nods his head. “You gonna come up here tomorrow?” i shrug my shoulders. “Probably. You?” “Maybe.“

We were silent after that. Just sat there and took in the view, listening to the cars that were on the road drive, beeping their horn now and again.

After a good 45 minutes with no noise except for the cars, I decided it was time to head home. I stand up and wipe the dirt off my shorts. I start walking back to my car, but stop when I hear my name. “Willow, wait a second.” I stop and turn around and see him stand up and mimic the moves i just did before walking towards me.

“Can I have your number?” I think about it for a minute, before nodding my head. “Yeah, sure.” He smiles, and takes his phone back out of his back pocket and hand it to me, as I hand mine to him, and we put our numbers in each others phones. I finish and hand him his phone. I get mine back a minute later.

“Okay. I have to go. See you tomorrow?” he nods his head. “Should we meet at a certain time? Say around, 1:15 am? This spot?” “Yeah, thats fine.“

"Bye, Willow.” i smile. “Bye Kendall.”

I turn back around and walk to my Jeep, then head home.

My mom knows I go out like this sometimes. Her and Joe [step-dad] are fine with it ‘cause they know I won’t do anything stupid to risk my life. As long as I’m back by 4 am and at least get some sleep, their okay with it.

I park my Jeep in my spot and walk to the front door and turn the knob to find it unlocked. It’s never unlocked unless someone is up and is downstairs. Mom must be up then.

I walk in and see mom watching tv, with a brownie in her hand. I shut the door, and lock it, seeing moms head turn around. “Hey baby.” she calls me baby a lot. “Hey mom. "I put my stuff on the kitchen counter and sit beside her on the couch. "What are you doing up at this hour?” she takes a bite of her brownie. “Couldn’t sleep.” i nod my head. “How was the cliff? Was it relaxing?” she asked. I smile and nod my head. She notices and smile. “Spill.” “What are you talking about? I don’t know what you mean.” she gives me a ‘don’t lie to me’ look. “Willow Addison, you know good and well what i mean.” I sigh and smile, then fall back on the couch. “Alright.” she smiles.

“I met a guy.” “A guy? Whats his name?” I cross my legs. “Kendall.” she smiles. “Whats he like?” “Well, he has several tattoos, he’s tall, has blonde hair and green eyes.” “Thats awesome.” i nod my head. “Yeah. I know.” I yawn a few times, then tell mom goodnight before grabbing my things and heading to my room.

I shut my door then change into my dads shirt, and some pj shorts.

I get my laptop off my desk and open it, then walk over to my bed, sitting down.

I pull up my twitter and sign in. I scroll down and mindlessly look at the different posts from different people. I hear a ping, and see the notifications word lighted up, so I click on it. I see that HeffronDrive followed me. I click on his username and his twitter comes up. "He’s famous?” i whisper and continue to read. “And he’s in a band?” I go to scroll down, but stop when my phone chimes.

>>hey willow. you up? – viewed, 1:58am<<

I smile. >>yeah. why didn’t you tell me you were famous and were in a band, and followed my twitter? i didn’t give it to you. – sent, 2:01am<<

I continue to scroll until i hear another chime. >>lol. it didn’t really come up. i know you didn’t give your twitter, i just went ahead and found you. is that okay? – viewed, 2:04am<<

>>yeah. just next time, ask me. okay? :) tell me about your band. – sent, 2:05am<<

We continue to talk throughout the night, talking about random crap. I look on my phone and see it’s almost 5. I’m sleepy and i need my sleep. >>hey, its almost 5 and i’m sleepy. can we continue this tomorrow? i really need some sleep in order my brain to work. – sent, 4:54am<<

>>yeah, thats fine. i’m sleepy too. goodnight. :) – viewed, 4:56am<<

>>goodnight (: – sent, 4:57am<<

I shut my computer and put it on my nightstand beside my bed, then lock my phone and slide it under my pillow. I get under the covers and stare at the ceiling. My fan is running on medium; not too fast, not too slow. I yawn and close my eyes.


I feel the sunlight coming through my window, so I open my eyes and sit up. I rub my eyes with my backs of my hands, yawn, and stretch. I grab my phone from under my pillow and check the time; 8:14am. Then the smell of blueberry, lemon and cheese hits my nose. I smile. I throw the covers off and get out and open my door, then walk downstairs.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and see mom cooking breakfast. I smile and walk over to a stool and sit down. “Goodmorning, mom.” she sees me and smiles. “Goodmorning baby. Did you sleep well?” i nod my head. “Mhm. You?” “Sure did.”

She finishes the food, then serves me a plate; bacon, grits with blue cheese and cheddar topped with grated lemon, blueberry muffin, bluberry waffle, with whole milk and orange juice. Damn. She really knows how i like breakfast. She turns around just when my phone chimes. >>goodmorning, w :) – viewed, 8:32am<<. I type a reply >>goodmorning, k – sent, 8:34am<< then put my phone down, and dig in, all while smiling.

When mom turns around, she notices me smiling and raises her left eyebrow. I shake my head. “Nothing mom. I’m eating.” she smirks and makes her a plate before grabbing her cup of coffee and sitting down beside me to eat.

We finish an hour later, mom washing our plates and cups once we were done. I walk back to my room and grab my laptop the go back downstairs to the living room.

I plop down on the couch with my legs crossed and my computer in my lap, my twitter still up from last night. I refresh the page then open a new tab and pull up tumblr. I grab the remote and turn on the TV, flipping to the news channel.

I unlock my phone and find 1 new message from Kendall. >>are you doing anything this afternoon around 4/4:30? – viewed, 10:02am.<< >>no, not really. why? – sent, 10:03am.<<

I hear a door shut behind me and turn my head to see mom dressed in work clothes coming down the stairs. "I though you didn’t have to work today?” “I didn’t, but something important came up, so they told me to come in.” i nod my head. My mom’s a nurse who works her ass off to make Joe happy. Joe’s out of town and won’t be back for a week.

“Alright. I’m off. You’ll be okay by yourself?” i smile. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll see if I can meet Hannah for lunch.” “Okay. Love you, be safe. I’ll be late coming home.” I nod my head go back to my computer as mom opens the front door.

Right as she shuts it, my phone rings. “Hello?” “Hey, Willow.” I shut my laptop. “Hey Kendall. Whats up?” “You’re still going to the cliff right?” “Yeah, Why?” “Okay. Meet me there at 4.” I tilt my head to the side and raise my eyebrows. “Oh, kay. Do I need to bring anything?” I hear him close something. “No. Just yourself.” "Alright. I’ll see you at four.“ we say our goodbyes and hang up.

I wonder what Kendall has up his sleeve.