Max Talbot, Family Man?

Chapter 4

Dec. 18, 2013 *Max's POV*

As much as I wanted to go to lunch with the guys, I had to pick Gran up from the airport. I had to show her a few things that I had planned before we went home and picked up Jass for her doctor's appointment this afternoon. As I pulled into the lot, my phone rang. "Bonjour." I said as I answered.

"There is my grandson. Max I just got to baggage claim. I hope you haven't been waiting long." I loved Jassmine's grandmother, always treated me like family.

"Hi Gran, I just pulled into the lot actually. Give me a moment and I'll come help you with your bags." I hopped out and headed in quickly. Even through the noon crowd, I easily spotted her. I came over and kissed her hand. "Welcome to Denver Gran."

"Maxime, always the gentleman. How is that granddaughter of mine, big as a house?" She laughed lyrically. I couldn't help but grin. "The flight wasn't bad for once. I am looking forward to the surprises you told me about though." She handed me her baggage claim tickets and together we moved towards the carousel.

She had 2 bags and they looked like they could fit together if one was emptied. As we headed for the car I had to spoil the surprise a little bit. "I hope she likes them. I know she fell in love with the first one, even with all the work it needs. The second she knows nothing about." I headed to the house we had found and fell for. "Gran, I may need some covert help getting the house ready for us. I'm not sure what flooring she will want."

Gran chuckled. "I'll handle it Max. We'll look online and then send you to the store for a sample. Have you told her at all that you bought that place and are renovating it for you guys?" Gran was watching out the window as the scenery went by.

"Not yet, it's my Christmas gift to her. The second item I haven't ordered yet cause I don't know know what she wants. I want to get her a car, we'll need it when the kids get here." Was it extravagant, probably but they were worth it.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gran wave a hand. "Pfft, no Max. _I_ will get her the car. I even know what she wants already. We will go and order it after her appointment if you don't mind." My jaw about hit the floor. I knew Gran was well taken care of but I didn't expect this. "Please. Her grandfather and I set aside money since her 16th birthday for a vehicle for her when and if she ever needed one. Now is the time to use it and get her what she really wants. The Lexus RX450 Hybrid. It balances luxury, safety and being green. Jass has wanted one for a while so now she will get it with every bell and whistle she wants."

I had to laugh. Trust Gran to know what my wife wanted and have the resources to buy it with everything. "She won't be able to drive it until after the kids join us. She can barely fit in the car right now." Gran laughed.

"Oh, I remember. I didn't fit anything at 35 weeks. I also remember delivering at 35 weeks and 4 days. My girls lived 3 days." She wiped her eyes as she remembered. Her voice wavered as she continued. "I hope Jassmine won't have the same problem."

I leaned over the console at the stop light. "I'm positive she won't Gran. Dr. Gray is working closely with us to make sure we have healthy kids join us. You'll meet her in a little while. She's a wonderful doctor." We turned onto Quebec Street and soon past the church we liked going to. "Oh, this reminds me. Jass wanted to get a blessing by Father Israel as soon as he could give her one. He's helping do our marriage prep." Soon we were pulling in the driveway and I got to see Gran's reaction.

"Oh Maxime, I can see why you fell for this home. Can we go inside?" I escorted Gran through the home we had found and I was having remodeled. She gasped when she saw everything. "I can easily see Jassmine in this home. What changes are you making so I know how to direct her."

I showed her the kitchen. "This is being gutted. The wall where the nook is supports the second floor so it can't be modified, but I think we can work around that. The architect and I have decided that we're going to tighten the triangle of the sink, stove and refrigerator and probably moved the nook further out towards the front. The floors will be taken up on all levels and fixed completely. New subfloor on and everything." We went upstairs and looked around. "We're moving the back wall out to be flush with the deck below and then this summer the deck will be expanded. The 3 season porch is going to be fully enclosed and become whatever she wishes it to be. The bedrooms nearest the master will be modified and will be the kids' rooms with a shared bathroom between them. The guest room will be small but you are always welcome to it."

Gran looked around some more. "So we need flooring for the main, the bathrooms and the kitchen, appliances and paint for the walls. I can do that. She will love it Max. Of that I have no doubt."

Gran's approval set, we went to the apartment and picked up Jassmine. "My goodness child. Are you sure there's only 2?" Gran said as she hugged Jass.

Jass sighed, she was tired of that comment. "Yes, of everything. 2 babies, 2 placentas, what feels like 2 tons of fluid. My back has been aching for a long time now and I'm more than ready to have these two."

We made our way to Dr. Gray's office and were quickly put into the room. I stood by the head of the exam table, as usual and held Jassmine' s hand. If I could take some of her discomfort away I would. Dr. Gray came in all smiles and shook Gran's hand. "I've heard a bit about you, nice to meet you."

Then it was time for poking, prodding, measuring and all the usual questions. That's when she remarked on how Jass was carrying. "I think you've dropped again." She pulled out the measuring tape again and rechecked. "Yes, you have." Jass groaned. "Don't worry, this is good news." She then checked for dilation and effacing. Her smile got broader. "I think these two are almost ready. You're 40% effaced and 2 centimeters dilated." That got me excited, our kids were getting ready to come.

We helped Jass to get upright again while Dr. Gray kept talking. "Don't worry that you're only that far. You've gotten further along without them coming than I thought you would. In fact if you can last a week or two more they will be even more healthy."

Jass paled and Gran spoke. "How big do you guess they are?"

"Based on last week's ultrasound, I'd guess about 5 pounds each. Ultrasound is usually 20 to 30 percent off and it put them at 4 pounds 9 ounces roughly. For twins those are ok weights. I would be happier if they were bigger, but I'm sure Jass is more than ready to have them." Jass nodded furiously at that. Dr. Gray patted her arm. "You're doing great mama. Rest as much as you can and only do gentle exercising, walking is perfect. They'll be here soon."

"What did you think of my birth plan?" Jass asked. "Pretty simple." It was too. Jass wanted her essential oils, healthy kids and to try for a natural birth; everything else was up for grabs.

"Sometimes simple is best. Double check your appointment time for next week and hope that they get even more ready to come." With that we were sent on our way, completely forgetting to go order the car Gran spoke of.

The next day was game day, the Oilers were in town. It would be Jass' last home game for a while, so we were even happier that Gran was here. The morning started as usual. I had skate and then came home for food and my nap. When I got home I found Gran and Jass on the Lexus website. "I'm not sure Gran, are you sure that you can afford this?"

"Of course lovey. There's more than enough. You choose what you want and let me worry about the rest." They both waved at me when I came in. "There's lunch on the stove if you want it, light chicken parm. Jass said you prefer chicken and pasta on game days." I went over and kissed both of them. I thought I had told her she didn't need to cook for us, but apparently I was being ignored.

"Merci Gran. You truly don't have to though." I went and dished myself up and marvelled at the goodies I saw. "Just _what_ have you two been up to?" I asked as I came back and sat on the couch.

"You've been caught Gran." Jass laughed. "I've been on the couch looking at things Gran is thinking of using for a remodel of her kitchen while she's been busy doing exactly the opposite of what you told her to do." Gran leaned over and kissed Jass' temple.

"Trust me, you will love me even more for what I've done. When you are getting little sleep and still need to fuel yourself as if you were getting a full night's rest you will thank me for not having to get take out every night." There was a twinkle in Gran's eye that said there was more to it than that.

I shook my head and tried not to laugh at her while I dug into lunch. I almost fell off the couch after the first bite, this was delicious! Gran smiled as she noticed my reaction. "I thought you might like that. I wrote the recipe down so it can be made even when I'm not here." She turned to Jass. "Where are your hospital bags? I have something to add to them. Don't worry it can't spoil."

Jass sighed, already not fighting. "They're in the car Gran, have been for a few weeks now. What did you make?"

Gran got up and brought in 2 large containers. "Trail mix for your nurses. Something to help them keep their energy up." She turned the containers over. "One has nuts in it and the other does not. I made these exact recipes when Angela had Kevin, they were a big hit with the nurses."

After I ate Gran asked to borrow the car for a little bit to take care of a little business she had. "And never you mind what it is, you'll find out when it's time." I held up my hands in supplication and handed over the keys.

"I want to leave for the rink at 2:30 so please be back by then. The GPS has this place as home if you need it." I kissed her cheek and she waved as she left. I took Jass' hand and helped her upstairs. "Come, let's nap." Soon we were wrapped up and fast asleep.

I heard the front door open at 2 pm as I was checking out what I was going to wear. Jass was back on the couch looking at things on the Home Depot site. I heard her greet Gran. "Hi welcome back. Did you find what you were looking for?"

The rustle of bags said yes before Gran did. "I did, got everything I needed done." I came downstairs and she smiled. "Max, that project you were thinking of. It's in progress." I stared at her a bit, confused as to what she meant. "The one you showed me earlier. The timetable is set. Everything will be completed when it needs to be." That was obscure and still completely understood. Gran had gone and made sure our home would be ready on time. I then wondered how but decided not to ask.

"Thank you Gran, you didn't have to do that though." She gave me the most withering look which quickly made me change the subject, it also reminded me of the look Jass gave me a few times. "Anyway, do you want to go with me or shall I call someone to pick you up?" I was picking up an apple for a snack when Jass answered.

"I don't _really_ want to be there that early. I know it helps you get ready for the game but I'd rather stay here a few more hours." I nodded, not being able to blame her for wanting to stay as comfortable as she could be right now. Jass was dependant on others right now, if this was how she gained some control back, I wouldn't argue.

Right before I walked out the door I kissed Jass and then Gran. "Go kick some Oilers ass babe." Jass said with a smile. "We'll meet you after. Mel's gonna come get us." That relieved my mind. If Mel knew they were there, she'd protect them. I leaned over to kiss the babies. "Cheer loud for papa bébés." I headed off for the Pepsi Center.

*Jass's POV*

Once Max had left for the game I finally got a chance to ask Gran what she was really up to. She and Max couldn't have that many secrets from me. As I turned to ask, I heard a knock on the door and in came Kristen with her kids. "Hi hon, the boys had doctor's appointments so their out early. We thought we'd come by and meet your grandmother." Only a few people had permission to knock and just come into our home so I knew it was someone we knew pretty well.

"Hey Kristen, hi boys. Gran this is Kristen Gigure and her brood." Gran came out of the guest room with a smile and the bags she had brought in. "What's that Gran?"

She smiled and sat down. "Well I know you physically have bags for the little ones, but I haven't seen them filled yet. These are things through trial and error, not to mention many types of children, I've found work best." Kristen sat down and directed her eldest to go get the bags in the nursery. Seeing that I had them hanging on hooks in the room they were easy for him to find. "Of course you're going to want diapers, I hope you have stockpiled them in several sizes." I nodded furiously. "Good. The next thing I found that I really loved was this." She brought out a wipes container. "This is completely refillable and more than that, there's enough in here for 2 or 3 changes." She pulled out a few more boxes that almost matched. "I figured you could keep 1 in each bag and 1 in each car just in case." The colors and patterns she chose were nice, more grown up than baby. "Of course you're going to need some help controlling rashes and redness. I use this myself." She pulled out two gift sets of Earth Angel Baby products. "These are wonderful, smell nice and are safe for all types of diapers."

By now the bags were being set on the floor in front of me. "Gran, how did you know we hadn't packed these yet?" I asked. I had, in fact, been looking up lists of what to pack and how much. It was all so confusing.

Gran chuckled. "Because I found them and looked dear. Those are wonderful patterns for the two of them and you were smart to get them. Did you get any larger bags?"

I flushed. "I did. I got a backpack and the biggest bag Ju Ju Be makes. I was trying to figure out how to make all of them work for us but I hadn't yet." Kristen patted my hand in sympathy.

"Jass, all you had to do was ask for help. It's not that there aren't moms on the team, we're just not as visible as the not yet moms." She leaned over to me. "You are in the first category if you can't tell."

I sighed and let my frustration go. "There's just so much to learn and figure out. Cloth vs. Disposable, Green vs. Not. Heck even supplement vs. No way confuses me. If you can't tell I haven't really grown a whole lot up top. A little but not like everything says I should be." Kristen hugged me carefully after I vented.

"I know and my suggestion would be start with disposables and _try_ cloth before you invest heavily. Wait until the little ones are big enough to fit the smallest size cloth you want to try and then try it. I'll help you look for what fits best with you guys." That made me feel better, I did have people I could turn to here if I needed help.

Gran smiled as she watched this reaction. "Every new mother feels this way Jassmine. You and Max will figure out how you want to raise these two and I'm positive you will raise them beautifully. Where are those bigger bags? We can get them all ready to go with the extra things you will need or want on hand just in case." I directed them to where they were and soon I found out Gran was _much_ more prepared for this than I ever had been. "Now, I had some laminated tags made for your bags. They are customizable for what the little ones need or want in the bag and will take you through them carrying their own things." She handed me the lists and I gawked. She'd thought of everything. Even had a set for what I thought would be the backup bags for when we took things out of there.

She then handed me a small box. When I opened it, I noticed 4 luggage tags inside. Picking one up I read it. 'If I'm here, I'm lost. Please call my mom or dad at:' and a space for phone numbers. It made me laugh. "What are these for Gran?"

She smiled and Kristen snickered. "They are for _when_ you lose the bags and you will at least once. This way you can put the current phone number on the bag and they will find you again." I sat there and got it finally, between pregnancy brain and new mom/dad brain there _was_ a not 0 chance we would forget at least 1 bag somewhere.

By the time Mel came to get us, I had 4 well stocked and ready to go bags. 2 for each kid and 1 for each car with extra things. Gran had thought of so much, I didn't know how to thank her. "You forget Jassmine that I've had children. Combine that with helping your parents and your siblings with their first time, I know how difficult it can be. Things have gotten _much_ more convenient than when your father was an infant."

Once we got to the family room, the conversation changed from diaper bags to the rest of my family. I hadn't said a whole lot about them, it was only natural that the girls were curious. Elsa nailed how I felt about the last major incident. "Wait, the rest of your family sued the two of you because they didn't like what was said in someone's will? That's ridiculous!"

Gran took it in stride. "Understand our family is one of the _single_ most influential in Philadelphia. We give the term Old Money a face. Fortunately Jass' grandfather and I knew that there are more important things than just having money. Jass knows that too. That is the reason she holds the keys to the kingdom so to speak. She will take good care of everyone around her, that's her nature. Her father is understandably upset that they had to move so far away. It seems he took his father's advice to heart and is working towards a better relationship with her." That warmed my heart, dad and I talked every week but to hear Gran say that she knew about it.

As usual we all paid attention to the game as it started. The first period was pretty boring actually, until the end when a couple of the Oilers get serious penalties. The Avs came out hard in the second and ended up scoring 3 goals. I would have jumped up when Max scored, but the kids did it for me. "Oof!" I said as I felt someone kick hard. All the girls heads snapped to me when they heard. "I'm fine, someone kicked." Everyone relaxed after that. Glad to know I wasn't the only one that was worried about when they would get here.

You would think the third would be boring by the stats but it was anything but. End to end action that ended with Dutchy blowing the roof off of the Pepsi Center with 1.1 seconds to go in the game, not to mention sealing the victory for the Avalanche. When the three stars of the game were announced I was on my feet, not only to start moving to the locker room but also because Max was one of them. I was always proud of Max and how he played, tonight just made it even better because of who was here.

After going home Max and I had something to eat and Gran went to bed. As we finished I kissed him deeply. He chuckled. "Be careful there, that's how you got like this." He caressed my belly gently.

"I know, but the second star should be rewarded." I teased as we made it to bed. In the end we _both_ got rewarded.
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Yes, Gran had to make an appearance. After all she is Jass' mother figure and who doesn't want their mom with them when they are close to being due?

Questions, comments or just plain kudos. I love them all.