Max Talbot, Family Man?

Chapter 8

*Jan. 17th, 2014*

Two days into bottle feeding I was at the airport picking up Monique. Little did I know that she had a major surprise for me. "Mon!" I called as I maneuvered the stroller frame through the crowd. She turned, spotted me and smiled. I notice her turn and say something to someone next to her, that was Mon always making friends. What I didn't expect was for that person to be my sister Angela.

She came wheeling her bag over, a bright smile on her face. "I know you didn't know I was coming but I had to see you and these two." She had a hand hovering over Jax's seat cover. "May I?" I nodded and she lifted it back. "My god Jassmine he's precious."

Just then Nikki made her displeasure known. I sighed and moved to her seat. "What Princess?" I checked her over and found that she was just too warm. Once I unzipped the seat she quieted down. "Is Her Royal Highness happy now?" She gurgled at me.

Ang giggled. "Really sis?" She came over and peered at her niece. Nikki had on one of the cutest onesies we had which proclaimed her the little princess. "OK, she earns it." Ang hugged me and then stepped aside for my second and third surprises. Dani and Ryanne were also here.

I was never so happy that Gran got me the car she did as I was when we got back to the apartment. I was able to get everyone and their gear to the apartment building and into the house without having to make a second trip. "You guys missed Max, they left this morning for Nashville." I commented as I made bottles for the now hungry kids.

Dani was holding Nikki and giggled. "Who do you think told us when a good time to come would be? Although none of us knew you'd have to switch to bottles when he did." She took the one I offered her and tried giving it to Nikki.

Angela had Jaxson and was now easily feeding him. "Try tickling her lip with it. She should smell it and open up." Dani tried that and soon had a hungry girl latched on and sucking greedily.

I was soon being asked all about the new house and how everything was going. I laughed. "I get to go OK the floors tomorrow. They got them done early. You guys can come with me and see the demolition zone for yourself." What I would later find out is that Gran, Dad and the Trustees had given them an incentive to finish early, a total of $500,000 worth of incentive for those who did the work.

"That sounds like fun, but tonight we have plans." I looked at Dani oddly. "We want to pamper you before the real fun begins." Oh I did not like how she said that. Before I could say much my Skype went off.

I answered it and got a shock. "V, Kallie!" They grinned at me. "What's going on that you call like this. I thought we normally Skype'd on Saturdays."

Kallie laughed. "We thought we'd call early seeing that you are going to be busy this Saturday, so are we for that matter." Vero nodded. "Our guys have had most of this week off from games so Kris is taking me for a couple's day tomorrow. V and Marc have been kind enough to watch Alex for us."

Vero piped up. "Please that little boy is no trouble at all. Besides Aleks and Sid are coming over, there will be enough hands for both children." She then turned to me. "So, how has day 3 gone so far?"

I leaned back and showed off who was here and feeding the twins. "Jax and Nikki like the bottles, I like sleeping more. We're doing a lot better. It helps that Moni surprised me with Dani, Ryanne and my sister. At least Angela knows how to help." The other three behind me balked. "Oh please! None of the rest of you are routinely around babies, and if you are their moms are there to interpret." Just then Jax let out a big burp. We all laughed.

We made small talk between everyone which felt so much more fun than sitting alone had been. When both kids were done and burped, I laid them on the twin Z pillow on the floor. Ang's face split into a smile. "I'm so happy you like them Jass. Chris thought I was crazy for wanting to get both of those."

"Are you kidding?! Max let's me sleep in when he's home cause with the table for two we can feed them at the same time and then get his own one on one time with each of them. We use them every day Ang and love them." Nikki smacked her lips sleepily. "They have been the most useful gifts we got besides what Dad did." I picked them up with practiced hands. "Come on I'll show you."

Everyone got up and followed me into the nursery. I hadn't shown off what the girls here had done that much so everyone was surprised. I put the kids in the single crib we had put together so far. We had two but until they were bigger we wanted to keep them together. "Oh wow Pottery Barn Kids." The girls looked around while I checked that everything was ready for the post-nap changing.

We quietly walked out and back downstairs. I got put on the couch while Dani and Moni took over cleaning the kitchen and the laundry. I didn't even give them a second thought, we were so close that they knew how I set things up. Ryanne studied me. "You look much more content than the last time we talked."

I chuckled. "Sleeping will do that Ry. Only been three days but every one of them has felt like heaven." There wasn't anything I'd do to go back the the first few weeks. "They're getting enough to eat so they sleep longer which gives me a chance to do the same. I'd feel guilty about the house being a mess but I just can't. Even our cleaning company has told me not to worry about it because of the kids."

"Jass, can we borrow your car to hit up a couple stores? We want to get stuff for the weekend we have planned." Dani was the one asking.

"Sure. Do you want me to come show you around or will the GPS be enough?"

Dani just looked at me. "The GPS is fine, we have addresses already. Stay here. Ryanne will you come help so we have enough hands." The tone she had was one I knew not to argue with. Soon enough it was Ang, two sleeping kids and myself in the house.

She laughed nervously. "I guess this is where I start by saying I'm so sorry I was horrible to you for so long. I meant what I said in the note at Christmas, I am jealous you have a better relationship with my boys than I do."

I sighed and moved to cuddle up with her. "I know you did. In fact your honesty made Max want to invite you three to stay at our place when all of this goes down. If you think you can stand crying infants."

She jumped on the chance. "We'd love to. I want to help however I can too. I know that Mom wormed her way into your shower and after Christmas Gran told me why she had allowed it. So that you two could have your wedding your way. I admire that you stood up to mom that way." She sounded unsure now.

I moved to get a better look at her. "What is it Ang?" This wasn't like her, she was self confident and sure of herself.

"I've learned in my months of therapy that emulating mom the way I have means that I've pushed my true personality down." She looked up at me. "I've been jealous of how you could not care how she treated you because you had Gran. My therapist thinks that we need to reconnect and forge a new relationship but I'm afraid you hate me."

I got on my knees on the floor in front of her and took her hands in mine. "Angela listen to me. I have never hated you. I have hated how you treated me but never you. I remember when we were little and used to tell each other secrets, I've missed that. That's what I've tried to do with Chris and KK, recapture some of that." I laughed wearily. "Aren't we a pair. I think we can become close Ang, but it'll take work on both sides."

She smiled a bit. "You wanna know something?" I looked at her happily. "You're the only one that it doesn't bug the hell out of me to have call me Ang." We giggled.

"I started it cause it bugged you and would get your attention quickly." I confessed. "Chris calls you that when we'd go to lunch. You should let him do it more." I grabbed my laptop and pulled up an email Kevin had sent me. "Your son hates that you work so much and are so serious."

We talked through a few other things while everyone else was gone. Turns out she was seeing her therapist 3 times a week and was working through a lot in those sessions. She would love it if I would come to Philly for a few so we could hash some more out. I laughed and told her dad was also in therapy according to Gran and that I expected a similar invite from him soon.

When the girls got back Ang and I were in the middle of a laughing fit. I had been telling her what I could remember about the party Max had thrown to celebrate that we were all healthy. For the first time in years I felt close to my sister, now I had to fight to stay that way.

The rest of Friday night was spent on at home spa things. Dani made dinner, refusing all help. I soon figured out why though, Dani had 2 stress relievers cooking and watercolors. She was stressed about something. Then I noticed she made cookie dough, time for some intervention. I braved my own kitchen and hip checked her. "Why so stressed? What's got you cooking like a mad woman?"

She sighed and spilled everything. "I may not have a job much longer. They're looking at combining mine and another position and I can't do that other spot."

I sighed, picked up my phone and called Holly. Once I was patched through to her I asked how things were going and even she sounded stressed. "You and Dani should talk, I bet you could mutually solve your issues." I handed the phone to Dani and they talked. In the end I was right, Holly needed help and Dani was more than happy to step into that role.

After the kids went to bed for the night, all of 4 hours before they woke hungry, I was planted on the couch and slathered with various of at home spa treatments. I did my best not to laugh as we joked around. Mel and Ashley called and wanted to speak to Mon. Good thing cause I had an egg white mask on and it was tightening up.

As I washed it off Ryanne came over to check in with me. "Everyone is treating you right yeah?" I knew she meant the Avalanche wives.

"Everyone is great Ry. In fact Mel and Ash were the ones to help us find the house. Kristen helps so much when I'm lost in being a new mom. I miss you guys but I'm not as lonely as I feared I would be. Especially since none of them knew how hard we'd been working to breastfeed." Yeah it was still hard that I couldn't do that anymore, I was hurting from engorgement right now. "Did I tell you about the party Max threw to pick me up from the depression I was falling into the day we found out?" She nodded. "We ended up with the entire team having floated through here that night. I didn't hold them once until the next morning."

The doorbell rang and I got it. "Hi Elsa." I waved her in.

"I would have called but your phone is busy." She was divesting her son of his outer gear. "I know yours are asleep but I need some adult time. Oh, I didn't realize you had company."

I waved my hand and took the baby. "Please, let's put him in the room with mine and you can have some time." We got him set up in the playpen and I brought her down. "Ladies, this is Elsa. Elsa, these are family and friends from Philly. Dani & Moni are my wedding party. Ryanne is Giroux's lady and the last in line is my sister Angela." To make her welcome, she started her own diy spa stuff.

The night was fun and while they didn't think I heard them invite Elsa to the party on the next night, I did. I was looking forward to whatever they had planned.

*Jan. 18, 2013*

As per usual I woke to hungry infants, after feeding them in the middle of the night. I wormed my way out of bed and padded downstairs to start the Baby Chef I found Angela on Skype with Chris and waved quietly. I then got the kids up, changed and back into the table for two. By now the formula was perfect so I filled bottles and then made 2 happy kids. It wasn't until after I started burping Nikki that I realized I was the topic of conversation between husband and wife. "Wow, you really do use them everyday." Chris said from the computer.

"Huh? Oh, the... yeah life would be nearly impossible without them both." Nikki burped well and then it was Jax's turn. "They are content to hang out in there as long as someone is nearby. They love that we prop them up instead of always having them flat. Tummy time is a lot more fun with them too." Was I happy that my sister and her family got me things I truly needed, yes very.

Ang went over and poured me a cup of coffee. "Here, take a drink." Oh, she'd found the Timmy's I'd hidden. "I hope you don't mind me going through the freezer. I've never had Tim Horton's before. It's really good."

I laughed. "Why do you think we have 8 bags in the freezer? Max's family sends us some every few months. What got you up?" I heard Chris stifle a snort.

Ang made a face and explained. "My office forgot I was out of state this weekend and called me. I figured since I was up I would make coffee and discuss some things with my husband." I nodded, made sense to me. "I gotta ask though, do you miss working? I know you loved going to Bastion."

The air felt charged. "I still work Ang. Being the head of the family trust doesn't mean I don't work. There's still things to do, although fewer than I thought which gives me time to make my place with the girls here. Being a new mom is work too which I know you know." She nodded. "I work less outside the house, but I'm really ok with that."

By now both kids had finished eating and were drowsing in the chairs. I moved them onto the floor and the twin z pillow and went into the kitchen. Ang said goodbye to Chris and came to help. "I know you are working at being a new mom, feels like yesterday Kevin was that small. Sometimes I miss it."

I heard the shower start upstairs and sighed. "Ang, take the first 2 or 3 weeks in February off. Use it as time to spend with KK. He needs to know you care." I was now getting things out to make breakfast.

"Do you know how I can spend time with him? I don't know where to start." I reopened her Skype and hit Chris' account.

Kevin answered. "Auntie Jass! How are my cousins?" I moved so he could not see his mom but could see the kids.

"They have clean diapers and full bellies so they are almost asleep. I gotta question for you big guy." He leaned forward. "If you could do anything with your mom what would it be?" I saw Ang lean closer to hear.

"Anything?" I nodded. "I want to make something with her. Like dad and I did for you for Christmas. It was fun figuring out how to make those better and dad says mom used to do a lot of sewing but she doesn't now." He sighed. "That's what I'd want. To make something with her just us."

I saw his mom tearing up and I smiled. "Would you like it if your mom made something you'd get at my wedding? Maybe something with your initials on it?" I was having a hard time figuring out the pattern for the kleen kanteen holders, if it made Ang and KK happy she could do them.

"Could it have robots too? Are Nick and Ella getting them too. She loves Disney Princesses, especially Merida, and he's still into dinosaurs." I laughed and took notes, if I could make the kids happy I would. Then Kevin got serious. "Auntie Jass, does my mom love me?" Ang gasped at that but I was far enough away he didn't hear.

I looked at him sternly. "Kevin Andrew Desrosiers how dare you think your mother doesn't love you! I know for a fact she not only does but if she heard you she'd be upset." I saw Ang wiping away tears. "Go get your dad, we're straightening this out right now." He sighed, hung his head and went to get Chris. I waved Ang over.

Once we were all back, I started. "KK, why do you think your mom doesn't love you?" Ang was clutching my arm.

He mumbled something which made me clear my throat loudly, he knew I didn't like mumblers. "I heard her and dad talking about having a baby. I thought it was because I did something wrong."

Both of his parents gasped at that. Having some experience in this area I continued. "KK, if they were talking about that, maybe it's because they want another baby and for you to have a sibling. Look at their faces and tell me what you see." We went on like this for a little bit, with all of them finally talking things out. Finally I summarized. "Kevin, you know how Uncle Nate, Aunt Kim and everyone sometimes is really mean to me?" He nodded. "Well they are all getting help to find out why. Even Grandpa Mike. Sometimes adults need to talk to people and let them help us figure out what's really going on. Just like when you guys talk to me about things. Other times you have to talk directly to who you have a question about to find out their side. How many sides to every story?" He brightened as I connected the dots for him.

"Three. Yours, mine and the truth. Gran says that a lot, did you learn it from her Auntie?" I nodded happily. "So if I need to talk to someone, I should right?"

Chris broke in. "Anytime you need to. We didn't know you had heard us or else we would have explained."

Now it was Ang's turn. "Kevin, you are _so_ important to us. Even when we don't show it. I'm happy your aunt has helped you have someone safe to talk to, but I hope we can find a way to talk without her too. Maybe we need to use my therapist to help us at first, would you like that?"

I stood and moved the kids as the living room was now the gathering spot. Dani smiled at me, she knew how I tried to get Kevin to talk to his folks and was happy things were working. She'd also taken over breakfast freeing me to grab a quick shower and then call the contractor. We would be going there at 10.

We were right on time, thanks to many hands. When I pulled into the driveway they all gasped. "This is gorgeous!" Exclaimed Ryanne.

We went inside and met the foreman, Jack. "Mrs. Talbot, so nice to meet you. Thank you for calling before you came over. I can't show you the kitchen in detail as that's where the guys are working right now. We can go upstairs and look at what's gone on up there."

I hoisted Jaxson's car seat and waved an arm. "Lead on." When we hit the top of the stairs I gasped. The framing was all up for the kids' rooms and getting covered with insulation and sheet rock. "Oh wow, this is so much better than I expected." Jack smiled and preened. I set Jaxson down and moved into what would be the twins rooms. "Have there been any problems with moving the back wall?"

"Oh no ma'am. It's gone very smoothly. Your husband checked in last week with us, that helped spur the guys on and to do a good job. We didn't realize we were doing this for one of our boys." I giggled. The Avs were well loved.

Ryanne moved up next to me. "Just how much construction are you guys doing on this place?" I blushed.

Jack jumped in. "They are doing needed repairs to the floors, bumping out the bedrooms with some reconfiguration, turning a 3 season porch into a real room and redoing the kitchen. Really what they've done will make this an incredible home." He moved into what would be the kids' bathroom. "Take the jack and jill they're redoing. It's got closets on both sides to help deaden the sound in the rooms that bracket it. The mud area they've put in was a much better use of space than the closet that was there. It's inspired me to something similar in my own home."

I put my head in my hands, I was so embarrassed. I moved into the finished master suite and started to envision it and get over what had been said. I hadn't meant to be an inspiration to anyone, I just liked a dedicated spot to put everything. As I looked through my new bedroom I could see that we would put the bed further back and have a small sitting area towards the front, at least right now. The expanded closet was begging for organization for the clothes that were now kind of stuffed into a smaller one. That was something I could do after we moved in though.

I got over my embarrassment in time to have Jack and the girls come into the space. Dani and Moni both whistled. "Damn girl, you gained how much space?"

"Um... about 5 feet in depth. That's why the kids' rooms are being reconfigured to work better for growing children. They were horribly mismatched before. One was about 13 feet square and the other was 11 by 12. We're making it more equal so they can't fight as much about who has the bigger room." I rocked Jax with my foot as he was a little fussy, I checked him and found him too warm. If he was, Nikki was too. I unzipped them both while Jack continued.

"They have taken some great bones and made them perfect. My guys are loving working with you on this." I'm sure he would have said more but one of his guys came in the room while talking.

"Boss man, we found the leaks in the kitchen. Oh, I didn't realize what time it was. Anyway, if you want to see it and how serious the damage really is, we've got it exposed." He looked chagrined that he had interrupted something important.

I cured this. "I would love to see how extensive the damage really was. The original builder of the home told me his kids didn't take good care of it and he knew we would somehow." I picked up Jaxson's seat. "Would someone mind being in the living room with the kids? I'm sure the kitchen isn't safe yet."

Angela laughed. "You go look at your mess if a kitchen sis, I'll take my niece and nephew into the living room and let them out of their seats if that's ok." Jack smiled and nodded as we went back downstairs.

I went with Jack and his crew member into the kitchen. It was demolished as I expected. What I didn't expect was the large rotted sections. "Jack this floor needs complete replacement." Said someone I didn't recognize.

Jack nodded and replied. "I'm well aware of that Mr. Harper. So are the owners. In fact Mrs. Talbott is here to check the rest of the floors and see how bad her kitchen really is." I waved from the safe spot Jack had put me in. "Someone catch me up."

They explained that _both_ sinks in here had horrible leaks underneath them. I made a face, it might slow things down to replace everything but if it needed it I didn't think we had a choice. Edging my way along the wall I saw how extensive it really was and knew what to do. "Pull everything that needs it and replace it. That looks very close to mold." I pointed to the greenish black spot nearer to me."

The man nearest me took a closer look. "Oh, you're right. That is mold. We need to get it tested boss."

Jack came over and shuddered. "Fortunately if it turns out to be mold, it's the only spot we've got. There was nothing upstairs." That relieved my mind. "John, go get the test kit from my truck. Let's find out for sure right now." John ran out and then back in. In 5 minutes the results were in. "It's not mold, but we'll take it up and replace it to be safe."

"Thank you. I'd rather not have to deal with mold issues. They can get nasty fast if not kept in check." I shuddered remembering a mold issues Bastion 2 had when we first bought the property.

I did look around the kitchen and compare the space to what I knew would be going in. I liked what I saw in the bare bones. I then went to check on the mud area. I had to see it for myself. It looked better than I imagined. There were 4 stalls and a small closet for larger coats. I sat in one and tried it out. They could use some padding in my opinion, but I had time for that later. Jack came and found me. "You really are using this as inspiration?"

He flushed and nodded. "Sure why not? Mine's smaller scale but we need the same type of space and honestly I brought my wife over to look when we had finished it and she loved it too. We've got 3 of our own and the fight over closet space is old by now. This will solve it. This is," He took out his tape measure and checked it. "2 feet square, ours will be 18 inches square. I just don't know what we're going to put beneath the stalls to catch snow and such."

I smiled. "I know what we'll be doing that would work. A boot tray with river rocks in it. Keeps the boots out of the melt water. I gave mine to my Gran when we moved here." I hadn't yet gotten a new set as I was waiting now until we moved into the house.

"How do you do that? Won't your children get into them?" He sat next to me.

I giggled. "Maybe, but the chances are slimmer if they can't get the rocks up. You hot glue them into the tray."

Angela came over and listened in. "Is that where Gran got those. Kevin loves them." Jack excused himself as I saw him pull out his phone. "Maybe I could make those with him for our house."

I pat the stall next to me. "We could make a set for here and then you'll know how. Maybe in February we can make them for the Brossard house too. Together, maybe even Kim and Nate would want to help. It's an easy project and can be personalized easily with different colored stones."

Soon enough I had approved of the work that had been done so far and we were on our way to Home Depot to get supplies for this project. It really was an easy project and we spent more time finding the perfect trays and stones than it took to make them. Ryanne even texted Claude as we were doing it to tell him they would do this at his place next.

I decided that I was going to make some cold brew coffee for the morning. Problem was I didn't have a big enough jar to make it for everyone and have leftovers. Max and I had found that cold brewing made it much smoother and without the bitter aftertaste, it was how we preferred it now. Heating water was easy even in a sleep deprived state. Of course this meant I had to go get either another jar or a bigger one. I didn't care which. For fun Ryanne went with me.

It took us 15 minutes to find another jar in Target. As we went back to the car Ry asked to drive. I didn't mind until she told me to put on the blindfold. "Look we have a surprise for you and I'm supposed to keep you out until it's ready. Humor me please." I sighed and put on the blindfold. This weekend was about having fun, not being a buzzkill.

We drove around for I don't know how long until we finally stopped and she came to help me into where we were going. It took us a while with my unsure footing to get in. It was then that I found out I was hosting a party, specifically my own bachelorette party. "Surprise!" I was quickly bustled into a sash that was pink and black zebra.

Dani came over and hugged me. "You deserve to have a rocking bachelorette party, but Moni and I know you better. Tonight is all about being kids again. We're having a slumber party! Now because there are small children involved, we'll save the racier things for after their bedtime."

Moni started passing out bags. "Ok, the reason we asked for your sizes was to get these. Fortunately we're all the same size over all so if the top doesn’t fit you, feel free to find one that would. We did try to make them fit how you each described yourselves though." She handed me my bag last. "We picked out yours very carefully Jass." She was smirking.

Feeling tense I opened the bag. Oh god I was right. Inside was a black shirt and hot pink pajama pants. I never had liked the color pink, of course they chose it for this night. I pulled out the shirt and looked at it. I'm the Bride was printed on it. Then I looked deeper, there were even pajamas for the kids in pink and black. I teared up at the sight of it all. They knew me too well.

Angela handed me a non-alcoholic drink, it was pink. "I'm sensing a theme." I said ironically. She smiled.

"Oh yes you do. It's a pink pajama party." She then turned to face everyone else. "For those who don't know, my sister hates the color pink. Not that I can blame her, she was the surprise baby and our mother delighted in dressing her in pink and frills as often as she could for as long as she could. Trust me, that's a _lot_ of pink over the years." We moved into the living room and all sat down as she continued. "It was finally our Gramps who told mother off and got Jass out of Pink Hell. When Moni brought this idea to me I knew it was the perfect time to get my sister over this hatred, give her some good memories of this color and I'm positive we'll do that tonight."

Dani had been handing out glasses of the punch. As Ang finished she lifted her glass. "To Jassmine, the best sister someone could ever have. Even if you don't share blood." She winked at me. I ducked my head and blushed.

I then stood up. "I love you guys. I know I'm new here in Denver, but you have made me feel very welcome. Shown me the house that Max and I will be moving into after the break, helped me celebrate that myself and my kids were still healthy even though things were going south, hell even listening to me when I break down over the stupidest things. To my sisters, blood be damned my girls are my sisters now and forever."

The party started with all of us, including the 5 kids in attendance, changing into our pajamas. Then Dani brought out the cookie dough she had made. "It's Gran's recipe, so she can be here without having to travel." She told me as she pulled out the cookie cutters she had brought. The only remotely racy one was the corset, the rest were in line with a wedding theme. We took turns cutting out, baking and just having fun talking. Once the cookies were all cut and cooling, a game was brought out.

Moni clapped her hands. "Ok, we might all love Jass but we don't all know each other well. I've got 5 boxes of question cards and I'm going to mix them up. For every time you answer a question, you get a beaded necklace." Ang then handed out pink and black bags. "At the end of the game, you will trade in those necklaces for some naughty prizes. The game will go on from now until Jass opens her gifts after the Avs game. During their game it will go on during commercials and intermissions. I have something special for the person who collects the most necklaces. Your prizes will go in the bag I just handed to you. Prize cost is between 1 and 3 necklaces." She then read off the first question. "Who will be the worst influence on Max at the bachelor party?"

Before anyone could answer the doorbell rang. Without thinking of what I was wearing, I went and answered it. "Melanie!" I stepped back and let her in.

"Damn I'm late, I wanted to see your face when you got that." She took her coat off, got handed a bag with her pajamas and quickly went to change. Coming back she was smiling. "You didn't think we could let you have this without one of us here did you? Vero couldn’t make it so I got to come."

Getting back to the game, I realized that only half of us knew who Max's groomsmen were. So I fixed that. "Max is having Bruno and Marc-Andre standing with him." I saw Ryanne's jaw drop. "They are his best friends and like brothers to him. It's a great balance as Dani and Moni are like sisters to me. So, now we can play the game on the same page, my answer is his cousins."

Everyone answered and got a necklace. So far things were off to a good start. As the questions came, they were either blander like that or racier like What is your favorite sexual position? You never knew what kind of question it would be until it was read, it made things fun and a bit embarrassing if you weren't prepared.

Dani finally got everyone's attention and opened the buffet. That reminded me that I needed to start the cold brew or else we wouldn't have enough. I got up and started that to curious looks. "Just wait until you taste it tomorrow morning. We love it cold brewed now." While I was at it I made up some formula for Jax and Nikki. It was just as easy to do it now as when they started crying.

Ashley came over with Jax. "Oh good, see mommy knew you were hungry." I glanced over and saw him giving classic hunger cues. I smiled and poured off his bottle, then Nikki's. Ash gave him his bottle and he started sucking it down. I tickled his cheek and went to find who has my daughter, Mel did.

"Oh wonderful. Hey Nikki, let's get you fed and happy so mommy and all of us can eat." Nikki sucked greedily at her bottle as soon as it was in her mouth. Mel tugged me down and leaned against me. "I hope you aren't upset that you don't really get a night off to go crazy."

I shook my head. "Nah, this is better for me. Good friends getting together and having fun. This way we all know we're safe and if you blackout you're not going to be hurt in any way." I grinned. "However I won't say that we won't mess with you."

Mel shoved me lightly with her elbow. She knew I was kidding, revenge can be nasty after all. It didn't hurt that she had Nikki, I would never bug my princess while she ate.

After my kids had eaten, we put them on the floor for some tummy time. We arranged ourselves for the game that was soon to start. I sat next to the couch and had Kristen above me. Her youngest were on either side of her and her eldest were at other sleep overs. Elsa sat next to her with Gabriel in her lap. Vanessa and Aisha were sitting on the other end of the couch. Ash and Mel were on the floor as well.

Questions were still being asked during pre-game. Right now I had 5 necklaces and there was plenty of time before I opened whatever the girls got me. As we all answered who the sexiest man alive was, my phone alerted me to a text. 'Hope you and the girls are having a blast. Can't wait to see what they got you. ;)' Of course it was from Max.

Melanie stole my phone out of my hand and read the text aloud, making everyone smile. "Someone has it bad." She smirked through saying.

"I would hope so, I did have his children. Besides, from what I hear Bruno was just as bad." I stuck my tongue out at her, as I was in a playful mood. I snatched my phone back and took a shot of the kids looking vaguely in the direction of the tv. 'Go daddy go! We'll try to stay awake for the first.' I sent it to Max and put the phone down. 1 text pre-game that was our limit.

Sure enough while we were trying to watch the game, we were having more fun letting loose and being silly. Taking a vote we decided that just sitting around talking while the game was background noise was a better idea. It meant that they got more out of me about the plans we had. That's when Moni let the other shoe drop. "Oh that reminds me, Max has arraigned for Tony to come in tomorrow so he can get your dress perfect for you. He's done Dani and I's already, they both were ordered too big by the shop. Did you bring yours Dan?"

She flushed. "I did, I wanted Jass to see it before the day. You have yours?" Moni laughed and nodded. "Let's go put them on so everyone can see." They raced upstairs to change.

Aisha asked. "So Jass what does your dress look like?" That had everyone looking at me expectantly.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember, it'd been a while since I had seen it. "It's white, which I'm sure mother will have an issue with. Really simple overall, which I think is perfect for the ceremonies were combining. It does have a small band of bling at the empire waistline. From there it has a draping front which will disguise anything. I didn't look as pregnant when I tried it on." I was smiling as I remembered it. I couldn't wait to see it again.

The girls came back down and got oohed and ahhed over. Angela smiled. "You guys look _so_ you. Jass if your dress makes you look like your true self, you're going to knock his socks off. I haven't found what I'm wearing yet but I think it might be in your colors if that's ok." She was biting her lip, she wasn't sure I'd be ok with the idea.

"I think that's a perfect idea. Gran said she was going next weekend to help Lucie find a knockout dress too. I don't really care what people wear, I just want everyone to be true to who they are. I've told Sofia this which made her happy as she told me some of the cousins hate wearing suit jackets but love vests. The underlying theme has become 'To thine own self be true'." I wanted everyone to be comfortable, it was going to be a long joint ceremony.

Kristen chuckled warmly. "With what you're doing that day, I'm sure everyone will like being comfy. Speaking of, do you have shoes to change into when your feet start to hurt?"

Dani laughed. "She's got her dream wedding shoes. Gran and I made sure she did."

I got up and scampered upstairs. I had been breaking in both pairs of shoes by wearing them in the house while doing little things around. I had been wearing socks in them too to gently stretch them too. Putting them on I came back down and showed them off. Vanessa whistled at me. "Those were limited edition Louboutins."

I nodded and Moni laughed. "She started drooling the first time she saw them. I told Dani and Aunt Marion and then made sure I found her a pair of platform shoes for when her arches get tired." She got a lot of nods.

During the first intermission I put the kids in their crib and made sure the other sleeping places were ready. They hadn't quite made it all the way through but they tried. Elsa came in while I was checking everything. "Is everything ready in here?"

"Yep. Kristen set up her kid's sleeping mats earlier and Max and I put together the other crib for Gabriel before they left this time. I'll have the monitor downstairs just in case. We'll hear it if they need us. I know my schedule well so I can head off anything they need." I couldn’t yet imagine how scary it was to have a child sleeping somewhere other than home, but I'm sure it was nerve wracking.

She smiled. "I'm just happy not to be the only one planning a wedding here. What you've shared seems so the two of you. I love that you're doing it all your way. From everything I've heard your mom is unhappy with everything I hope you have someone on your side of how the planning is going."

We left the kids to sleep and came back down. "As much as my mother has hated it, my Gran has loved it. She's always encouraged me to be myself. She's the one who's been more my mom than my mother has been." I picked up a picture of her and Max. "I took this in the hospital as they cooed over the twins." They had identical happy looks as they looked at the kids. "I was very happy to have her here when they came. She loves Max and how good he's been for me. I was a work-a-holic before we got together."

Dani snorted and laughed loudly. "That's an understatement J. Until I dragged you to your first Flyers game you hardly did anything but work. You were hooked after that which was wonderful for everyone. You also fought against liking Max at first too. Not too hard but you did. I had to pretty much push you into going out with him, then we could hardly pull you apart." Her mirth was infectious.

"The Schenns were very upset when you two got attached so quickly. They were taking bets to see who could bed you the fastest. Especially when the room found out you and Max hadn't done anything quickly." Ryanne didn't look upset that the bet had been canceled. "Claude was surprised as well but told me to keep the Schenns away. Max coming into the room whistling a few days later made us glad we kept them away." Dani smiled.

5 more necklaces were earned by everyone when we got into the game again. We were having a blast now. The combination of decks was no longer embarrassing anyone. I earned another by being the only one to answer the next question. "If you could do anyone without having your current lover find out would you do it and with whom?"

"Who in their right mind would turn down one night with Chris Hemsworth?" I exclaimed as I claimed the necklace. Everyone kind of accepted my logic. I had 11 necklaces now.

I got a chance to eat during the second while everyone was grilling Dani and Moni about how the days before would be handled. I tried not laughing at what they thought was planned but I failed. I had to set the record straight. "Uh, guys. You're way off on what the plans are. Sofia and I have plans to make Max's birthday on the 11th the drop dead date for being ready. Besides the wedding party, his cousins will be going through the rehearsal with us and then after we're going out to celebrate his birthday."

Angela looked at me funny. "You aren't having a traditional rehearsal dinner?" I think she felt hurt.

I moved to her. "Ang, we're having his family who can't make the wedding over to celebrate on his birthday. It's coincidence that the priest wants to run through everything that day. Our guest list is so small it made more sense to give our thank you gifts out all at once. If you guys are there you're of course welcome to join us. Gran already told me she wouldn't miss it. We'll be decorating the great room after, getting it setup for the reception." I was a bit boggled by her attitude, but I tried rolling with it.

The house phone rang and Dani answered it. "Grand Central, who you looking for?" It was how she always answered the phone when there were a lot of people over. "Hold on Nate. Hey J, your bro is on the phone."

I rubbed Ang's arm and went to get the phone in our room. "Hi Nate, I didn't expect to hear from you. Is something wrong?" I sat on the bed, enjoying being alone in the room.

He quickly set me at ease. "No, everything's fine. I was calling to see if Angela had talked to you about your wedding. Kim is looking for ideas of what to wear."

I chuckled. "Be comfortable but not formal. We will have a small dance floor. Not going to be a real rehearsal dinner, just decorating the great room after going out with the close cousins who can't make it. The 11th is Max's birthday and when we want to have everything finalized and ready so we can not stress the last 3 days." I was laying on my back on the bed talking to him. It felt nice to not be talked down to.

He sighed. "God Jassmine, I feel like an ass over how I've treated you and Max. You know I'm in therapy right? I just did a session with dad and found out all sorts of reasons I have been a jerk." Ah, it was going to be one of those conversations.

I sighed into the phone. "I know, Gran and Ang told me. I'm happy you're getting help bro, maybe one day you'll like me as much as your kids do." I rolled over and spotted the picture I had of myself and all 3 kids. We'd just gotten back to Chris and Ang's house after a serious bout of ice cream and it showed. Chris had taken a pic of us all.

I heard Kim laugh and smiled. For as horrible as my siblings were their spouses were wonderful. "I doubt Nate could love you more than those two. They are _so_ excited to see you and Max get married."

I laughed. "Not as excited as we are. I think we have finalized the readings. Waiting to hear from
Good Shepard now. Hey what are the kids favorite colors or such? KK was saying dinosaurs and Merida but you might know different. I want to be sure before I commit to fabric."

Kim got excited. "You making something special for them? They'll love anything you know that. Anyway, yeah Ella loves anything disney Princess especially Merida. Nick is getting into Pokemon but I would rather see him get into something else. Oh! How to train your dragon, he loves that movie!" Then, as typical for Kim, she jumped topics. "Gran has taken the kids to a couple games, they came home tired but happy. We're going to take the kids to see a game ourselves in a few days. Any advice?"

"Dress warm, the Wells Fargo Center is chilly. Get a program and pay attention. It's a fast game. Don't be afraid to cheer loud either, you'll fit right in." I thought about my first game and how lost I felt. "If you have good seat neighbors ask questions during stoppages. Overall just go with an open mind and remember they do more than skate around. Max can answer questions maybe in February."

Soon they were letting me know their plans for when they were coming in, on the 10th and staying through the 16th. They already had rooms booked which made me happy. I, in turn, reiterated that they were welcome at Max's birthday and that I wanted them to be comfy during the ceremony. "The colors we chose are silver and navy but don't feel you have to wear them. If you're going to insist, please make sure the kids love what they are wearing. Nick doesn't have to wear anything he doesn't want to. A couple of Max's cousins hate jackets so are wearing vests, I'd be fine with the boys doing the same."

We said goodbye and hung up and I found Ang standing in my doorway. "Wow, you really do want people to be comfy. You mean that for even Kevin?" I got up and scoffed.

"I don't treat the boys differently. What's good for one is good for the other." I started out of the room and hooked her arm. "Relax sis. Kevin can wear whatever he wants as long as he's comfy. Come on, let's see if the kiddies are asleep yet so I can open gifts and trade in these necklaces." I tugged her back to the living room and found Kristen was coming down right behind us.

"Ok ladies, give this mama booze. My kids are asleep and this party needs to get naughty." I'd heard Kristen talk like this once before, just a couple days ago. I giggled and went to the cabinet and got out the white wine. I knew I had enough glasses so I had no problem pulling them out and then grabbing another bottle when the first one died.

The game wasn't over but none of us were really watching anymore. Moni brought out a black bag and smiled evilly. "Ok girls, let's see who wins the prize. These are wrapped in 1,2 or 3 necklace amounts. You want the package, you drop them into your prize bag. Now I do have a special prize for the one who has the most necklaces left over after. So... let's see who gets the first one." She started asking questions about me and the one who answered them correctly got the prize. When she had only 1 package left we finally got to open what we won.

Vanessa turned bright red as she opened her first package. It became clear why shortly. It was cock rings, three of them. If that was a 1 necklace package, what was 2 or 3 worth? Kristen opened a 2 and giggled. It was a lipstick vibrator.

Aisha opened a package and laughed. "Oh I love it! You have to tell me where you got this!" It was a can of shaving creme meant for a woman's pussy. Elsa nearly spit out her wine when she opened her first package. It was Nipple Nibblers, Tasty Twist and several sample flavored lubes. Dani found the mascara vibe in hers while Mel found the body shimmer. Ashley found a different shaving creme and then everyone was waiting to see what I found. I pulled out the package no one else had opened yet and torn into it. I found the iBuzz 2 bullet vibrators and pulse to your iPod with fun bits for both partners. I laughed. "God I love you two!"

Vanessa looked a little horrified. "You aren't embarrassed by these?"

Kristen comforted her. "Vanessa, Nate's a good guy but adding spice to your relationship adds spark. Especially after you've been together a while or had kids. By Jass' reaction she knows what they are for and is not embarrassed by knowing. If you have questions, please ask. I'm sure we all remember being new to these things."

Dani came over and sat down. "The three of us, when we all were 18, decided that we needed to not be embarrassed by our sexuality. We found a great store to go in and browse, even got questions answered by a knowledgeable staff. We took matters into our own hands as our families wouldn't have done anything like this."

She looked at me. "Wait, you know where a shop is?"

I shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, I have needs just like he does. I'd rather get myself off than be tempted to cheat, besides Max likes to watch." I felt my cheek flame at that, but the girls loved it. "We'll go the next time the guys are gone. I only go to clean, well run places. Places that won't make a new person feel like a slut for wanting help."

Moni sat next to me. "She's right, those are the best places. As for where we got this stuff, it was online. Which is another good place to start looking." She handed me another gift. "For now we'll table this and all enjoy Jass opening the prize for having the most necklaces left over at 3." I opened it and found a mini leather keychain whip.

Now this was a little further than my comfort zone currently was, but I rolled with it. "Oh wow, it's so cute!" I was then handed my blindfold again and put it on. Everyone seems to be scurrying around getting things while I'm blinded.

It doesn't take long for my blindfold to be taken off again. I was now sitting in front of a pile of gifts and a cake shaped like a corset. I giggle and find myself looking at the different packages before me. Aisha hands me hers. "Start with this. Tyson and I have one and find it very helpful."

I opened it and took a look. It was a dry erase board in a nice frame that had our initials and wedding date on it. Looking further I found all of the tags that went with it. Some of them were tame and some were more on the racy side but it was all geared towards making sure the lines of communications flowed. "Thanks Aisha, I'll have to find a spot for this both here and pick your brain about making one for the Montreal house as well."

Vanessa went next. "I think mine is tamer than hers but it's something I hope you love all the same." Opening it I smiled warmly.

"Tame but more than welcome Vanessa. I've always wanted to try Philosophy products. This is a good way." She smiled.

Moni, Dani and Ryanne all handed me thier gifts next. It was all classy sleepwear. Mon had gotten me a navy blue gown with white lace. Dan a blue chemise and a robe with bride on the back and Ryanne a white asymmetrical gown. "Well, classy not trashy, what is the world coming to?" My two best friends stuck their tongues out at me.

Ang handed me her gift. "Here's something that will get you trashed. Is that close enough?" I opened it and fou d a Moen champagne bottle, pink of course, along with a pen. "I thought you might want to have a classier momento that everyone can see."

I hugged her tightly. "This is perfect Ang. Let's open this sucker!" Let me tell you champagne after white wine is delicious.

The twin terrors, Ashley and Mel, went next. "We wanted to add some spice into your bedroom. Not knowing what you had or not we chose things that were yummy too." Opening them I found chocolate and carmel body paints from Kama Sutra and a raspberry weekend kit also from Kama Sutra.

"I'll have to put these on his side so I don't eat them myself." I joked. We had a chocolate raspberry body paint we liked, this would be even more sweet fun. "And how did you guys know we both liked raspberry? It's their best no chocolate flavour." Everyone giggled naughtily.

Elsa smiled as she brought her small boxes to me. "Well if you like those, you should like this. Open the smaller one first." I took it, ripped open the paper and found a dual sided pillowcase. One said had an angel on it saying not tonight and the other side was a devil saying YES. I giggled and made plans for that while I opened the other box.

I gasped as what was in the box hit me. "Elsa you shouldn't have. Genuine silk sheets." I was in awe. I had been wanting some but didn't know where to find good quality ones. "I've been trying to find a set but had no clue where to look."

She smiled a bit seductively. "Well now you'll know."

Melanie laughed as she brought me her gifts. "I thought I was going to be the saucy one. I hope you two _truly_ enjoy these." She winked as she went to sit down.

I opened the first one and smiled. It was the modern edition of The Kama Sutra. "We had been thinking about getting this." The second was the little black book of kama sutra. "I didn't know about this one." The last was blatant, The little black book of sexual positions. I flipped through it and saw a few we had tried and failed at, I flushed as I realized where we had gone wrong. "Oh, we didn't have the support in the right spot. This makes more sense now."

Kristen tittered as she brought her gifts up. "I'm very glad those don't worry you. I hope these help you get into those positions without pain."

I opened the large bag she had brought over and gasped. "Are these? Oh my god they are! I've heard of these but I didn't have a clue where to get them."

Dani looked and gasped. "Holy, the ramp and wedge from Liberator! How did you not know where to find these Jass? I don't have a reason to get anything from there or else I would."

Kristen laughed. "Oh honey! You're so wrong! You don't need a partner to use them, I don't always have a partner and still use them. Gives a better angle for some things." She winked saucily. "Of course they're more _fun_ with JS..." she let her sentence peter off as we all either groaned at the TMI or stifled giggles. "And the kids know we have them, but not what they really are. We told them that they're for when we watch TV."

We took turns trying them out for watching the game, they were sturdy and comfy. I couldn't wait to try them out with Max. Then we found one more gift, it was from Max. I found the note and read it. 'Babe, I found a way around buying batteries and thought you might enjoy having one. It's rechargeable. Can't wait to watch you with it. - Max' I smiled, we'd been good so far but I was counting the days until I was cleared for real sex. 18 more days...

My two needed a feeding and change so I dashed up to do that. To keep the others asleep, I took them into my room. I turned on the game just to see what was going on, it was the last 5 minutes of the game. I went and let the girls know and it was turned back on. Nikki was hungry while Jax was content to lay beside me so I fed her first. We watched as Nashville scored again with about 3 minutes left. I started the chant every hockey wife knew, 'Please let them win please, please let them win'.

The Avs held pn and won 5-4. The apartment erupted with cheers, or in my case baby burps. Dani had brought my phone to me and had taken to feeding Jax. "Going to games isn't the same without you. Well the place is the same, but I don't enjoy it as much."

I smiled. "It's been hard on me too Dans. I booked tickets to come back to Philly for the game there before the break. We should go together, we'll have to be in the family suite but the girls are all super sweet." Nikki scrunched up and I felt her working on something in her pants. "Who knows you might meet someone."

She scoffed. "Not me, I work a lot remember. Although maybe not as much in a few weeks. Holly and I have been texting just what I'll be doing. It sounds really close to what I'm doing now, handling all press and outside stuff. Better yet it's a place I love and know does good things. She's in over her head with expanding on top of her basic learning curve.

I sighed, I did miss going to Bastion every day and helping the kids on a more personal level. "Maybe I should stop by and help her for a day. I know the expansion stuff is difficult. Besides I wouldn't mind seeing the stamp she's put on the place." Nikki was done so I changed her and then I grabbed Jax to change him. We took them back into their room and they settled back to sleep.

I then heard my phone going off. Dani smiled and waved as she went back down. It was of course Max. "Hey babe, great game." I said as I answered.

Max chuckled as always. "Did you guys actually watch it all? I'm shocked."

"No, we had it on but we weren't really watching after the first. We did catch the last 5 minutes thanks to hungry kiddos. That was a nail biter." I knew he would understand us not watching it all. We'd go nuts if that's all we did.

I heard the win song kick off and smiled. It was always better to talk to him after a win. "Did you get anything _naughty_?" His voice went low with a hint of spine shivering lust. He knew the answer but I had to shock him too.

"Most of what I got was naughty. Turns out some of our friends are real freaks in the sheets. Tell Gigs I know his secret now, I'll show you when you get home." I truly loved everything I got, just the right side of naughty.

"That's why I'm calling. We aren't going to be home until tomorrow morning. Something with the plane." I can hear reporters coming in and questions being asked. "I just don't want you to worry when I don't snuggle up in a few hours. Kids are ok right?"

Something is wrong. Max only asks about the kids either when he's alone or just a few of the guys are around. "Babe, what's wrong? The kids are fine. Just ate and got changed, probably down for hours now."

The silence I get back tells me a lot, he's trying to avoid something there. "That's good. Remember to call if you need help. The girls are all awesome that way."

I switched to French. "Max, je ne sais pas ce que c'est, mais nous sommes bien. Les filles et moi sommes sur la bonne voie pour une cuite et personne ne quitte. Parlez-moi d'amour. (Max, I don't know what is up, but we're fine. The girls and I are well on our way to sloshed and no one is leaving. Talk to me love.)" He will answer more in his first language.

"Je voulais rentrer à la maison, glisse dans notre lit et tire la fermeture même si nous ne pouvons pas faire plus. Même avec 11 autres femmes là-bas. Je pense que je suis très prêt à la pause. (I wanted to come home, slide into our bed and pull you close even though we can't do more. Even with 11 other ladies there. I think I'm very ready for the break.)" He was quiet as he answered me.

I knew how he felt. "Soon love. I did tell you that I booked flights to Philly when you guys are there on the 6th, right?" He grunted. "I have a plan for the kids. I just hope they go along with it. We're flying coach so I can be between them to feed them on takeoff and landing. Gran and dad are meeting me at the airport. We'll be in the family suite at the game."

"Really? That's great. Why though?" The noise on his end died down.

"Both Ang and Nate want me to go to a session with them. I was going to make it a shorter flight to Montreal but this works too. We leave here at about 7 am and should be getting into Philly at 12:30, just in time to feed them again. This is on the 4th so I have time to get them on and off the plane safely." I wanted to help my siblings figure out everything so we could have good relationships instead of what we had now.

"Should I join you after our game against the Islanders or just go to Montreal?" He was fiddling with something.

"How about you meet me in Montreal? Ang and Chris are taking until the 23rd off and are flying with me on the afternoon of the 8th. I can meet you and then we can go as a family to church the next morning." I was hoping he'd go for it.

The door opened and closed on his end and there was laughter from someone else. "You wouldn't bring the kids would you? I wouldn't want to wake them."

I smiled, looked up and saw Ang standing there. I waved her in. "I bet I could talk them into listening for the kids if I asked." Ang nodded quickly. "Give us the drive home for just us." He sighed heavily as if he wasn't the only one who missed being physical in bed. "Not a lot of time, but it would be nice to not worry or have anything to do but talk to each other."

"We're going to owe your sister and brother for this. I'll look for you in Montreal and book my flight tonight before I sleep. I gotta go get cleaned up. Drink safely and I'll see you tomorrow." I blew him a kiss over the phone and hung up.

"Come on Ang, time for this mama to get even more sloshed." She giggled as we went down to find Dani cooking something for the morning. She also had the slow cooker getting ready for cooking breakfast. I checked how the cold brew was doing and was happy with it. From there I worked at drinking more and not blacking out. The talk got dirtier and frank. In time I had to pretty much crawl upstairs to sleep, the last time I looked at the clocked it was 2:15 a.m.
♠ ♠ ♠
My deepest and most sincere apologies for disappearing. RL got in the way. I was working at my kid's school for 3 weeks with no time to write when I got home.

It took me forever to get this chapter done. I do hope you enjoy it.

If you want to see what the gifts look like and who got what shirt check them out here. Be warned it is not really work safe due to what those items are.

As usual please let me knkw how you liked this. Now, onto the next fic!