Let's Make This Night a Classic

Alex Gaskarth

Elyse has only liked Alex for close to forever.

She still remembered the first time she saw him, when she was merely 4 years old.

Basically, it was love at first sight.
For her anyways.

"Elyse! Hiii!" screamed Alice, her best friend.
"Alice! Hiii!" she screamed back.

They were in the same preschool class and had bonded over pink paper and glitter glue.

The two little girls hugged and skipped over to the swings.

After swinging peacefully for a few minutes, they heard a scream coming from the monkey bars.
They jumped off and ran over to see what was going on.

They were 4 years old after all. And what 4 year old isn't curious?
They looked up at the top of the monkey bars and saw a skinny blonde boy about to jump off the top of the structure.

The scream had come from another little girl in their class, Jessica, who was famous for screaming and whining and crying at everything.
"Aleex! Your gonna die!" she whined, trying to convince him to not jump off like an idiot.

"No he's not. My brother does that all the time," Elyse pointed out.

"That's so not true. I'm gonna go get Miss Bloom and your gonna get in trouubbbllee!" Jessica sang while skipping off to find their teacher.

As soon as she left, Alex jumped off and landed in the soft grass without a scratch.
"Told you so," Elyse said smugly, smiling. "
Your smart," Alex said, smiling back and getting up.
"I'm Alex. You wanna play with me?" he asked.
"I'm Elyse. And okay, sure!" she answered.

He grabbed her hand and they ran off towards the slides.
She was doomed from day one.

Elyse's brother Zack burst into her room.

"Hey, we're playing at a party tonight. Wanna come?" he asked her.

"Uh sure. Who all is going?" she asked.

"Well me, plus Jack, Rian, and Alex of couse."

As soon as she heard the name Alex, she jumped off her bed and into her closet.
"OH MY GOD WHAT SHOULD I WEAR!?" she yelled, freaking out to the max.

"Duuuude! Elyse, BREATHE!" Zack screamed at her.

"But but but.. Alex will be there!" she argued.

Zack was painfully aware of his younger sister's obsession with Alex Gaskarth, who also happened to be his best friend.
For him, it was terribly awkward.
But it was also insanely fun to pick on Elyse about it.

"SO? He's always there. Oh, and by the way, Valentina's here," he said, kissing his girlfriend as she made her way in her best friend's room.

"Hey girliiee," Valentina said, jumping on Elyse's bed.
"Hey, help me pick out an outfit?" Elyse said with a desperate hint in her voice.
"But of course. What would you do without my amazing fashion skills?" she said, sorting through Elyse's endless piles of clothes.

Two hours later, the girls were all ready to go.
After looking through Elyse's bottomless dresser drawers, Valentina picked out red skinny jeans, turquoise flats, and a cuteshirtfor Elyse, and pink skinnies, yellow flats, and a black tee for herself.

"Fabulous," she declared, looking at them in the full-lenght mirror.
"Well, then let's go!" Elyse exclaimed, jumping around excitedly.

They both jumped in Valentina's car and got at whoever's house it was in less than 5 minutes.

"This'll be fun."

Around some unspecified hour in the night, when most people were hopelessly drunk, someone decided to play spin the bottle.

Oh, joy.

Elyse was very probably the least intoxicated in the house, along with Jack and maybe Valentina and Zack, who were passed out in each other's arms on the couch.

Then again, maybe not.

Everyone who had the physical ability to sat in a sad excuse of a circle, and a slutty blonde girl placed an empty beer bottle in the middle and spun it.

To her joy and Elyse's horror, it landed right on Alex.

Now, Elyse might have thought she loved Alex before, but after seeing this side of him, she had serious doubts.
He and the slut were sucking face so hard she was afraid their lips would fall off.

She felt her heart give in, just a little.
He was never hers to begin with, so why did it hurt so bad?

Taking a deep breath to keep from breaking down in public, she noticed it was her turn.

The bottle spun two, three, four, five times.

She looked up to see who it had landed on.
Jack Barakat? Not bad.

He smiled at her and motioned her over.

She crawled in his lap and looked up.

"Hi Elyse," he said softly.
"Hi Jack," she managed to squeeze out before his lips crashed onto hers.

And maybe, just maybe, her knight in shining armor turned out to be a loser in alluminum foil.
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ii love elysebaby! (: