Status: In Progress!



Kelly felt a pang of pride as the last person was pulled from the blazing building, not a single burn on his body. Chief Boden gave him a congratulatory pat on the shoulder and called them back into the truck. The boys clamored over each other to get the best seat on the truck, which always surprised Kelly as they had self designated their spot from the first day on the job.

"Good one, guys," he commented over his shoulder. "Proud of you on this one. Not a single fatality."

That seemed to be the best part of the job- the contented quietness of the ride back to the firehouse, each man knowing that he done what he could to save every victim. Of course there were times that some wouldn't survive, but he knew deep within that he'd done everything in his power to help, and that was enough for him.

Growing up he always admired the men who risked their lives to save others. At first it was because he wanted to impress his father, but as he progressed through the academy he knew that without a doubt that's what he was born to do. He was born to be a hero, a firefighter.

He moved the hat from his head and sat it in his lap gently, grazing his fingers over his last name.


The season was in full force, wild daisies sprouted joyously from the ground their tips reaching toward the springtime sky. Trees were decorated with small blooms of life, ready and willing to burst at the seams. Even the sky, a large stretch of blue, was crystal clear, as the sun's rays shone onto the city of Chicago, warming it to it's core.

The firefighters of House 51 were crowded around their respective tables, some playing cards, others eating. One in particular sat on the edge of his cot and attempted to rack his brain for an answer as to how to meet that woman.

It had been a week since the challenge was exchanged, and Hadley made sure not to let Severide forget it. Each day he'd smirk in his direction and scuff the bottoms of his boots against the floor. Kelly watched as crusted debris fell from the sides of his shoes, landing unceremoniously on the ground around him.

"They're waitin' on you, Lieutenant. I've been making sure to stomp through all the rubble."

Kelly rolled his eyes, "Shut it, Hadley. I've got it."

Hadley shook his head and entered the firehouse with a false laugh. Severide felt himself glaring at his friend's back as he disappeared through the doors. He sighed and put his hands in his head, mulling over ideas on how to meet the mysterious woman.

"You have any ideas on how to meet her, Lieutenant?" Vargas asked.

"No," Kelly admitted with a sigh. "Nothing."

Vargas flipped the card so that it lay face up and groaned. "Damn, 24, I busted." He then turned his attention to Severide. "What kind of car was she driving?"

What kind of car was she driving?

For a moment he closed his eyes in hopes of remembering. "It was black, that much I remember."

Vargas shrugged his shoulders to his ears. "Did she say where she was headed?"

"She said she was going to work."

Vargas smirked lightly. "So then she passes by here everyday? Just wait for her to pass by again."

Kelly leaned forward slightly, his elbows resting on the table, a great smile on his face. A chuckle escaped him as he gave the man a grateful pat on the shoulder. "Vargas, you're a genius."

"Screw you, Vargas." Hadley mumbled, leaning against the doors. "Doesn't matter anyway, you still won't have her name."

Early the next morning, before his shift even started, Kelly sat in his car his eyes forever searching the distance behind him. His hands rested on the steering wheel lightly and his feet tapped the floor. His entire body was anxious to move, feeling almost eager to step onto the concrete outside the car. Looking to the radio, he switched it on, sighing in contentment as classic rock pounded from the speakers.

He leaned his head back to rest against the seat and stretched he legs slightly. "C'mon, woman."

Suddenly, he heard a car in the distance. He sat straight in his seat quickly and craned his neck around. He almost smiled when he saw the top of a black vehicle coming over the hill. He started his car, ready to pull out behind her. As she passed he whispered a quiet 'yes' and peeled out of the drive behind her.

Kelly moved his eyes to the back of her car. Volkswagen Jetta, of course.


Charlotte stepped out of her car and stretched dramatically after taking a sip of her morning coffee. Having never been a morning person, she was careful to have at least two cups of the brewed substance before she left her home each morning. She wrapped her hand around the mug and stood back to her full height.

A gasp left her as she glanced to the side and saw a man leaning onto the hood of his car. Although she was surprised, she couldn't fight the smile that crossed her face.

"Kelly Severide," she greeted. "How'd you know I work here?"

His pale blue eyes searched hers before he winked. "Little birdie told me."

"Right," she laughed. "So you know where I work," she drawled, "but do you know my name?"

He walked around the car and leaned against it, his foot propped onto the wheel behind him. "No, but I'll figure it out."

"Very confident." She said as she cocked an eyebrow to him and began to walk forward. "What makes you so sure?"

"I know my capabilities, madam."

"Is that so? Well then I'm looking forward to the future, Mr. Severide."

Charlotte pushed a lock of blonde hair behind her ear and headed toward the schoolhouse. She climbed to the top of the stairs and turned to look at the man. He stood with his hands in his pockets, watching her until she entered the building.

He actually might figure it out.