Evil Be Thy Master

Provoking the Beast

You're mama knows best right?

She was always there to kiss her child's boo boo's or tuck them into bed. She always made the best homemade meals and gave all the love and devotion a mother can give a child. She would read bedtime stories of damsels in distress and the white night coming to the rescue the princess from the evil dragon. Slaying the beast and whisking the princess to an happily ever after. She checks the closet and underneath the bed to make sure that boogie man isn't there and ready to snatch the child. She would do anything to protect her child from danger. She warns her child of all the evils in the world and makes sure that those evils don't attack her child like a pack of Piranhas on a chunk of meat.

But there's a new evil to the world that mothers have to worry about. A haven for stalkers and freaks with the strangest and most disturbing fetishes. A place for all the perverts of the world to congregate in one spot and lure unsuspecting, innocent (for the most part) girls. And these girls fall for it and sometimes end up dead.

This haven, chat rooms on the internet.

A place my mama definitely told me to stay away from, but being young and rebellious, I didn't stay away. In fact my two best friends and I are in one right now, taunting the beast and provoking him to do his worst. Why the hell would we do this?

Simple. Pure amusement.

It is seriously wayyy fun to see what these sickos come up with, and plus, we're some kinky and sadistic bitches and I just have to laugh when some guy all the way in England thinks I'm a virgin, lesbian in heat just aching for the right man to pop my cherry.

"OH MY GOD!" One of my best friends, Rhian laughed as her cheeks turned a small shade of red. She's the mother of our group to put it simply. Always watching out for Taylor and I, but in reality, we're the ones who are corrupting her mind.

MissMurder6661: Hey boys. We're back.
HotBeefySexDude: Finally.
ForeignBitch101: Did you miss us?
ItalianStallion: We thought you left us hanging.
MissMurder6661: Awwwww... do you really think you would do that to you?
FallenShadows: Yes.
MissMurder6661: Now Shadows... that isn't nice.
FallenShadows: Never said I was.
PerfectSkin: My God you two...
(MachoShit21 and CupcakeKnownAsRev have entered the room.)
CupcakeKnownAsRev: OooooOooooO... the sexy ladies are back!
PerfectSkin: That we are.
ForeignBitch101: And horny as fuck.

"Niki!" Rhian shrieked, staring at her laptop when she saw what I had typed. I smiled innocently.


"I can't believe you said that!" she huffed. But her attention turned back to her laptop at the same time mine went to my own screen. A new message had appeared on the room and we were curious.

MissMurder6661: Yea... we're tired of each other. We need some variety.

I snorted at Taylor's added comment. Leave it to her. She loves to set up the guys on these chatrooms. And we've been having quite a bit of fun with this group for a few days now. They've lasted longer than most. They seem to like to get very explicit, especially later at night. Some of the odd, and completely false, 'sex' stories we've told them about us for our amusement had really got them going, and kept them coming for more.

Rhian glared over at Taylor, who had a satisfied smirk on her face. "I hate you," she mumbled, but went back to her screen as we heard five message beeps simultaneously.

MachoShit21: Aren't you all three girls?
CupcakeKnownAsRev: You live together?
ItalianStallion: You're fucking each other?!
HotBeefySexDude: Can I please join?
FallenShadows: ...
PerfectSkin: Yes we're all girls, and yes we're roommates.
ForeignBitch101: Do you really want to join Sex?
MissMurder6661: What's that Shadows?
FallenShadows: I don't think I believe you.
MissMurder6661: And why not?
FallenShadows: I just don't think you'd do it. You don't seem the type.
MissMurder6661: And what is the type?

"Good Lord, here they go again," Rhian sighed, referring to Taylor and this FallenShadows fellow's half flirty, half argumentative internet conversations. They seemed to do this on a regular basis.

MachoShit21: Do you three really fuck each other?
ForeignBitch101: Yea, when we're bored.
ItalianStallion: You bored now?
ForeignBitch101: Actually... now that you mention it...
ForeignBitch101: Yes.

"And here we go," Taylor laughed, knowing what was coming just as much as Rhian and I did.

HotBeefySexDude: Do you have a webcam?
PerfectSkin: Yes.
PerfectSkin: Wait. Shit. It's broke. Taylor and Niki got a little too carried away last time. Sorry.

I chuckled. Rhian always used that line. It dragged the poor dopes in every time.

FallenShadows: Carried away???
MissMurder6661: Yea, we like it rough. Got a problem with it Shadows?
ItalianStallion: I've got a problem.
ItalianStallion: In my pants.
ItalianStallion: Want to fix it?
CupcakeKnownAsRev: How rough?
HotBeefySexDude: Oh, I'll give it to you rough...
ForeignBitch101: Will you now? Exactly how will you give it to me rough?
PerfectSkin: Well, Cupcake, we had to go get a new kitchen table last week. My sprained wrist still hasn't completely healed.

I stared wide eyed at the screen when I read that, and I noticed that Taylor choked on her drink. She looked over at Rhian with a shocked expression.

"Did you seriously just type that?" she asked. Rhian smiled proudly and nodded.

"I learned from the best."

HotBeefySexDude: Baby, I'll bend you over and give it to you so hard you won't know if your screams are from pleasure or pain.
MachoShit21: What did you do to your wrist PerfectSkin?
PerfectSkin: Use your imagination Macho. I think you can figure it out.

I smirked at Sex's message. I love it when guys initiate all of this. It makes everything easier.

ForeignBitch101: Will you now? You promise?
HotBeefySexDude: I swear baby. I'll make you cum harder than anyone before me has.
ForeignBitch101: You really think you can beat my girls?
HotBeefySexDude: Baby, nothing can beat my rock hard cock inside your tight pussy.
HotBeefySexDude: Though seeing you and your friend's go at it would be quite nice.
ForeignBitch101: Well then... maybe we could trade off sometime?
ItalianStallion: DO IT!
ItalianStallion: I WANNA WATCH!
ItalianStallion: I mean, I wanna watch you girls.
MissMurder6661: That could be arranged.
FallenShadows: Shall we meet up then?

"What?!" I gasped, staring at the screen. Was this guys serious? I mean, did he really think we'd meet up.

CupcakeKnownAsRev: That's a good idea. You guys live in Laguna don't you?
CupcakeKnownAsRev: We just live in Huntington. It wouldn't be too far.
MachoShit21: Ooooooh... me likey this idea.

"You're shitting me," Taylor laughed, shaking her head. "They really think we're going to meet up? They must be dumber than I thought."

ItalianStallion: Then you can prove to us that you're as hot as you keep saying you are.
HotBeefySexDude: And you can admire our sexy asses.
MissMurder6661: Pfft... we don't need to prove shit to you guys. lol
FallenShadows: What's wrong Murder?
FallenShadows: Do you have something to hide?
FallenShadows: Or are you scared.

I watched as Taylor glared at the screen. I knew she was going to take that as a challenge. And I knew how that would work out, and it wouldn't be pretty.

MissMurder6661: Fine. We'll do it.

"Taylor!" Rhian gasped, "What the hell?!"

HotBeefySexDude: Awesome. Meet us at the Huntington Mall at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. You'll know us when you see us.
CupcakeKnownAsRev: See you later sweet thangs
(HotBeefySexDude, FallenShadows, CupcakeKnownAsRev, ItalionStallion, and MachoShit21 have exited the chatroom.)

"Way to go," I mumbled, "What if they're ugly? Or creepy? Or smelly or something?"

"Then we just keep walking," Taylor laughed. "Jesus, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like they know what we look like. Besides, imagine how much we can fuck with them now."

I chuckled, she did have a point. We can really get under their skin this way.

"Alright, I'm in," I shrugged. Rhian looked at the two of us helplessly.

"This is a terrible idea," she said maternally, "But I can't let you two do it alone."

"Fucking A!" Taylor laughed, pumping her fists in the air, "This is going to be fucking hilarious."

"Yea, whatever," Rhian sighed, "It's just going to wind up as one big mess, mark my words."

I rolled my eyes at Rhian and waved my hand. "That's what you always say dude and we always end up fine. I mean, when have we ever steered you wrong?" I asked with a smirk. Rhian just raised her brow and stared wide eyed.

"How about the time you two suggested we take a road trip and almost end up getting killed by that hitch hiker, or when we got shitfaced with those random people you met at the gas station when you were suppose to pick up cigarettes only and they tried to burn our fucking house down, or what about the time we ended up getting banned from Disney Land because you two thought it would be a grand idea to get drunk and trip on acid that day. And I fucking LOVE Disney Land." She glared, but Taylor and I just burst out laughing.

"But it all turned out alright didn't it?" Taylor asked with a smirk. The mischief in her hazel eyes was clearly showing.

"Yeah, we all beat the shit out of that hitch hiker and threw him in a ditch for the buzzards to get. I didn't know that those random people were going to try and burn our house down, but we stopped them just in time. As for Disney Land, there's always Disney World sug." I pointed out flicking some purple hair out of my face as Rhian just rolled her blue eyes.

"I just don't have a very good feeling about this. This feeling is actually telling me that we shouldn't do this, and for once in my life that I should listen to it." She stated.

"Don't worry Rhian. We'll be fine. In the worst case, if they turn out to be total nut jobs, we can go to the police. Would that make you feel better?" Taylor asked, but Rhian was still a bit wary.

"Fine, but if I get the slightest bad vibe from them, we are out. You hear?" She said seriously. Taylor and I both smiled widely and jumped from our seats.

"Deal!" We both chimed together and tackled her to the floor.

"You know, this would be a lovely sight for those five to see at the moment." I smirked when I realized that I was straddling Rhian and Taylor was on top of me slightly. We all stared at one another for a couple seconds before we burst out laughing.

"I can't believe they actually think we were being serious about us all fucking each other." Taylor choked out.

"I know dude. What boobs." I giggled and got off of Rhian.

"Well ladies, I'm off to bed. We must get beauty rest if we want to prove we're as hot as we say we are to those guys." I smirked then let a yawn escape my lips snake bitten lips. I let my tongue ring clank against my teeth slightly afterwards. Habit I guess.

"Okay. Night." Taylor waved, as Rhian did the same.

"Night." I waved back before heading to my room. I stripped my clothes and put on a baggy Guns N' Roses shirt before hoping into bed. I'm pretty stoked of what's to come tomorrow. This is going to be interesting as hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Niki here!! hehe This is the start to our story!!
Rhian, Taylor, and I have big plans for this one, so stayed tune!!!
We LOVE comments, and messages!!!
Thank you Taylor for helping me with the chat!!