Evil Be Thy Master

"Till the day I die"

The anger rose in me. It rose to a whole new level that anger could be reached. My black heart pulsed with hate, but sorrow when I realized what was now going on. Niki was almost dead. She was tinkering on the edge and was just losing all hope. She wanted to die and was just waiting for that last breath. Brian was trying to keep her alive, but for now we had to the leave the two of them and Jimmy and I raced to the dungeon. I could hear their screams from all the way up from where Niki was lying, and this house isn't small. I was going to kill the two idiots. I was going to squeeze the living shit out of them and they were going to die.

I glanced at Jimmy to see he was seething as well. His normally bright blue eyes were clouded over with hate and anger. This wasn't going to turn out pretty, but I didn't fucking care at the moment.

"You're a bitch Taylor, always have been, always will be, you deserve everything you get." I heard Zack sneer to Taylor. Right as I bust open the door I witnessed him bash Taylor's skull into the wall. She passed out instantly. Rhian was already out.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?!" I roared to Zacky and Johnny. They both smirked and snapped their eyes to me, but I rushed up to Zack and with one hand I grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground, making him dangle in the air and struggled to breath. Jimmy was in the same position with Johnny. Though it wasn't hard to lift that fucking short shit.

"I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING LOOK AFTER THEM NOT FUCKING BEAT THEM TO A BLOODY PULP!" I boomed, squeezing Zack's trachea. I could feel it crush beneath my fist a bit. The little bits starting to protrude through his neck, but the fucker would just heal right over, but I was hell bent on killing him no matter how many times it would take me.

Zack began turning purple from the lack of oxygen, so I let him go. Well, not let him go. I slammed his skull into the hard, cold ground and then threw him into the chair that had all the sharp blades sticking out of. The one Rhian was tied down to earlier when all this madness began. Zack let out a cry of agony as the blades pierced and sliced his pale skin, but I ignored them and made sure he stayed down. Jimmy however, was just beating Johnny in with the same bat he beat Rhian with. Her blood meshed with Johnny's as he tried to get Jimmy to stop, but there was no stopping the man, as there was no stopping me.

"Let me the fuck go." Zacky muttered out, coughing out some blood, but a vicious growl escaped my lips and I just pushed him down harder onto the seat. I smiled wickedly as the blades scrapped along his bones. His screams of agony were music to my ears. Blood poured from his wounds. He didn't even have time to heal. I glanced at the burning fire next to me and smirked darkly. I felt my eyes getting darker and darker with hate, and pure anger. I grabbed the branding iron that was in the shape of an M and smirked. Zacky stared in fear and tried to get away.

"Get the fuck away Matt!" Zacky stumbled out. His wounds were beginning to heal and I wouldn't allow it. I grabbed him by the collar of his blood stained shirt and thrust the iron into his stomach. He cried out, trying to squirm away, but I just shook my head. His skin bubbled under the iron sending that scent of burning flesh into the damp air. I fucking love that smell from him. His skin around his stomach began oozing somewhat, charring his tender skin to the point I felt the iron touch intestines and other vital organs.

"Smells good, don't it Zacky boy?" I laughed evilly. He whimpered to the point tears appeared in his eyes. This fucking pansy has no right to cry after what he did to my darling.

But then I yanked the iron out of him, bringing charred pieces of intestines and stomach with it. I threw it to the ground and grabbed him by the neck again. He was already healed up there, so I made sure to squeeze extra hard.

He sneered and managed to spit a wad of blood straight into my face. I growled and bashed his face into the wall repeatedly. His nose, cheeks, eye sockets, everything crushed as I did so, but it wouldn't help. I did know his one fear, and Johnny's as well. I glanced at Jimmy and he had the same look of pure murder in his eyes. There was no ounce of humanity left in them and there hasn't been any for centuries.

We both glanced at the raging fire and smirked. I grabbed Zack's neck once again and dragged him over to the fire. He kicked and thrashed, obviously not having enough, but I was just getting started.

"You need to be taught a lesson Zack. You and Johnny have obviously forgotten your place." I sneered to him, choking him more. He gripped my hand trying to make me to let go, but I wasn't going to. I picked him off the ground with my one hand and placed him barely over the flame.

"You've clearly forgotten what it was like. Maybe we should refresh your memory." Jimmy roared, and held him into the fire deeper. I followed Jimmy's actions and did the same to Zacky. Their cries of terror and pain began ringing through once again, but I could only laugh. Their clothes and hair burned off first, causing their skin to turn that pinkish color, but the flames began engulfing them causing the blisters to show up and pop the skin open and to burn away. They kicked and fought with all their might to get out of our grips as our arms began burning away as well, but I’ll be damned if a little flesh wound will stop me. Their skin slowly peeled off, much like Niki's skin did when Johnny grated her tattoo's off. Finger nails curled off, and that wonderful, wonderful aroma filled the air. The aroma of justice and vengeance.

"M-matt?" Taylor's voice suddenly came. I whipped my head back to see her watching with fear as did Rhian. Watching Zacky and Johnny burn to death, watching me look like a savage beast, enjoying the smell of their flesh bubbling off their bones.

"Don't look darling." I told her, but she just shook her head. Tears were in her eyes, but once again, these were tears of pure fear.

"Let them go. Please." She whimpered. Rhian pleaded Jimmy with her dead looking eyes. It was like a switch that went off inside of us. I shook that feeling off of me and threw Zacky out of the fire. His black and smoldering body hit the floor next to Johnny's. He curled up into a little ball. It was then I realized what I was doing.

I just tried to kill one of my best friends.

"Fuck." I muttered, shaking a bit. My burned arm began healing up, making it look like I never stuck my hand in there. I didn't know what to do. Taylor swallowed and shook her head. Even though she and Rhian were scared shitless, they came over to Jimmy and I. Taylor glanced at me. Her body was soulless. Her spirit was dead and long gone. We had done this to her, Rhian and Niki.

"It was never suppose to be like this." I whispered to her. She shut her eyes for a second and nodded her head.

"I know. I know everything Matthew, and you're right." She whispered back and placed her hand on my cheek. It's been so long since she's touched me like that. She glanced over at Zacky and Johnny, who slowly began healing. Their skin was returning back to normal, but they were still lying motionless on the ground, but they were breathing and that's what was important.

I groaned in agony. My body screamed at me with all the wounds it had on it, but I still couldn't fucking die! It was like the fucking Angel of Death was just standing there, taunting me and sticking its tongue out at me saying "HAHAHA! You can't catch me!!" I'll catch his bony ass and then kick it into dust. Then we'll see whose laughing.

My eyes were cracked open and I saw Brian sit down on the bed next to me. My heart beat began racing because I didn't want to be near him. I didn't want to be in the presence of this asshole. His large hand went for my swollen cheek to touch it, but I snapped my head away, not caring it made me even dizzier or cause me more pain.

"Don't touch me." I sneered, but then let out a dry cough. My throat hurt so much from coughing, but it didn't have shit on how the rest of my body was feeling. Brian sighed and shook his head. I felt like a damn mummy with all the white bandages wrapped around my arms and torso, but they had to be regularly changed due to blood seepage and that yellow, greenish puss leaking out.

"Nicole-" I cut him off with a vicious growl.

"It's fucking Niki. Only my parents and friends can call me Nicole." I snapped, but gasped as the pain shot through my whole body. Brian sighed once again, making me glare.

"Fine, Niki, look. I know you don't think this and I don't blame you, but I really do care for you." He began, but I cut him off again.

"You sure do have a funny way of showing it." I scoffed, just wanting to close my eyes and try to catch the damn Angel. I lunged for him when he was near, but he just evaded me and smirked. His ass will be mine.

"Just listen to me dammit." He snapped, but I glared even harder. However, the glare didn't last long because I shot up and began heaving blood again. I don't know how much more my body can take losing all this blood, but this time it wasn't very much. I felt my body weaken, while Brian handed me a cup of water. I took small sips because any larger ones would result in my whole body flaring up with misery.

I lay back down with a tired and annoyed sigh. Brian watched my every move. I felt his eyes on my beaten face, torn and ripped lips, ears, skin. Everywhere.

"Well, if you won't listen, then I'll just show you." He stated. I stared at him with confusion, but then with shock when his lips came on top of mine. I tried to push him off, but I was far too weak. However, it was weird what happened next.

Brian pulled apart our lips, making me whine slightly. His lips were always so sugary. It was addictive. He smiled brightly at me, tucking in a stray lock of brown hair that fell into my face, but then his hand lingered on my cheek, delicately skimming it. I stared deeply into his beautiful brown eyes, watching his soul just open up to me.

"A few more weeks and you'll be mine forever." He whispered, lacing our fingers together and kissing the back of my hand. I smiled widely and nodded my head vigorously.

"A week after Taylor is married to be precise." I pointed out. Brian just laughed and nodded his head. He kissed my forehead before starting to walk. We walked along the gentle river outside, just enjoying each other's company. Perhaps a little too much if you get what I'm saying. Especially when his black button up shirt is unbuttoned all the way and he rolled his pants up to his knees, so not to ruin the material. I can say that it's a very attractive look on this man, especially in black. Who knew that color could flatter him so well?

"Look Brian! Look at all those wildflowers!" I exclaimed and unlinked our hands to run to the field that just bloomed all different colors and types of flowers. The colors were so vibrant, and the scent was absolutely amazing. I looked behind me to see Brian chasing after me. I giggled and picked up my speed a bit so he would chase me. Luckily I wasn't in my big dress and it was pretty much my light under dress I wear underneath.

I ran into the field of wild flowers, just letting my hands run through the petals of the soft, velvety flowers. Brian was right behind me now, but squealed when I was lifted into the air. Brian spun us around in circles, laughing and smiling at one another. I held onto his neck tightly, but I knew he wouldn't drop me. This man would never let me go, but he lost his footing and tripped back, bringing me down on top of him. We were on a slight hill, so we managed to roll down the hill. We both just laughed and held onto one another until we stopped. This resulted with Brian landing on top of me now. My hands rubbed his shoulders under the cloth of his shirt, lavishing in touching his bare skin. Always so smooth and warm. Our lips were so close to one another. I wanted nothing more then to fill that gap in. I brought my hand behind his neck to bring his lips down…

I sighed and yawned a bit as the opera singer below on stage belted out large notes that never in a millions years I could do, but I didn't care. This was boring me to death and I wanted some excitement. Give me some music with a little more spice to it, then we'll talk. Brian turned towards me. His hair slicked back, all decked out in his formal tuxedo, and he raised his eyebrow at me. I did a fake yawn, and he let out a laugh, causing other people to glare at us. He hooked our fingers together and winked. I raised my brow as he showed me two fingers, then stood up to leave. Those two fingers meant that he wants me to meet him in two minutes. I smiled to myself and counted 120 seconds. As soon as they passed I made a dash to out of the theatre. I picked up my new dress Brian bought for me so I wouldn't step on it. I glanced around for him, but no luck. I have no idea where he went. I huffed lightly to myself and began making my way back to the theatre, but then a hand went over my mouth and dragged me into a warm body. I wanted to scream, but then the mystery person cooed, "Shhh, it's just me love."

I smiled and Brian took his hand off from my mouth. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"That was dreadfully boring." I told him with a sly smile. Brian just chuckled and inched his lips closer to mine.

"Yes, but I think we might have found a way to entertain ourselves." He smirked. I bit my lip and glanced around to see if anyone would spot us or hear us. Boy would we get in trouble if someone caught us now.

"You are too naughty Mr. Haner." I told him with a smirk of my own and brushing my lips against his. His breath cascaded down my neck, making me shut my eyes.

"I love you Nicole." He gasped as I grinded our hips together. My father is so silly for thinking I'm pure and innocent.

"I love you more Brian." I whispered, but he just shook his head.

"I'd die for you Nicole. I'd sell my soul to ensure that you'd be mine for all eternity." He whispered back, but I just smiled.

"You don't have to sell anything because I'll forever be yours." I responded, staring him straight into his eyes. We couldn’t hold out any longer. His lips crashed into mine and I immediately kissed back. He pressed my back against the wall and forced me to wrap my legs around his waist. Quite challenging in this dress, but it was manageable. Our tongues clashed together in sheer passion. He caressed my tongue gently as my stomach began dipping and twisting. I felt all his love in that kiss and I knew he'd do anything for me. I'm sure I could ask for some exotic animal and he'd travel the world just to get it for me. I could ask for all the jewels and they'd be mine in a heartbeat. But I didn't want fancy clothes, exotic animal, or jewels. I just want Brian and Brian only till the day I die.

Tears streamed out of my eyes while Brian held my body gently. His lips slowly left mine, leaving me in absolute shock. My lips trembled as Brian and I opened our eyes. I struggled to get my breath back, let alone make words, but I've never felt so alive, so reanimated, so, fuck, just so fucking alive!

My eyes widened and I shot up from Brian's arms to throw up violently. This time it was much worse then all the other times combined. Bigger chunks of my insides flew out, it got to the point I was heaving digested shit that was suppose to come out as shit. My head grew heavy, my stomach burned, my throat felt like it was disintegrating into nothing, but then I saw him. I saw the damn Angel smirking at me and approaching me, but I didn't want to go now. Not now. The tables have turned and I was the one being chased. He approached me and I began running, running as fast as I could because I swear on all things un-fucking-holy I will live.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lookie what I updated!! hahah
Hope you all like it!
It's Taylor's turn next!
We LOVE comments and messages! thank you to everyone who's been doing that!!
And to the comment I made last chapter. The people know who they are that were bitchy, so need to apologize. lol
And while you all are here, you should all check out my new story! It's called "Working Double Time On the Seduction Line" It's gonna be a kickass story and I'm posting it right after I finish posting this update!! haha
