Evil Be Thy Master

Sequence of Bad Events

My heels clicked on the dimly lit pavement, my hips swinging to the beat of Pantera blasting though my head phones, as I walked down Main Street. I was five minutes late for work already, not that it would matter too much, Taylor would just have me hung drawn and quartered. She been there since 6pm stocking the bar because it was her shift.

Though the reason I was late was Taylor's fault, I couldn’t find my black denim skirt the one which showed off my legs perfectly, until I searched through Taylor's wardrobe, and then I lost the black eyeliner, though Rhian owned up to that one. When you live with two other girls you rarely get to keep your stuff around you.

I checked my phone again, 10 minutes late. I would run but my five inch heels were slightly restricting and I didn’t want to ruin my favourite pair of shoes just over 10 minutes; there was nothing I could do. They could survive without me for a few minutes.

My eyes scanned the long road as I heard screaming and shouting ahead of me, the unmistakable screeching of teenage girls out for the night, trying to get drunk and act cool. Most of the girls barely legal, easy pickings for the weirdo's that walked these streets, dressed in tiny skirts and tight tops.

When you work in a night club you get to know your regularly perverted guys from your weird freaks that you should stay away with. You also come to realise and hear about the danger young girls end up in the streets around here. Rhian had always gone on about it because of the amount of times I'd dragged her back through the ally ways to get home quicker; she was probably right though I'd never let her know that. The streets were dangerous, but tonight I was late and the back ally's were looking pretty useful.

It didn’t take me long to divert away from the giggling group of girls and dart down a few of the back ally's just to get to the club a bit quicker. I was only about five minutes away. I groan as my phone starts vibrating in my pocket and the song "pour some sugar on me" started playing.

"What's up? I know I'm fucking late," I snap at Taylor before she gets a chance to say anything.

"How long before you get here?"

"Five minutes maximum,"

"Fair enough, fucking hurry up,"

"Taylor shut the-" I pause as something crunches behind me, "just shut up I'll be there in a few," I mutter ignoring what ever I had trodden on and slipped the phone back into my pocket.

I kept walking turning down a different ally way, it was a lot thinner and the tall buildings either side blocked out any light, this wasn’t my idea of fun. I kept my fast pace up, increasing it a little bit as I heard something crack behind me; paranoia setting in.

I could feel my heart beat quickening as with every step my pace increased; I'd watched too many horror films, read to many books and listened to Rhian's paranoia too many times.
There's nothing there, I keep telling myself that as I heard yet another crunch behind me.

Keep walking I'd be fine. There was nothing- another crunch followed by a bang- that’s it there was something following me. I folded my arms across my chest and hugged my body forcing my self to keep walking, I increased my speed not wanting to find if there was anything there or not.

Deep down I knew there wasn’t, I was being a paranoid crazy girl, but after yesterday's incident I didn’t want to test that. After meeting five guys who to put it simply freaked us out I wasn’t up for meeting any more weirdo's.

All I had to do was keep my mind off the fact there was something behind me, there's nothing behind you for fuck sake Niki snap out of it!.

I turn down yet another dark ally way though this one was full of wheelie bins and black bags, I was getting closer to the back of the club where I would be around people. For once I think going down the back ally's was a bad idea. It was times like these I wished I had my bat with me.

My feet were starting to go numb with the pain of speed walking in high heels, never something I wanted to do again, and the cold was starting to set in; or at least in my mind it was.

Only a few more ally ways to go, I would be there then. I came out of the last ally way to a small road where most of the clubs were situated; and where there's clubs there's drug deals, whores and addicts, something I wasn’t a fan of walking past. I kept walking though, I swear everyone's eyes were on me. It felt as if someone was watching my every move, how I walked, brushed my hair out of my face, took in deep breaths and how I bolted it across the road, and down the last ally way.

I glanced behind me noticing there was absolutely nothing behind me. No one watching me, no one staring at me, I knew that really but paranoia got the better of me.

"I'm going mad," I mutter to myself "I'm actually-AHHHHHHHHH!" I scream as something jumps in front of me causing me to stumble and fall backwards, someone's hand grabs my shoulder pulling me off the floor. Instinct kicks in and I swing my fist around to hit them in the stomach.

"FUCKING BITCH!" I stop as the person screams at me.

"Taylor! Oh my god, shit, sorry sug!" I gasp realising she'd been the one to grab my shoulder.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I suddenly snap at her realising it's her fault I was shit scared.

"Taking the rubbish out, and then I saw your sorry ass walking past, and then that cat jumped and you went flying," She mutters pointing to a cat. My eyes glow with anger as I look to the floor a black and white cat walk down the ally way.

"You have got to be joking," I mutter to myself as Taylor watches me.

"Everything all right?"

"Paranoid," I mumble my explanation causing Taylor to laugh.

"Why? Thought the cat might attack you or-"

"Taylor for fuck sake after yesterday, you should be too!"

"Oh there guys, just creeps looking for some hot girls to fuck, they just picked the wrong hot girls!" she mutters rolling her eyes, I smile slightly knowing Taylor was right before following her into the club. My back turned now on the empty ally way, though it still felt like there was something there; "Shut the door!" Taylor adds as I nod turning round to close the door. MY eyes scanned the ally way, nothing there.

Rhian's POV
The warm water pounded across my bare skin, sparkling in the bright lights shinning down from the roof of the shower, steam encasing my body in the warmth. The only time I actually got to relax was in this shower, everything at the moment seemed over complicated and rushed so I was happy to take time out.

I closed my eyes looking up to the shower head and letting the water pour over my skin. The strong scented shower gel mixed with the cherry hair shampoo causing a tropical sent to flow around the room, the steam flooded the room creating the rooms own atmosphere; the whole place was relaxing. The shower helped me escape from thoughts that plagued my mind, mainly the guys we'd met yesterday.

I was seriously paranoid, scared and freaked out by them. Never in a million years would I want to meet someone I'd only talked to in an internet chat room…and yet yesterday I did just that. In fact I met all five of them, and I think I finally realise why they tell you never to meet people or give out personal information; those five are the reason why.

Never had I got such bad vibes from people. There'd been a few that had come close ex boyfriends, Taylor and Niki's ex's, the postmen, and the guy in the liquor store off the main street shopping area; none though compared with the guys from yesterday.

Something about them kept all five of them in the forefront of my mind, hence why I'd spent a good hour in the shower trying to escape it all, and not gone down the club to see Niki and Taylor just because I wanted to try and relax. The peace and quiet……

My eyes shot open as I heard something that sounded like footsteps, something treading on the tiled bathroom floor. I turned around slowly still clinging to the bottle of shower gel…like it was going to do anything to save me from the raving lunatic outside the shower door right now. Yes I over exaggerate about things.

I took a deep breath leaving the shower on, and slowly sliding the door open and throwing the shower gel out the door at what ever was there. I hear the shower gel hit the floor and then silence surrounds me again.

"Fuck," I mumble to myself releasing how amazing stupid I was being. The doors were locked; I was the only one in the house, why would there be anyone else?

I sighed deciding I'd spent long enough in the shower, and used all the hot water so Niki and Taylor would kill me because of it when they got home. I turned the water off stepping off the platform and grabbing the large fluffy towel, wrapping it around my body.

I walked through the apartment, feet padding on the floor of the slightly darkening open plan rooms. I walked quickly towards the light switches, preferring to be in the light than watching the shadows in dark corners. I walked into my room quickly changing into a pair of shorts and strapless top before tying my hair back. I caught my appearance in the mirror long streaks of black going down my cheeks.

"Damn it," I laugh slightly noticing I'd run out of make up wipes I reached up to check my top shelves but still nothing. I sighed knowing I'd have to go find them in Taylor or Niki's room. I walked into the room next door to mine, Taylor's room, I run my hand across the red walls searching for the switch. "Come on," I groan not being able to find it; I hated the darkness when I was alone. I turned as I heard something click behind me, nothing there probably just the tv or something.

"Finally!" I mutter hitting the light switch, the bulb went on with a little click and then a bang and the whole apartment was plunged into darkness. "FUCK!" I mutter falling against the wall in utter defeat.

Why did everything have to happen at once?

"Niki, Taylor this is your entire fault," I whisper to myself wrapping my arms around my body as I tried to take a few deep breaths before forcing myself to get up and find some sort of lights. I'd obviously managed to blow the fuse, though we all plug too many electrical products in and never turn them off.

The light from the windows lit up some of Taylor's room enough for me to notice a lighter sitting on the desk which I grabbed holding it up and making my way to my room to grab a candle. I lit the red candle holding it up and knowing what I needed to find next, Niki's bat. Her pride and joy, which stayed in her room and was her defence against everything. She kept it by the side of her bed, so it wasn’t difficult to find.

Holding the candle in one hand, the lighter with it and the baseball bat in my other hand I made my way though the house as silently as possible. By now I had gone into complete paranoia, any sound caused me to stand deadly still holding my breath in before moving again. I had no idea where the fuse box was in the apartment, Niki and Taylor may do but I doubted it, and it was 12:30 am so the maintenance man wouldn’t accept calls, especially from me since I lived with the girl (Taylor!) who screamed at him because he refused to fix our electricity when Taylor while drunk cut a wire up…lucky she didn’t kill herself.

My eyes go wide as I hear the familiar sound of a lock clicking, but not one unlocking properly as if someone was trying to force it to unlock.

I gripped the bat tighter every muscle in my body shaking, I could feel the hairs on my arms pricking up. Oh my gosh there's actually someone there. The lock creaked and the I heard the door open ever so slowly. I walked towards our hall way holding my breath and trying to calm down with every step I took.

Taylor's POV
"Niki stop looking behind you," she was staring to make me feel paranoid.

"Taylor shut up," she says in the same patronizing tone I used with her.

"Niki we're nearly there, there is no one behind us and you need to relax your worst than Rhian at times," she scoffs as we reach the apartment and key in the security code to get up the stairs. "I just want to go to bed and escape this madness, I've had enough crazy talk for one day!"

"Agreed my friend!" Niki laughs as I watch her once again look behind her as we jog up the stairs. I had to admit the whole walk home I'd caught myself a good few times looking behind, and having that feeling someone was watching me walk. The feeling which makes you pick up your pace that makes the hairs on the back of your neck pick up, and that makes you nervous as hell. Niki was as jumpy as me, more so even. She was one paranoid czech at the moment; though I couldn’t blame her.

We made it to the third floor apartment in record time, nearly running up the last set of steps. For some reason the lights were out on our floor all the more reason to run in my eyes.

"Open the door then," I mutter to Niki as she reaches it first. She turns to me and shakes her head.

"Key sug?"


"Where's the key"? she says glaring at me.

"You. Have. The. Key. Sug!" I say slowly as she shakes her head. "Shit," I groan as Niki goes to knock the door. "She'll be asleep and wont open the door at night anyway, just pick the lock darling," I mutter pulling a hair pin out of her hair and pushing her out the way slightly.

"Your quite the rebel, I-" she pauses as we both hear a loud thud. "Pick the lock quicker!"
"Excellent!" I smile as it takes me only a few minutes to open the door, I slowly pushed it open not wanting to wake Rhian.

I walked ahead and then paused as I saw something move in the shadows. There was someone else here, in the apartment while Rhian was alone.


I went to move towards the shadows my fists raised, but I never saw it coming, something hit me hard in the stomach where Niki had punched me. The bruising from Niki already hurting, this made it even worse, as I doubled over falling to the floor.

Rhian's POV
I stopped as I saw a tall figure move in through the now open door, someone followed behind shutting the door. Both figures walked towards me so I took my chance swinging the bat ahead of me. I hit the first figure which fell to the floor letting out a groan.

"TAYLOR!" the second figure screams in a high pitched girly voice before launching themselves at me.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY-" the candle hits the floor

"NIKI GET OFF!" I scream at her releasing what I'd done. "FIRE!" I add now panicking about the burning carpet smell.

"Rhian?" Niki stops as she had me pinned to the floor. "Why is it dark?"

"Why were you breaking in? And stamp on the fire!" I tell her quickly.

"Taylor you alright?" We both ask at the same time, she groans slightly and I just sigh.

"Sorry love, I thought you were going to kill me or something, paranoia,"

"Don’t worry," She groans "Second time someone's attacked me tonight!"

"oh fuck who else are you alright?"

"Niki, and no I'm fucking not!" she snaps it sounded as if she was in a hell of a lot of pain. "Where are the lights?"

"I blew the fuse," I mumble as Niki finally gets off and grabs my hand helping me up. I flick the lighter on holding it towards a Taylor who just glared at me.

"What is wrong with you two?" she questions staring at Niki and me, as we were lit by the lighter's small flame.

"Paranoia," I whisper resting my head on Niki's shoulder who just smiles patting my head. "I've spent the whole night thinking someone was in the apartment,"

"Better than Niki who nearly attacked a guy because he followed her into the bathroom to inform her of a fight, poor guy was petrified," Taylor laughs as I just shake my head.

"fucking bitch," Niki growls.


"Shut-" I stop as the lighter goes out. "That's it I want to go to bed, tonight has been a sequence of bad events leading to an almightly climax!"

"No shit sherlock," TAylor mutters before stealing the lighter and walking towards her room leaving Niki and me in the dark. Bitch.
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Hope ya liked it!!!!!
Niki's turn next!!!!!
