Evil Be Thy Master

***, Liar, Vengeance, Deceit

I smiled widely at my husband to be, as he just smiled adorningly back. He gave my cheek a small kiss. A blush crept to my cheeks and he just squeezed my hand and we kept walking along the path in the warm sun. With my other hand I lifted my dress slightly so that the bottom wouldn't get dirty. Lord knows father would have a fit if I came home all muddy again. I could just see him say it.

"Young lady, you are arranged to be married, yet you still act like a child. What am I going to do with you?"

But then a thought hit my head.

"Can you believe in two months time we'll be married?" I asked my fiancé. He smiled down at me, clearly showing the love in his hazel eyes.

"I can my darling, as will our friends too." He pointed out letting his dimples show. They were simply adorable. They were one of my most favorite features on him, as were his strong arms. They would protect me from anything.

"Oh Nicole and Rhian will not stop running their mouths about how excited they are, but I guess I should not say anything because I am just as guilty as they are." I chuckled swinging our linked hands slightly. Most arrange marriages don't really work, but I can honestly say that I'm one hundred percent in love with this man as are my friends. They too are arranged to be married a little bit after me and they couldn't be happier.

"Well that's good because I love you so much that I cannot wait to call you mine for all eternity." He said stopping completely and staring into my eyes. He brought my white glove covered hand up and delicately slipped the soft cloth off. His rough hands engulfed the hand and kissed the back of it. I smiled widely and gently freed my hand from his grasp to wrap my hands around his neck, bringing our bodies close. I could already feel the heat between us build. I can say that our wedding night will be fun, even though I have experienced the touch of a man, this man only, a couple times. It is like nothing I have ever felt before, and according to Nicole and Rhian they have not been completely pure as well, but if father ever found out. Oh boy. Might as well burn me on the cross now. He pressed our foreheads together and our lips skimmed one another. Sparks shot down and I shut my eyes.

"I love you too Mathew." I whispered before locking our lips together.

I shot up from my bed with sweat pouring down my brow. My heart was pounding and my head was spinning.

"What the fuck was that?" I mumbled to myself when I glanced at the clock. It was noon and the sun was trying to pour in from the window and through the curtains.

That had to be one of the most fucked up dreams ever. I mean really, a dream thinking I was in living in the past. Bitch please. I stood up from my bed and groaned slightly in pain. I lifted my shirt to see a nice bruise on my stomach from where Rhian and Niki attacked me. Great.

I let out a giant yawn as I walked towards the kitchen in my underwear and tiny wife beater. I stretched my arms above my head to loosen up my muscles and then opened the fridge for the carton of milk. Not even bothering getting a cup, I opened the milk and took a giant gulp of it.

"Shithead, get a fucking cup." Taylor groaned walking into the kitchen with her eyes half shut. I just lifted my hand and gave her the one finger solute as I kept drinking the milk. I glanced out the window and saw something move outside. I set the carton down and stared outside into the sunny world, but there was nothing there.

"Huh, weird." I mumbled turning around.

"What?" Rhian asked walking into the kitchen as well trying to get the sleep out of her eyes.

"I thought I saw something outside, but it was probably some dog or some shit." I shrugged. Rhian nodded her head and patted my back.

"You always see shit." She laughed before walking away. I rolled my eyes and scratched my ass.

"You're such a lady." Taylor said sarcastically, but then she let out a big ass fart. I raised my brow and she only flipped me off.

"Don't even say it." She mumbled. I raised my hands in the air with innocence.

"I said nothing." I laughed then bent over to grab a pan to make some breakfast. For some reason I felt eyes on my ass. I bent my head over and saw that the girls were all doing something else, but I still felt eyes on my ass. I glanced out the window again and saw something move. I shook my head and grabbed the pan in the back. A cold chill ran up my spin as I touched the pan. I closed my eyes for a second and flashes of fire, and blood. So much blood, screams of agony, and laughter filled my ears and my eyes. Crosses burned everywhere I looked as streams of blood filled the room. The sky was dark, the air was damp. I glanced at my hands to find they we covered in blood, wrists slit vertically and horizontally.

I took a deep breath and recoiled my hand from the pan. My eyes snapped around and sighed in relief.

Fuck man I'm going nuts.

I chuckled to myself and grabbed the pan. I placed it on the stove top and grabbed the bacon, eggs, bell peppers, onion, ham, and tomatoes.


"YES!!" They both chorused back.

"Good, because I wasn't going to make anything different." I chuckled to myself. I melted the butter in the pan and chopped up the ingredients. I mixed the eggs and added salt and pepper before pouring the eggs into the sizzling pan. I hummed softly to myself as the egg rapidly cooked. The door bell rung a few times.

"GOT IT!" Taylor chimed. Footsteps came through the house and the door opened. I added the onions, bell pepper, and ham to the omelet. I waited a little bit for it to cook into the egg, but then a scream from Taylor rang through the house. A scream of pure terror. Grabbing the pan, I ran to the living room where Taylor was still screaming and staring at a brown box.

"Whats wrong Taylor?!" Rhian rushed out. Taylor just pointed to the box and backed away. Rhian and I both glanced at each other and slowly turned our heads towards the box. We both took a few slow steps towards the box. Our eyes peered into the box and the pan with the omelet dropped from my hands and to the floor, spilling the contents everywhere. A scream found its way out of my lips, as did one from Rhian.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!" Rhian yelled hysterically as fear erupted within me.

"What does it fucking look like?! It's a fucking bloody heart! And there's fucking pictures of us underneath it!" Taylor screeched, and she was right. In the box were bloody pictures of Taylor, Rhian and I. Some were from last night when I was walking to the bar through the alleyway, others of Taylor serving drinks, and some of Rhian at home last night walking around with my bat, but there were some from this fucking morning! When I woke up this morning drinking milk, Taylor and Rhian walking into the kitchen as well, but what made it fucking creepy as hell was that heart spilling blood all over the pictures.

"Who the fuck sent that!?" I asked with a somewhat desperate tone.

"Don't fucking look at me. I knew someone was fucking watching me last night!" Rhian screeched.

"Yeah, I'm still feeling it today." Taylor muttered.

"Oh my god. I knew I wasn't fucking being paranoid last night." I gasped thinking back to when I was in the alleyway. I knew it. I could just feel the creeps eyes on me.

"Dude, we gotta get rid of this shit." Taylor stated grabbing the box, but I stopped her because she was going to get blood everywhere.

"You're going to get blood everywhere. The box is leaking." I pointed out, but she just furrowed her brow.

"Throw it in the bath tub and then we'll figure out what to do with it." Rhian said eyeing the bloody heart with a look of pure disgust. Taylor nodded her head as I opened the bathroom door for her. She hastily threw the box into the bath tub, making blood spray across the white tub. I gagged slightly and left the bathroom hastily as Taylor went to scrub her hands off. Rhian was just staring at the pool of blood that was on the table with fear in her cloudy eyes. I glanced at the stain for a second to see it in a blob and then back at Rhian. Her eyes widened even more and she let out a small scream backing into the wall with tears in her eyes.

"What is it?" I asked quickly. She just covered her mouth and pointed towards the table. I followed her gaze and my eyes widened with fear as I jumped back with Rhian. Slowly the pool of blood moved on its own to spell something out across the table.

"Murder." I slowly made out as the letters formed. The air became cold and I could here voices whisper in my head.



"Deceit" I whispered out as it stopped moving and began dripping off the edge of the table. The voices in my head grew louder and louder. "Murder, Liar, Vengeance, Deceit." Every time louder and louder, more sickening then the last, screaming it with pure agony. I clutched my ears trying to make them stop, but they just grew even louder until I let out a scream.

"STOP IT!! FUCKING STOP!" I roared. Then, everything was silent. Not a sound was heard, the voices were gone.

"What the fuck is going on?" Rhian quivered out as we just held onto each other. I shook my head not knowing a damn thing while Taylor entered the room again.

"What's going-" She stopped her sentence when she spotted the table. Right when she was going to open her mouth the phone rang out. Her eyes snapped towards mine with terror. I swallowed and pleaded her with my eyes not to pick it up, but slowly her hand picked it up.

"Hello?" She asked cautiously.

"Hello?" She asked again with confusion. Rhian and I walked up towards her to listen in as well. We all put our ears to the receiver and stayed as silent as possible. Heavy breathing came from the other end.

"Who the fuck is this?" I snapped, and they just laughed. The laugh sent cold chills down my spine and sent goosebumps throughout my whole body.

"Leave us the fuck alone!" Rhian screeched but then we all ripped the phone away from our ear as a scream of pure murder rang out. Rhian clutched me tighter as the screaming intensified. Two other set of screams joined in. My stomach churned and I thought I was going to throw up.

"TAYLOR!! NO!!!" A voice screamed through the phone. Not just any voice. Rhian's voice. We all glanced at each other with confusion, but horror as well.

"LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE!! FUCKING TAKE ME YOU TWIZZLER DICK!" Another voice screeched. Taylor snapped her head towards me knowing that I say 'twizzler dick' often and one of the screams intensified as a sickening snap and sizzle sounded through.

"NIKI!!!!" The two voices called. Taylor and Rhian. A thud was heard and sobs were coming out. Rhian grabbed the phone and chucked it across the room and into the wall. It crushed into pieces as we all stared at each other with fear.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked quietly.

"We're getting the fuck out of here, that's what that was." Taylor stated. "Get your shit and let's get the fuck out." She rushed out. We all ran to our rooms and grabbed whatever we could before running out of the damn house and to the one person we knew we could count on having a place for us to stay at.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you all enjoy it! It's a bit short, but packed full of shit! hehehe
Thank you to everyone who's been reading and commenting!! WOOT!!
We LOVE comments and messages!! hehehe
And....OH! Look out for an update on Lost In Tomorrows Realm pretty soon, and a new story!!! CALLED! "Sex, Sex, Sex, and Don't Forget the Violence!
