Evil Be Thy Master

The Game


Matthew's lips press against mine as his hands run down my sides. "He'll catch us," I whisper making Matthew chuckle and me sit up. I was straddling his thighs as my hands run up and down his bare chest.

"If he catches us you know he'll have me hung drawn and quartered, and you will be sent to a nunnery," we both start to laugh at the idea, but in truth it was no joke. If my father ever caught Matthew and I together before we were married I'm sure that the wedding would be off. "But I'm willing to risk it for you darling, you are so beautiful," he muses his eyes traveling down my body. "I can not wait to have you all to myself,"

"Are wedding night," I mumble making his smile turn into a dirty smirk.

"Perfect," he groans as I lean down pressing my lips against his, knowing that this wouldn’t last and he'd have to go soon.

"But until then we have to be careful," I mutter slightly annoyed by the waiting factor. Matthew just nods pushing me down onto the bed.

"Lets forget about it, soon it will be forever," I don’t bother listening as our lips press against each others again and his hands slide down to my hips. This was perfect, I couldn’t imagine my life with out Matthew. Some say he isn’t the right man for me, some say he can be ill tempered but I know that Matthew Sanders loves me and that together we are perfect.

"Darling I'm sorry I have to leave so early," Matthew muttered leaning over me and pressing his soft lips against mine. I sigh watching him get off the bed; I roll over to follow his movements.

"Matthew do you have to go?" I question entwining my fingers with his, he sighs squeezing my hand before pulling away.

"I am sorry Taylor, I just do," he says simply before flashing me a cute smile and picking his shirt up off the floor. I watch his movements as he pulls the white cotton fabric over his large toned chest, letting it fall across his abs, and down his large arms.

"Where are you going?" Matthew doesn’t run round and instead just mutters something about business; I raise my eyebrows and chew on my lip debating whether to question him anymore or not. Matthew could have quite the temper when pushed, and though he would never hurt me I was still scared to anger him so.

"I will see you this afternoon," he says simply turning on his heel and walking out of the room, leaving me alone in the bedroom as the warm sunlight starts to filter through. I run my figures through my tangled hair, standing up straight and stretching. My eyes flicker around the room landing on Matthew's jacket he'd left on the back of the chair, I sigh knowing I'd have to hide it, if my father ever found out Matthew was here we’d both be dead.

"Taylor!" I spin round as I hear Nicole's voice noticing her and Rhian walk towards me at a rather quick pace.

"Morning," I smile as they reach me, stopping at the top of the street. "How are you?"

"Fine," Nicole mutters rolling her eyes slightly. "Has Matthew gone out as well?" I nod letting my smile fade slightly.

"Jimmy said something about business this morning," Rhian sighs.

"And Brian said he was meeting up with associates," Nicole roles her eyes

"They can not be talking about horses again it just would not make sense," Rhian huffs, Nicole shakes her head and I look between the two of them; they didn’t honesty believe what they were told did they?

"I doubt this business is to do with horses," I say skeptically as both look at me. "I am serious there is not that much to talk about when it comes to horses and it defiantly does not need all of them there,"

"What are you saying?" Rhian questions me; I look to Nicole who was chewing on her lip most probably processing what I had said in her mind.

"You don’t think they are keeping secrets do you?" I shrug not wanting to doubt the man I was marrying, because trust was such a key element, but still all this business and nothing to show for it.

"They wouldn’t be," Nicole finally speaks up looking at me before turning away. "I just don’t believe they would," Rhian nods in agreement as I smile at them both, maybe they were right.
"They will back soon probably telling us about a new deal," I mutter trying to forget my pessimistic views.

"That’s one up, two to go," I hear mumblings of a conversation as slowly I come to. "Maybe we should start on her first, what do you think Rhian?" My eyes ached and hurt so much as I tried to open them, everything was fuzzy at first until I started to make out shapes in the dimly lit cell. Light reflected off Rhian's blood shot eyes a look of pure exhaustion and defeat on her face. I moved my head ever so slightly not wanting to set of the sharp stabbing pains my muscles gave out every time I moved; Brian was leaning against the wall pointing towards me with Zack standing the other side smirking at Rhian. "Oh but now she's up," Brian laughs his eyes locking with mine.

"Rhian?" She moves slightly to face me her eyes leaking tears as she moved towards me; neither Brian nor Zack stopped her they just watched her struggling to reach me. She lets out a few groans in pain but finally collapses next to me. "You okay?" I mumble making her smile slightly.

"Never better," she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Don’t go back to sleep," I warn her not looking at the guys just her. "Where's Niki?"

"On the floor over there, she looks terrible," Rhian mutters looking to the other side of the room that was dimly lit. I could just make out a curled up ball I presumed was Niki. "I cant do this anymore," Rhian whispers, "the blood," she groans looking down at the cuts on her body "its too much," I nod in agreement about to speak but I was interrupted.

"Girls it’s rude to whisper, have you no manners?" Brian smirks walking towards us, he leans against the wall and slides down to sit next to Rhian his shoulder pressing against hers; he'd obviously never heard of personal space. He held something in his fist but did not let us see it clearly. The air moved beside me signaling Zack had moved as well, I watched him walk towards me and stand by my side an evil smirk growing on his full lips. They were up to something; I mean you'd have to be stupid to trust these two.

Rhian's sudden movement causes me to hiss in pain as her elbow connects with my chest.

"Sorry," she chokes as I notice why she had flinched. Brian trailed one finger up her bare shin his dark hazel eyes locked onto her misty grey ones, she tried to edge away but only came closer to me and I had no way of moving as Zack stood to my side blocking my way.

"Shhh," Brian chuckles as his finger tip reaches her knee, his whole hand cups the top of her knee, his thumb rubbing little circles on her bare skin. I watched him trying to work out what he was doing, I looked towards Rhian's leg thinking he was looking to abuse her in other ways but Rhian's scream explained it all.

Brian had two hands clenching her thigh, either side of the knife wound. He pulled the tight skin ripping the wound open and letting fresh blood pour from it. Rhian whimpered tears falling down her pale cheeks.

But she wasn’t alone in pain, every time she let out a whimper Zack's knee connected with the side of my head which was already bruised and battered. And Rhian made it ten times worse when she screamed and jumped towards me causing my back to hit the wall and me to scream in pain. I turned to Rhian and noticed the smirk on Brian's face grow. Whatever it was in his hand was now being grinded into her skin, she squirmed to get away.

"I'm only helping you," Brian laughs, "The salt cleans the wound," Rhian bit her lip to suppress any screams of pain as the bastard ground the salt crystals into her skin.

"God help us," I mutter loud enough so they can hear and make him stop.


"Leave her alone," We all fall silent as Niki's voice croaks through the darkness as she coughs trying to get rid of the dust in her lungs. I knew how she felt.

"And what exactly bitch are you-" but Brian is stopped mid sentence as the door is flung open.

"Get them up, we're ready," Matt's deep voice echoes through the cell.

Zack's arms tighten around mine as he pulls me onto my feet, Brian drags Rhian up and Jimmy walks towards Niki. The guys follow an oh so familiar route to the room that scared all three of us shitless. Never in my whole would I imagined seeing Niki, one of the strongest people I know, be scared of entering a room, her eyes went wide and she tried to fight against Jimmy but it didn’t work. Matt grabbed Niki's arm making her gasp in pain as the flesh that hung off was ripped away by his forcefulness.

I looked towards Brian who's grip around Rhian's arm was tightening as he watched Matt drag Niki. Niki tried to fight back kicking at his legs but it didn’t work.

"Bitch I would bother," Matt laughed swinging his arm round and knocking her head to the left, Brian looked the opposite way at Matt inflicted pain on Niki. Brian concentrated on Rhian dragging her to the other side of the room, as Zack held onto me just watching the other two girls.

Brian tied Rhian's ankles and writs to the chair, then a rope round the top of her chest wrapping across her shoulders to stop her moving forwards. Matt did the same to Niki punching her every time she tried to fight him, the crack as he smacked her in the jaw brought silence to the room. Even Brian turned to look at Niki but quickly looked back to Rhian.

"Jimmy get the shit," Matt nodded towards us. Zack pushed my back hard making me stumble forwards and into Jimmy's arms.

"Close your eyes," he whispers, I do as I'm told not wanting to see what was happening to my friends anyway. "Hands open," he mutters into my ear, he places something in my hand before cupping his own hand around mine, it felt as if he had a glove on or something because his skin never touched mine. "close," he whispers before forcing my hand shut around whatever was there.

"Jesus Christ," I say out loud as whatever was in my hand pierces through the skin. As I utter those words Jimmy grips my hand tighter and emits a growl from the back of his throat.

"Eyes open," He snaps at me as I smirk slightly but my expression changes as I look down to my hand, wrapped around it was barbed wire with my fresh blood dripping down it. "is it good for you too?" he chuckles squeezing my hand tighter so the metal digs further in to the palm and top of my hand. I don’t say a word just bite my lip knowing if I complained one of the girls would get hurt. My breathing becomes much more ragged as Jimmy squeezes harder; I look down to my hand and the trail of barbed wire leading from it.

"Take her over to-" Matt pauses looking between Rhian and Niki.

"Nicole," Zack suggest staring over to Niki who looked pale, blood stains all over her body and her jaw starting to swell up and bruise. Matt just nods as Jimmy leads me towards Nicole who had Johnny standing beside her twirling a long sharp knife around in his hand, Zack follows behind while Brian and Matt stayed by Rhian .

"Today ladies we thought you should have the fun," Zack explains pacing back and forwards by Niki and I. "Here's the rules, Niki is our victim, Taylor your in charge of that lot," he points towards the floor where a load of different torture devices sat, whips, the barbed wire, knives, and flames. "the game is simple you inflict pain on her,"

"Fuck off am I," I snap at him. Zack shrugs.

"You don’t want to play?" he questions, I shake my head.

"Oh okay fair enough I-"

"FUCK!" Rhian screams causing me turn around.

"Oh did I explain that rule," Zack smirks as I notice barbed wire cutting into Rhian's stomach as Matt pulled it tighter around her waist. "Rule number on you hurt Niki or we hurt Rhian,"

"For God sake, that’s a fucking stupid game, Taylor don’t-" I hiss in pain as Rhian speaks and Jimmy squeezes my hand tighter.

"Oh and Rhian love every time you speak Taylor gets hurt, so its better if you keep your foul mouth shut," Zack snaps at her. "So Taylor," he looks towards my hand where the trail of barbed wire was coming from. "Let's play," I look at Niki who just nods.

"I cant do this," I mutter as Rhian groans in pain the barbed wire cutting into her stomach, I watch her for a few seconds blood seeping out.

"Taylor you don’t have to," Rhian says quietly which only causes me to get a back hand from Jimmy.

"Taylor do it," Niki snarls at me, but I couldn’t. I don’t think anyone would be able to hurt there best friend. "Taylor do it, Rhian is in pain,"


"Shut up," Niki snarls at Rhian as I get hit harder, Rhian nods but the squeals as Matt tightens the barbed wire and Brian starts to wrap it around her thighs. "do it," Niki stares into my eyes, she was pleading with me. "think of every time I've stolen your clothes, every time I've shouted, or forget to press record," I let tears fall down my cheeks as I pick the barbed wire up and with no effort at all hit her, she stares at me in pure amazement I knew it didn’t even hurt.

I hear Jimmy and Zack both chuckle. "Another rule darling," Matt calls across the room, "If it doesn’t hurt we'll only hurt Rhian more,"

"I like it rough bitch," Niki whispers a small smile plays on her lips as I force myself to smack the barbed wire against her skin, this time it dug in small leaving small cuts across her legs, still it wasn’t affecting her.

"Harder!" Matt calls across as I hear Rhian hiss, Brian pulling the barbed wire around her thigh tighter as Matt tightened the one around her stomach. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes clenching my fists and letting the barbed wire swing down onto Niki. She screeched in pain as I pulled it back catching all the skin and ripping holes in her body. IT was effectively a cat of nine tales except I was in pain from holding it as well.

"Don’t!" Niki shouts as I hear Rhian scream. "That’s not fair, Tay-" but Zack smacked Niki in the face to shut her up.

"Did we ever say anything about playing fair? No I don’t fucking think so, every time you scream Niki, Rhian will get hurt," This lot were sadistic bastards that’s the only way to explain it.

"Taylor carry on," Niki mutters I look from her to Rhian who just nods but was glaring daggers at Brian as he tightened the barbed wire around her thighs. If looks could kill we'd get out of this a lot quicker. I carry on with the barbed wire hitting Niki with as much force as possible, all the time I had my eyes barely open and the image that it was on of the guys sitting there not her, and they were suffering, not my best friend.

The whole room was silent, no cries from Rhian, no groans from Niki, the guys couldn’t do a thing because I was doing as they asked. It seemed to take forever for someone to break the silence, Rhian gave in first. I caught what happened out of the corner of my eye.

"Bored!" Brian groans, he pulled on the barbed wire around her thighs and stomach making her screech probably more in shock than anything else.

"God save us," Rhian muttered causing Jimmy to smack the back of my head hard as he pushed my hand tighter around the barbed wire now embedded in the skin. I looked towards Matt and Brian but Matt looked away from me.

"We should just separate them," Brian smirks locking eyes with me. "I'll take Taylor, she lasts longer,"

"Fine," Matt growls roughly pulling the wire away from Rhian, it sprung away from her skin taking bits of flesh with it and letting the blood pour down her stomach. I looked down at my own hand as Jimmy yanked the barbed wire away. The large gashes had flaps of skin ripped off them as blood seeped down my hands.

"Stigmata like," I hear Rhian mutter, "maybe it’s the sec-"

"Shut it," Matt growls at her as he picks Niki up off her seat dragging her across the floor only to hear her whine yelp in pain as bits of her skin ripped off. "Zack do something with her," he mumbles pointing to Rhian who was look rather pale as she stared at her stomach and thighs.

"God of strength and love," she whispers staring at me, as Zack kicks her stomach hard.

"God in whom we trust in every hour of need," I carry on as Brian runs a knife down my back slicing it open.

"God have mercy on all who are in distress," Niki finishes as Matt smashes her head against the floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just because she's gone doesn't mean she's going to abandon this story!! haha
But hope you all enjoy! Thank you to everyone who's been reading and commenting!
We LOVE comments, and messages!!