Status: completed! ^_^

Don't Waste Your Time on Me.

Part 6. Where it all went wrong.

"I guess good things can't last forever..." Alex wiped the tears that were now settling onto his cheeks. "I learned that the hard way. It was- It was all going so well. What did I do wrong? I know it was my fault but we hadn't argued, we hadn't hurt each other, so, why? I just, I wish you had left me an explanation. From the moment I woke up on that cold winter morning, I knew something bad was going to happen. I just felt like I was going to throw up all day. Then, at exactly 3:17pm, I got a text. Your text. That fucking dreaded text. At first I thought you just sent me that as an excuse to cuddle me a bit more. You didn't. I sprinted to your house, it took me about 5 minutes and I didn't care that there was a few inches of snow coating the floor, I needed to see you. When I knocked on your door, your mom answered. She was always the happiest woman, but today she just wore a look of complete depression. I'm guessing you told her your intentions. After greeting her and asking where you were, I ran to your room and let myself in. The second I spotted you bundled up in the corner of the room, I hugged you as hard as I could. This was the first and only time you'd never hugged me back. I didn't know what the fuck was up but this wasn't right. I said your name on repeat, but you didn't answer. I oh so carefully lifted your chin with my hand so your beautiful eyes were staring right at me. You stayed silent for a moment or two before you said the phrase that caused me so much pain. The phrase that has kept me up for nights on end. The phrase that has come close to killing me one too many times. 'Alex, we aren't dating anymore. I don't want to see you. Get the fuck out.' I almost collapsed at that exact moment. My breathing quickly became irregular and I knew I was having one of my panic attacks. 'J-Jack why?' I stuttered, barely being able to choke out a sound, let alone a word. 'ALEX. OUT.' Was your reply. I could tell then that you were being 100% serious. 'C-Can I just kiss you? one last time?' I needed to savour the taste of your mouth because I knew it would be the last time. I was still so confused. 'No.' was the only word you had the decency to spit at me. 'FUCK OFF!' you shouted again, throwing a pillow in my direction. As you did that, I could see a line of wounds on your arm. Jack..." Alex sighed. "Please tell me you didn't do what I thought you did? Ugh, I know what it was. Why? I love you too much. I'm still getting over the fact that the last words you said to me in over 3 months were 'fuck off.' That makes me so, ugh so- I can't describe it, Jack. The second the pillow was thrown, I ran. I ran down the stairs, pushed past your Mom who was holding some kind of hot drink she made for me, ran out your door without bothering to close it behind me and finally ran back to my house in which I spent the night crying by myself, wondering what the fuck I did wrong. You're a dick." Alex picked up the miniature framed picture of him and the lanky boy and smashed it against the ground as forcefully as he could. The glass shattered as soon as it hit, spreading over the bedroom floor of the heartbroken teenager.