Status: I know that im bad at summeries but please give this story a shot! It may seem a little confusing in the begining but if anyone has any questions whatsoever feel free to ask away! Enjoy the story!

A Song of Change

Chapter 27 the Society Member

Chapter 27
A Society Member:
When I got outside I got the chance to really look at the woman from the Society for the first time. She was a tall woman with a pinched face. Her grey hair pulled back in a tight bun at the crown of her head. She was dressed in a long black dress with sleeves that hung so long they covered her hands. There were silver markings at the seams of the dress. I couldn't tell just what they were but I got a bad feeling just looking at them.
"Come with me," the woman said as she spun on her heel toward a black vehicle in front of her. She didn't even look back to see if I was following when she got in the back seat. I followed her wordlessly and stepped into the car after her. "Shut the door," she said and I did, afraid that if I made one wrong move something bad would happen.
This woman next to me was exactly what I would expect from a member of the Society. We are not told much about the members of the Society but what I do know is that their lives are ones of solitude. If you are chosen to become a member of the Society you say goodbye to more than just your parents but to everyone else as well.
They live on their own and never have children. The only time they have any contact with other human beings is during times like this for a Coming ceremony, when the Society members hold a meeting or during a Birth. Otherwise the Society members keep to themselves.
Their lives seem like sad lives to me but in the eyes of most everyone it is considered an honor to be chosen as a Society member. There are only ten members, unlike the other jobs where there can be hundreds of workers.
This woman could have been a kind and caring woman if only she were given the chance. But all of that had been taken from her and now she was bitter from it. The earlier fear I felt in this woman's presence was replaced with one of pity. I relaxed slightly, knowing that being coupled with someone other than Julian would be a far better fate than the desolate life of a Society member.