Status: I know that im bad at summeries but please give this story a shot! It may seem a little confusing in the begining but if anyone has any questions whatsoever feel free to ask away! Enjoy the story!

A Song of Change

Chapter Eight Saddening Thoughts

Chapter 8
Saddening Thoughts:
*at school*
All throughout class I stared at the clock hoping for it to strike three thirty so that the bells would chime and everyone would be dismissed. It seemed as if these last ten minutes would last a life time and my teacher, droning on about the same thing he always did, did not help matters what so ever.
The very first day of school was the day that I was placed into a group with four other girls. We were all placed into this group based on what our career would be after we turned eighteen, caregivers, together the four of us learned the basics that everyone was taught and when those lessons were through we were taught to be caregivers.
Currently our teacher was talking about the safety precautions that we must follow, not only for ourselves but for our patients as well. I knew all there was to know about those steps, see as how he talked about them almost everyday, and I knew how important they were too. I was just to antsy to care at this point.
Finally the bell rang and our teacher let us go and we all went our separate ways. It was kind of sad really. I had been with the same group of girls for fifteen years and hardly knew anything about them. I at least knew their names.
The youngest of us is a girl named Monica, she had short blonde hair that stopped at the end of her delicate face. Next in the line was Carter, she had curly dark brown hair, almost black, that went just past her shoulders. She had a stern face and hardly ever talked in class.
Third was Lucille, she had long pale blonde hair that went past her waist. She was terribly shy, her hair was always in her face and she never made eye contact . I was the second oldest. The oldest of the five of us is Theresa. She light brown hair that reached the middle of her back and is also the star pupil of us all. She always seemed to know every answer to every question and I had no doubt in my mind that she would become one of the greatest caretakers.
Before I realised it I was back in front of the Greene's house. I was filled with the same nervousness I had last night along with a new fear. I feared that when I did come Julian would not be there. That this was all a dream that I fashioned to distract myself from the stress of my Coming.
These thoughts raced through my mind as I made my way to the room that I hoped contained the same boy I met only yesterday. I closed my eyes as I opened the door and walked in.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope that my story is starting to make more sense as it goes. I was trying to keep it a little vague in the beginning because the story is from Annabelle's point of view. She knows so little and I want to keep the readers at the same pace as her. Although I'm guessing most of you already know what the noise was. Anyway just bear with me because she is going to start learning more things soon. If you have any questions you know what to do and thank you for reading.