Sequel: Union

Family Reunion

The Wilted Rose

With a month to go before the birth of Rose's first child she was making very frequent visits to the doctor's office. She was more then a little nervous about having a child; and Frank was there for her all the way. Well at least sometimes.

Green Day finished up some publicity on their album and returned home in late January. Rose was ecstatic to see Frank again. It had only been a couple of weeks but to her it felt like a lifetime.

"Hi, babe!" Rose shouted excitedly from the doorway of Tré's country mansion on a cool winter evening.

"Hi!" Tre shouted back just as excited he ran over from his SUV and gave her a big loving hug.

"Aw, I missed you so much!" Rose said as she just savored the moment with him in her arms.

"Aw, you know I missed you too!" Tré said and he practically lifted her feet off the ground by her underarms and took her into the house placing her down in the foyer. "You've gotten pretty heavy," Tré remarked.

"Well yeah I'm due soon," Rose laughed.

"I wasn't talking about your stomach," Tre joked and he started laughing.

Rose hit him across the back of the head, "Oh I know I'm fat. Look at me. You probably think I'm ugly," Rose said and suddenly broke down in emotional tears.

"Oh my god Rose. I don't think you're ugly," Tré said while at the same time mentally kicking himself in the ass for making such a stupid comment to a pregnant woman.

"Yes you do," she said and she wiped her eyes while looking at the floor.

Tré came over and hugged her, "It was just a joke Rose. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"I don't even know why you're with me. You're good looking, not to mention you have being famous going for you. You could get some one way prettier then me," Rose said as she buried her head in Tre's chest.

"I don't want anyone else. And you are very pretty. Nobody is as nice a person as you Rose," Tré said.

"Really?" Rose said looking up into his eyes.

"Really... " Tré smiled.

"Aw, I love you," Rose swooned and Tre lowered his lips upon hers.

Frank pulled his lips off of Rose's and stared into her eyes, "Rose... "


"When do you want to get married?" Tré asked in a soft voice.

"I don't know. When were you thinking?" Rose asked as Tré lead her into the living room and sat her down on the couch.

"I was thinking soon... " Tré smiled.

"How soon?" Rose smiled.

"Like, before you give birth."

"Wow really? Okay!" Rose shouted giddily as her tears almost instantly dried up. Talk about mood swings; or multiple personalities.

"Yah!" Tre exclaimed.

Rose was laughing and she suddenly remembered something. "Hey look what I got yesterday," she said and she pulled something out of her housecoat.

"Oh wow... " Tré said as his face lit. He looked down on an ultrasound picture of their unborn child.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Rose smiled.

"The most beautiful thing in the world," Tre proclaimed, smiling proudly. "Do they know if it's a boy or a girl?"

"No, I told them I didn't want to know."

"Yeah, that's a good choice. I like it to be a surprise too... " Tre said and he gave Rose an Eskimo kiss.

She laughed as their noses hooked on either side of each other's. Rose had an equally big nose. This was something she differed in a great deal from Billie Joe.

"Us and our big noses... " Rose giggled.

"Yeah our noses make a cute couple," Tré laughed. "Hey didn't you tell me before your family is of black origin?"

"I guess I did... " Rose said as she tried to recall saying it before the accident. "But yeah we're all white now obviously."

"Did you get white by doing it with the Armstrong's and the White's?" Tré laughed.

"Eww, that's nasty," Rose said. "But yeah, it probably is why," she grinned.

"Hmm schemxy," Tré said.

"Frank?" Rose said with a smile on her face.

"What?" he smiled.

"Do you have a crush on Billie Joe?" Rose laughed, raising her eyebrows as though she'd thought it for years but wasn't quite sure if it were true.

"Ah, no... " he said looking up at the ceiling with a guilty grin.

"Oh my god you do!" Rose cross-examined.

"No I don't!" Tré said as his face went beet red.

"Aww..." Rose laughed mockingly.

"Okay fine...I think the little fucker is a sexy slut, okay?" Tre said, shrugging his shoulders carelessly.

Rose started laughing her ass off and she slapped her knee in her hysteria. "You're too funny."

Tre had to laugh as well as he thought about it. Just then his cell phone rang in his pocket. He picked it up swiftly and glanced at the call display. It was Sarah again. "Ah just a sec babe, I got to take this call," Tre said and he got up off the couch and went out of the room. "Hello?"

"Hi Tré...guess who?" Sarah said on the other end of the line.

"What do you want Sarah?" Tre hissed in a whispered voice.

"I want to meet you tonight...I mean, you're going to meet me tonight," Sarah said.

"I'm not meeting you. I just got home and I want to spend time with Rose," Tré said.

"Tré...we're not breaking our bargain are we?" Sarah asked menacingly.

"," Tré sighed.

"Good. Meet me tonight at the Waterfront Plaza Hotel. I want to spend the entire night with you," Sarah insisted.

"What will I tell Rose?" Tré asked.

"Oh you'll think up something. You've already told one good lie," Sarah giggled like a sorority girl.

"Fuck you... " Tré said and just then Rose walked into the room. "Ah...yeah I should have that ready by tomorrow," he said quickly trying to make it appear like he was talking business. Rose had a smile on her face as she placed her arms around Tre and started kissing his neck.

"Tré, 10 o'clock. No later," Sarah said then hung up the phone.

Tré hung up his phone and turned around to look at his fiancé. "Mm, come here!" he said and he attacked her face with kisses.

Rose laughed and squealed as she tried to escape his thousand and one kisses. "Who was that on the phone?"

"Ah, that was just my bank. Just a bunch of financial crap," Tré said.

" you usually tell the bank to fuck off?" Rose laughed.

"Ah...yeah I do actually, you know me. I tell a lot of people to fuck off," Tré said with a nervous laugh.

"Hehe me too," Rose laughed, "can I make you something for dinner?"

"No, but what you can do is go sit down, put your feet up and let me make you dinner," Tre smiled.

"Aw, what a gentleman. I don't mind that at all," Rose said and of course she had to give him a kiss before turning around and going back out to the living room. She was definitely always all over Tre like she'd just started dating him or they were newlyweds.

After she left the room Tré sighed. He was mentally kicking himself for repeatedly having to lie to the woman he loved. When would the lies end? When would he get out of the clamp on the mouse trap Sarah had set down for him, with cheese?

Tre went into the kitchen and he really wasn't much of a cook. He was more of a stoner with the munchies who just pulled whatever was quick and available out to eat.
"Hmm...Campbell's Chunky Soup..." Tré said and he pulled the can out and bent down to get a pot out of a bottom cupboard.

"What are you making?" Rose shouted out from the living room.

"Soup! ' Tré shouted back.

"It better be good, or you're in the doghouse again," Rose laughed dominantly. Just then Frankito came in the room and sat down on the floor in front of the TV.

"What's the doghouse?" Frankito asked.

"Ah, it's just a joke sweetie," Rose smiled.

"Hmm...I don't get it," he sighed.

Just then Rose heard Tre laughing in the kitchen. Obviously he could hear the conversation between Rose and his son. His laughing finished off with a classic, "Woof!"


At 9:30 that same night all Tré could think about was what he would say to Rose in order to get out of the house. He knew that if he was late meeting Sarah she would call up Rose and blow his cover. The stress on him was enormous. He needed to think of something quickly.

"Frank I wanna go to bed soon. How 'bout you?" Rose asked and she was looking at him slightly seductively.

"Nah, actually I told Mike I would go over to his place for a bit tonight," Tré said while looking down with shame and guilt.

"Oh...okay. Well I just thought...." Rose said and she turned around slowly.

"Just thought what?" Tré asked even though he already knew well.

"You just got home Frank. You were with Mike all that time," Rose stopped and turned around to look at Tré. "I just thought that maybe we could.... Ah, never mind, forget it," Rose said and she started walking out of the room.

"I'm sorry Rose," Tré said but she didn't stop to look back at him. He wanted so bad to be able to cancel with Sarah. But there was no way in hell that was happening.

"Yeah well I understand, have fun with Mike." Rose disappeared up the stairs and went into the bedroom Frank and her shared and laid down on the plush king size bed. She closed her eyes and a tear escaped her eyelids and ran down the side of her face on to her duvet pillow. For an hour she lay there thinking Tré would feel bad and come in to be with her. But he never did.