Sequel: Keep Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

Bleeding love



“You’re staring at those freaks again.”

“They’re not freaks.”

“Yes they are,” Christopher nodded, sneering as he wrapped his jacket around my shoulders. I took one last glace over to those four boys that fascinated me before turning to my clique and sighing.

"They aren't, just misunderstood," I whispered as I looked over at Ella. "El?"

"What?" she glanced up, at me then to the four boys and back.

"Oh nothing," I whispered as I shrugged Christopher's arm off my shoulder, walking over to side by her. "He really should leave them alone."

"I know," she whispered. “Their amazing people, I’m sure. We’ll just… Never know.”

“Fucking social status,” I mumbled, Chris glaring at me.

“Something wrong?”

“Uh,” I looked around, and lied. “Nothing at all.”

"You sure?"

"I'm sure Christopher," I glared as I stood up, "I'm going home."

"Its lunch," Alexis one of our friends gasped.


“I’ll go, too,” El sighed, both of us picking up our bags and walking to the school entrance. As we bounded through the green lawn, we walked slowly past those four boys, all of us making eye contact as they smiled.

“Wow,” El said softly as we cleared past the guys. “That one boy’s smile.”

"Did you see the one with the lip ring?" I giggled slightly as she threw her bag in the back of my punch buggy as she called it, I took the drivers seat and laughed. "He was so cute."

"The other one way," she argued.

“The chubby one?”

“Yeah,” She nodded, smiling softly as she got into the passenger’s seat. “Too bad we run in different circles.”

“You’re really making me sad, Ella.”

“I’m sorry,” She mumbled. “He’s just so cute, whoever he is.”

"They all were, in a weird way," I grinned as I started the engine, backing out of the parking place. "Where are we going?"

"Mall?" she suggested. "I got nothing else to do, let's go people watch."

"Sounds fun," I sighed.

“We’ve been sitting on this bench for hours,” El sighed, making me huff.

“I know,” I looked into the dark, cloudy sky. “I think it’s gonna rain.”

“Then we better get-“

And it began to pour.

“Mother fucker.”

“Heh,” I chuckled lowly as we stood up, walking slowly down the street.

“My hair is fucked,” El groaned, pulling it into a ponytail.

"Mine too," I shook my head like a dog. "Well at least I look like I done it on purpose."

"Do not, you look like a drowned rat," she laughed, I pouted for a minute before I started laughing with her.

"God," I gasped for air. "You look like one too!"

“Oh no!” She giggled, linking arms with mine. We skipped down the road until the rain was blocking all sight.

“Now what?” I groaned. “I can’t see two feet in front of me.”

“You girls need help?” Someone called through the pouring rain.

“Um,” El looked around. “Yeah. But I can’t see you.”

“Just follow my voice!”

"Easier said than done," I said slowly as I held my hand out in front of me. "Marko!"

A chuckle lifted through the air, followed by. "Polo."

"New voice!" El yelled. "Marko!"

"Polo," the first male voice laughed as we searched around with our hands and eyes.

"Damn I can't see," I mumbled. "Marko—oh I feel someone!" I squealed as someone grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.

"Good job," they laughed.

“I’m awesome,” I nodded, laughing as El shrieked.

“Whoa, whoa, big boy,” She giggled. “Watch your hands!”

"I'm being led somewhere yet I still cannot see," I said loudly. "If you think your getting something from me buddy you thought wrong."

"I thought I'd get you into a nice warm car, but besides that I know," the laughter rang over the rain.

"Oh," I grinned. "How very nice of you, thanks."

“You’re welcome,” He pushed me into the back seat of a car, El colliding with me.

“Ow, fuck,” She mumbled and looked up to the from seats. “Oh…”

"Oh what?" I asked as I sat up and rubbed the hair from my face. "Oh…"

"Oh what?" two of the four guys from school, who we fascinated on sat in the front seat soaking wet.

"Oh, we didn't figure it was—" Ella shook her head. "Thanks, I'm Ella."

"I'm Cordelia, you can call me Cordy."

“Oh,” The chubby one nodded. “I’m Zacky and that’s Matt..”

“Zacky,” Ella repeated, nodding slowly.

“Um, thanks,” I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and my palms become sweaty. "For helping us you know."

"You're welcome," the Matt guy smiled at me. "Why are you walking the road by yourself anyway?"

"My car ran out of gas down the road and we decided to walk to the park, people watch and when we were walking back it started to rain."

“Just our luck,” El growled, both the boys laughing slightly.

“We’ll take you home,” Zacky turned the key in the engine, smiling.

“You don’t have to,” I shook my head. “We can wait till the rain lets up.”

"It's not a big deal," Zacky said smiling. "I don't mind taking you two home."

"Well," I glanced over at El, who was grinning. "I guess that would be the smarter thing to do, I can get my brother to get my car in the morning."

"We'd have no ride to school," Ella groaned. "Christopher would pick us up."

"Damn," I shook my head.

“What?” Matt asked. “Isn’t he your boyfriend?”

“More like slave master,” I groaned.

"What?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing," I shook my head. "Just forget I said anything."

“Uh, okay,” Matt shrugged and leaned back in his seat. “So you two are… Popular?”

“It’s a curse, I tell ya,” El whined.

"More like a we have to or we'll be pressured so much we'll quit school and join the burger fling," I sighed. "Idiotic."

"More like moronic," El chuckled. "Wow we are idiots."

"Don't let Bell know we said it!" I rolled my eyes and gazed at Matt. "You two are the loners right?"

“Eh,” Matt shrugged. “We have select friends.”

“We have…” El looked around. “A lot. But I’m not sure their friends

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes again. "We are slightly pulled at, pressured if you must."

"We don't like it, but we don't fight it," El sighed. "We're pathetic."

"I'm not pathetic," I scoffed. "I'm just…okay I'm pathetic."

“Don’t say that,” Matt frowned as I shrugged.

“You don’t know us.”

“Got me there.”

"Yep," I grinned as I high fived Ella. "But yeah, I can be pathetic."

"We all can," he excused. "Just…some of us more than others I guess."

“Way more,” El mumbled, Zacky laughing softly.

“Don’t put yourself down.”

"Can't help it," I mumbled. "Turn right."

He did and sighed. "Maybe you girls should come and sit with us tomorrow."

“Make a scene?” El scoffed. “Maybe we could sit somewhere private."

"Maybe," Matt nodded slowly. "I know we could go out to the bleachers."

"That would work," I smiled. "I'd like it."

“Okay, then,” Zacky nodded. “At the bleachers.”

"The bleachers," Ella nodded.


"I'm going to eat elsewhere Christopher, quit acting like an ass," I hissed pulling my arm away, he glared at me.


“Just somewhere away from everyone,” I stated.

“Away from the crowds, the hustle and noise,” Ella added, nodding.

“Now please let us go.”

“Fine,” He sneered, dropping my arm angrily as El and I walked to the bleachers.

"Asshole," I sighed as I plopped down beside Matt. "Hi again…" I looked at the new two guys. "And hi for the first time."

"Hi," the other two waved slightly.

"I'm Cordelia," I smiled. "Call me Cordy."

"I'm Ella," Ella grinned. "Call me El if you want."

“Hey,” The tall one waved. “I’m Jimmy.”
♠ ♠ ♠

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