Sequel: Keep Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

“I won’t,” He nodded and went into me slowly, making me gasp in pain. “I’m so sorry.”

“No, no,” I insisted. “Keep going, please.”

"Are you sure?" he whispered pausing.

"Please," I whispered as he leaned down and kissed my lips.

"Okay," he nodded as he grabbed on of my hands and held it tightly as he moved in and out.

“Fuck,” I leaned my head back, crying slightly.

“Are you sure I’m not hurting you?” He looked up to me with worried eyes.

“No,” I shook my head. “I’m fine.”

“I feel like you’re not enjoying it,” He pulled out all the way and sighed.

“I am Zacky,” I sat up. “How can I show you that I want this?”

“I don't know,” He shrugged as I reached out and grabbed his hardened member, making him grunt. "Okay I guess that works."

"Uno!" I threw my cards down and grinned at Matt. "I win, again. Pay up bitch."

"Damn it," he grumbled as he leaned over and kissed my lips again.

“Aren’t I awesome?” I chuckled and dealt the cards again.

“The best,” He nodded in agreement.

"Damn better be," I winked at him as I sat the cards down. "Want to go get something to eat?"

“Why not,” He shrugged as we both stood up.

“Fuck,” I moaned. “Are your parent's home?”

“Uh,” He stopped. “I don’t think so. No.”

“Good,” I arched my back as he thrusted. “Zacky!”

“Ella,” He sucked on my neck. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I reached my arms around his back and dug my nails into his back, making him grip my hips tightly.

"Hey guys we're going out to ea--ah!" Cordelia screamed and ran back out of the room.

"Fuck," Zacky and I both mumbled as he paused.

“Matt!” We listened to Cordy shriek downstairs. “They’re- They’re-“

“What?” Matt asked.


“Well,” I smiled softly as Zacky picked up his rhythm.

"Sounds like she got an eyeful," Zacky chuckled.

"You're kidding?" Matt asked wide eyed.

"No, it was the scariest thing I have ever seen in my short, young life. I think I aged like ten years seeing that," I grunted and rubbed my face. "Ew."

“What was so bad?”

“They were… Naked…” I seethed. “And I saw him in her.”

"Oh gross."

"You have no idea," I shivered. "I'll never look at them the same again."

“Ewww,” Matt grimaced, hearing soft moans from Zacky’s room.

"Disgusting," I grumbled as I held my hand out.

"Let's get the hell out of here," he mumbled grabbing my hand.

"It's Halloween!" I shouted hugging Ella. "Like my costume?"

"A Queen, I should have known," she chuckled.

“And Matt’s a king,” I nodded. “What are you?”

“Uh,” She looked down. “Can’t you tell?”


"Think about it."

"Uh," I sighed and shook my head. "Nurse?"


"I have no--Oh my god you're uh...Harley or something, the sidekick to two-face on Batman comics!"

“No,” She stared at me as Zacky walked up behind her. “You’re not even close…”

“Zack,” I frowned. “Help me.”

"You have to find out yourself hun."

"A pin up girl?" I mumbled.


“I feel slow,” I whined, Matt chuckling beside me.

“Not slow,” He insisted, me glaring at him. “Okay, but just a little!”

"That's it," I threw my hands up. "No nookie for you."




“No!” I scolded.

“Ha,” El smirked as Zacky squeezed her butt. “Zacky!”

"Guys," I sighed. "Keep it in you're pants please."

"Will do," Zacky nodded.

“Good,” I nodded and turned to Ella. “And you stay out of his pants.”


“No hand jobs.”

"Bummer," she mumbled as she and Zacky walked away.

"Like being a mother," I grumbled grabbing Matt's hand. "Come on King Matt, let's get our asses in there and party like its 1699."

“Ha, okay,” He pecked my lips and pulled me into the high school gym.

"I hope Christopher isn't here," I sighed. "And I know Luke won't be, but still."

"I'll protect you," he kissed my cheek. "I am after all; the king and you are my queen."

“Yes,” I nodded, grinning, as I looked over to El with her jaw dropped.

“El?” Zacky wrapped his arms around her waist, her eyes tearing up.

“He- He’s here,” She whispered and the tears flowed.

“Who’s here, baby?” Zacky kissed her ear.


"Wow, that boy just does not get the concept of going away does he?" I asked quietly.

"Apparently not," she whispered. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…”

“Ella?” Zacky asked softly. “Are you okay?”

“No, no,” She began shaking. “Hold me.”

"I thought he was in jail?" I whispered to Matt.

"Me too," he looked down at me and kissed my lips. "He won't come over here, neither will Chris, I'll kick there asses."

"You'll break you're hand again."

"I'll have fun doing it."

“Cordy, Matt,” Ella touched my shoulder. “Just, calm down.”


“I’m fine,” She looked up to Zacky. “Just don’t let him near me. I don’t want to be with anyone but you…”

"We won't," he looked at Matt and I. "Will we guys?"

"Fuck no."

“Okay,” She nodded slowly as Zacky wiped away a tear.

“Don’t worry, babe,” He said reassuringly with a smile. “I have you now. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

"Brian!" I shouted as he walked up, wearing a Dracula suit. "You jerk, you totally out done us."

"We're King and Queen, we can't be outdone," Matt stated.

“I’m just that cool,” Brian grinned, exposing his fangs and looked down to Ella. “What’s up?”

"Luke's here," she whispered.

"I know," he said casually. "I told him if he so much as looked at you we'd pound his face in."

“Oh, Brian,” She pulled away from Zack and embraced Brian. “Thank you.”

“Your welcome,” he kissed her forehead and smiled softly.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you better than Matt," I teased as I hugged his side.


"Is for horses."

“You like him more than me?” He frowned.

“Matt,” I pulled away from Brian and kissed Matt softly. “Of course I like him more.”

"Aw, you're a bitch," Brian chuckled as he kissed me softly instead.

"And damn proud."

“Get off my girl,” Matt pulled me away from Brian and held me close.
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