Sequel: Keep Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

Bleeding love

“And I’m Brian.”

“And I’ll try and remember that,” El nodded, chuckling, as she sat down next to Zacky.

"I like you're hair," I said smiling at Jimmy. "How do you spike it like that?"

"Lots of gel," he laughed as he picked up a sandwich. "I like yours too."

"It's too normal," I sighed running my hand through my blond hair. "I need to do something really spontaneous and then maybe Christopher will leave me?"


"More like praying to god."

"What's so bad about him?" Matt asked.

"Other than the fact that he's a complete asshole?" I scoffed.


"What about you?" Zacky pointed to El as she sighed.

"Luke Alden," She groaned. "The fuck head soccer player."

"So you're both miserable with your boyfriends?" Brian asked slowly.

"Very, every time we try to call it off though."

"They tend to make us feel like shit," El added.

“Then why do you still date them?”

Ella and I looked to each other, shrugged.

“I don't know,” El mumbled.

"I just don't want to have to deal with him telling everyone about me," I sighed heavily. "I'm not perfect in any ways and it would come out of his mouth in a flash if we broke up."

"Do it and then deal with it," Jimmy shrugged. "The worse that could happen is we all could find out you like pokemon cards."

"Yeah, no," I shook my head. "But I do like watching cartoons, so there's one."

“I want to play base ball,” El nodded.

“I still eat sugar cereal.”

“I hate that popular music shit.”

"If I wear pink one more fucking day I'm going to shove it down someone's throat and jump off a bridge," that one caused everyone's mouth to drop. "I hate pink."

"You wear it all the time," Zacky said in shock.

"Its mandatory with bitchface over there, pink Tuesdays or, purple Fridays," I rolled my eyes. "No black Mondays or blue Wednesdays nope, I have to be a stuck-up, make-up wearing, preppy ass bitch."

"I think I love you," Matt pointed his fork at me. "You're amazing!"

“We are pretty awesome,” El nodded in agreement. “Not that anyone would know. We have to basically hide who we are just to keep from being out casted. Sometimes I think it’d be easier that way, though.”

"Yeah, it is easier," Zacky nodded. "We get to sit as close to your table as we want and each time, you move farther away like we're contagious."

"I wish you were," I growled. "Then those fuckers would have something to worry about."

“What?” Jimmy asked.

“They think you’re like deceased or something,” I shrugged. “And we must stay away. At all times.”

"Its stupid as fuck," El shook her head. "I just want to slap them when they start on that."

"I just roll my eyes and claim I have to pee so I can get away," I sighed shrugging.

“Why do you still hang out with them?” Zacky asked softly. “If you hate them, why still be their friends?”

"Basically skipper," I leaned forward, which made his lips turn into a grin. "We don't know how to get away."

"Stay with us?"

"We would, but that would mean they would tease you all worse than they do now," Ella explained. "And we don't want to be the reason for that."

“Oh,” Zacky huffed. “How about we hang out… Secretly?”

“What are we, spies?” I chuckled.

“I think it’s a good idea,” El shrugged.

"You would," I laughed again as she nearly pushed me off the cement block I was one. "Ow damn it."

"Stop making fun of me."

"I wasn't, all I said was you would and of course you do," I laughed again as she pushed me off into the ground, I didn't get up from lying on my back, just sat there and laughed.

“So what about it?” Zacky asked, everyone looking at me.

“Uh,” I sighed heavily. “Okay.”

"Cool," he smiled as he held his hand out; I grabbed it and stood up with his held. "So I'm Zacky Baker."

"I knew your first name not you're last," I smiled. "I'm Cordelia Deanis."

“And I’m Ella Jones.”

“So we’ve heard,” Brian nodded. “You’re really popular around here.”

"Don't remind us," we both whined at the same time.

"Wow, twins?"

"Not by blood," I laughed.

“But we’ve known each other for a long time,” El explained.

“So basically.”

"Yeah," she nodded laughing. "Anyway, we want to know stuff about you guys."

"I can play guitar," Brian smiled.

“Me, too,” Zacky raised his hand.

“And I drum,” Jimmy added.

"What do you do?" I turned to Matt. "Bass? Sing?"

"Sing," he nodded slowly, looking slightly embarrassed. "You girls have any special talents?"

"I can play the harmonica?" I laughed at myself. "No uh, I can play some on the guitar and I love metal."

“I can do…” El thought for a moment. “I can do absolutely nothing.”

"Aw yes you can," I nudged her. "She can play piano quite well."

“Really?” Zacky asked, wide eyes.

“I would say I’m amazing,” El blushed.

"She is," I nodded frantically. "She could have been a concert pianist but decided against it."

"Why?" Matt asked leaning forward.

“One word,” Ella held up one finger. “Stage fright.”

“That was two words,” Jimmy pointed out.

“Close enough.”

"Not really," I said slowly as I shook my head. "Don't worry though; we all know it's your mental state."

"What mental state?" Zacky said dumbly. "You have to have a brain to be mental at all."

"Oh!" I said laughing. "Burn!"

“Now don’t be mean,” El leaned back and pouted, Zack turning to her and smiling.

“You know I love you.”

“You just met me.”

"Eh," he shrugged his shoulders. "Doesn't mean I don't love you already, I love Cordelia already because she can play guitar."

"Yeah see, I'm already loved," I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Oh yeah well—" she stopped when someone else interrupted her.

"Cordelia Constance Deanis," Christopher's voice growled from the front of the bleachers.

“Hah,” El chuckled lowly.

“And Ella Marie Jones,” Luke added.

“Mother fucker…”

"Fuck," I stood slowly and turned to stare at them. "Hello…"

"Get out here," Christopher growled. "Now."

"Fine," I mumbled as I slowly walked away, but a large hand held my shoulder back.

"You don't have to, unless you want too," Matt said.

“Just...” I sighed.

“Meet us here tomorrow,” El hushed. “Okay?”

“Uh-huh,” Zacky nodded. “Bye.”

“Bye,” She waved sadly as we both walked out from behind the bleachers.

"What the hell?" Christopher grabbed my arm and jerked me to follow, which almost made me lose my balance.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

“Just don’t let us catch you two with them again,” Luke growled.

“Okay,” Ella nodded, Luke violently pulling her close.

"Ow," I mumbled as Christopher held me close, tightly. I looked over my shoulder at Matt and the others staring at us with glares.

"Stop looking back," Christopher growled pulling me tighter.

"You're hurting me…"

“You’ll be fine,” he insisted, El groaning. I looked over to see Luke groping her, as he smirked.

“Luke, stop,” She said with teary eyes. “I don’t want to.”

"Yes you do..."

"She said stop," I growled as I pulled away from Christopher and pushed Luke away from Ella. "Get you're fucking filthy paws off her you asshole."

"What the hell is wrong with you," Christopher stanched my hand.

"Back off!" I shouted pulling my arm back as I held Ella's hand, stepping back. "We don't want to do this right now fuck off."
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