Sequel: Keep Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

Bleeding love

“Ella,” Luke grabbed her hand, pulling her off as she cried.

“Please don’t…”

“Christopher!” I yelled. “Stop him!”

"No," he shook his head slightly hesitant. "It's his decision."

"Fine," I glared and ran after him. "Luke!"

"What?" he growled as he still walked, I grabbed both of Ella's hands and pulled her away from the idiot.

"Go away," I said pulling Ella after me, towards Matt and Zacky. "We have to run."

"What's wrong with them," she cried.

“What happened?” Zacky noticed a sobbing Ella as we walked over.

“He was going to rape me,” She said softly.

"Its alright, he won't touch you," I hugged her as she clung to me crying.

"You saved me," she whispered crying. "He was going—"

"Don't go there," I said softly. "He didn't and that's all that matters."

"Hand her here," Brian said softly, I handed her over to Brian who rubbed her back and cooed in her ear calming her down.

"Where are they?" Zacky growled.

“Gone probably,” I shrugged. “Don’t worry; they’ll be dragging us along tomorrow.”

“Please don’t cry,” Brian said softly.

“He was going to take my virginity.”

"We'll pick you up in the morning okay?" Matt said as he walked over and hugged me. "You alright?"

"I'm fine," I rubbed my wrist and shrugged. "And if you wouldn't mind."

"We don't," Brian shook his head.

“Okay,” I nodded.

We’re completely going against the status quo.

"Hey," Brian smiled as he pulled up in front of my house, Ella was at my side wearing black jeans and a blue shirt, and I wore the opposite. "Someone turned emo overnight."

"More like went comfortable," Ella smiled. "Feels good. Those fucking skirts were hell.”

“And the pink burned my skin.”

“Don’t be so dramatic,” Brian laughed.

"I wasn't being dramatic," I mumbled. "I was stating a fact, the pink burnt my skin."


"The starch in the shirt," I shrugged. "Hell if I know."

"Come on," he laughed.

“Okay,” I nodded as we climbed into his car, sighing.

“I’m scared about Luke,” El whined.

"Don't be," Brian shook his head. "He won't touch you."

"How did you know where I live?" I asked as I noticed it was just him.

"Matt told me, he and the guys went to school earlier."

“Oh,” I sighed, El leaning back.

“So,” Brian said. “Are you going to hang with us today?”

“I don’t think so,” I shook my head. “Maybe in private, I’m still not sure everyone’s okay with it.”

"Why do you care anyway?"

"I don't know," I sighed heavily. "I just don't want to deal with them."

"Then stay with us."

“Soon, we promise,” I nodded, Ella snoring softly.

“Did she fall asleep?” Brian smirked.

“She does that,” I nodded as she turned.


"Zack?" Brian raised an eyebrow with a grin.

"Her ex boyfriends name was Zachariah, called him Zack," I lied quickly.

"Uh huh."

“What?” I asked, noticing the grin playing on his lips.

“You’re a bad liar.”

"I've always been told that," I sighed. "Yes fine she's talking about Zacky."

"I knew it," he grinned. “She like him?”

“She’s only stared at him every lunch for the past year.”

"What about you?"

"What about me?" I asked with confused eyes. "I don't like Zacky like that, sorry."

"No, with Matt."

“Who said I liked Matt?” I began blushing as I looked out the window.

"Oh I don't know," he chuckled as he looked over at me. "You stared at him at lunch everyday for the past two years, ring any bells?"

"Does he know?"

“I don’t think so,” he shook his head. “He’s pretty oblivious when it comes to girls.”

"Oh thank god," I whispered holding my chest. "Nearly gave me a heart attack Brian."

"Sorry," he laughed.

“It’s okay,” I nodded, El still mumbled. “Ella!”

“Huh? What?” She jumped, looking around frantically.

"Ever dated a guy named Zack?" I inquired.

"Err, no why?" she asked with furrowed brows.

"Yep," I turned to Brian. "It is Zacky."

“What’s Zacky?” She looked around as Brian chuckled, pulling into the school parking lot.


"She's lost," I whispered as Brian opened his door, laughing. I laughed myself as I jumped out and helped Ella out.

"What?" she whined.

“Nothing,” I shook my head.

“You sure?”


"Alright," she nodded as she ran off to the school door; I laughed and walked with Brian.

"Thanks for picking us up," I nudged his side. "You doing it tomorrow?"

"Do you want me too?"

"It depends, I might get used to it and then my car might get forgotten."

“Fine with me,” Brian smirked.

"Good," I grinned. "You're my new driver!"

"Aw wait a minute!"

"Ha!" I laughed. “I own you, bitch.”

“Damn,” He mumbled.

"You love it," I sang which caused him to crack a grin.

"Yes I do," he sang along. "Not really but I'll agree."

“You better,” I smirked, someone grabbing my arm and pulling me close. "Ow!"

"What the hell are you doing with the freak again?" Christopher hissed.

"I don't know, why am I with you?" I grumbled and pulled away.

“You’re staying with me the rest of the day,” he stated, pulling me away as I mouth bye to Brian.

"Yeah," I said slowly.

"What are you wearing by the way?" he asked slowly as he grimaced. "It's ugly."

"It's comfortable…"

“It’s fucking hideous,” He sneered. “Maybe Amy will have something for you to change into.”

"I'm not changing," I sighed as I stopped walking. "Stop trying to change me because I'm not changing for anyone, not even you."

"You will."

"I bet you I won't," I glared at him before I started walking away from him.

"Get the fuck back here,” He grabbed my shoulder and jerked me back. “Luke already found Ella.”


“Yeah,” he nodded.

"He better not have touched her," I growled as I stepped back. "Where is he?"

"I'm not telling you—" he stopped when my foot came into contact with his privates.

"Tell me!" I shouted as I reared back my foot and kicked him in the side. "I'm not playing games with you anymore Christopher!"

"Gym locker room," he squirmed, but I didn't stay to watch, I ran.

“Ella!” I burst into the empty locker room, running through the rows. “Ella!”

“I’m here,” She said softly, I ran down to the end of the lockers and sat down.

“Did he get to you?” I asked.

“You're too late,” She shook her head, her body shaking. “He already got me…”

"Oh god," I whispered as I pulled her down to me in a hug, she started crying hysterically. "I'm so sorry I was late…"

"It's not your fault…"
♠ ♠ ♠
Image -- Cordy
