Sequel: Keep Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

Bleeding love

"I could have stayed with you Ella," I started crying. "I'm going to kill him!"

“Its fine,” She pushed me away and huffed. “I’m fine.”

“No you’re not,” I shook my head. “You just got raped.”

"No," she started to cry again, I stood up and helped her up and get dressed again, then walked outside, she limped. "Don't tell."

"Don't fucking tell me to not tell because that shit isn't happening," I glared as I seen Jimmy walk by. "Jimmy!"

"Huh?" he turned around. "Whoa what happened?"

"I need you to call the police, she was just raped by Luke," I sighed and sat her down on a bench outside. "Or else I'll kill him."

“She was… What?”


“Oh fuck,” He nodded and rushed off to find a phone, Matt and Zacky walking in his path.

“Why’s Jimmy running?” Matt asked, pointing to a speeding James.

"He's calling the police for me," I said softly as I held Ella's hand.

"Why?" Matt asked concerned.

"Ella was raped," I said softly.

“Raped?” Zacky’s jaw dropped as he looked over to Ella, who was curled up and crying.

“Yeah,” I nodded, Zack walking over and pulling her close.

"Who did it?" Matt asked looking over at me with his jaw flexed.

"That soccer fag ass, Luke," I growled. "I was late, Christopher told me and I literally had to beat it out of him to find out where he took her, I was late."

"It's not your fault," Matt said softly as he rubbed my back. "So you’re the one that kicked Christopher's ass?"

"Yeah, he pissed me off."

"Alright," he smiled sadly and walked off.

"Where's he going?"

"To kick Luke's ass before the cops come," Zacky nodded. "He's very protective over women alike, very oblivious to them but protective."

“Oh,” I nodded and watched Zacky croon in Ella’s ear.

“Don’t cry,” he said softly. “Everything is going to be okay. We have you now.”

"Hey," Brian walked up. "Something happened."

"She was raped by Luke," I said slowly. "I was late finding her."

“Seriously?” His jaw dropped.


“That mother fucker,” He clenched his teeth and balled his hands into fists.

"Yeah," I nodded slowly as Jimmy come running back.

"Called them, they said to make sure she's not going into shock and that a squad car would be here soon."

“I just want to go home,” El whimpered and squeezed Zack’s hand. “Please.”

“You’ll go home soon, okay?” I looked to her. “After you talk to the police, me and Zacky will take you home.”

"Alright," she whispered.

"So what did they say?" I asked as Ella sat down in the car beside me.

"They'll put a warrant out for him and he'll go to trial," she sighed.

"I hope he gets arrested,” Zack growled. “You didn’t deserve that, Ella.”

“Zacky,” She mumbled and looked back to him.

"I hope he gets hung from his nuts," I growled as I sat back beside her. "Don't worry babe."

"They said that he was beaten up," Ella grinned. "I'll have to thank Matt."

“Yes you do,” I nodded and pulled up to her house, the three of us getting out.

“My parents will be home soon.” She nodded as Zacky and I nodded.

“Okay,” I said as him and I turned back to the car. “We’ll go back to school and-“

“Zacky,” El reached out and grabbed his hand. “Don’t leave me.”

"Oh sure," I said walking back to the car with Zacky's keys. "Ask the guy you just met to stay and console you, screw the girl that's basically your sister."

"Oh Cordelia—"

"I'm fucking with you," I grinned. "Smile, cheese?"

“Just go to school,” She glared, smirking as I got in Zack’s car and drove off.

"Hey," Matt greeted me at the steps; I smiled and punched his arm. "What was that for?"

"Taking all the fun," I pouted. "You beat Luke before I could."

“Yes I did,” He nodded triumphantly. “Where’s Zack?”

"She picked him over me to stay with her," I mocked a shocked face. "Can you believe it?"

"Yes I can."

“Is she that obvious?” I chuckled, everyone nodded. “Well fuck.”

"Yeah," Brian winked.

"Ass," I mumbled. "Wait does he know?"

Everyone looked around to each other and shrugged.

“Who the hell knows?” Matt said. “The guy is an idiot.”

"Aw that's mean," I mumbled pushing Matt's arm. "He's smart unless its about women, how about we say that?"

"No, that guys an idiot."

“You guys are mean,” I giggled.

“You like it,” Matt looked down into my eyes as I nodded.

"It's better than being boring," I grinned as he continued to stare at me. "Hello? Anyone home?"

"Just walk away," Brian pulled me into a sideways hug.

“I would,” I mumbled. “But you’ve got me in a death crush.”

“Oh well,” he shrugged, Christopher rushing up to us.

"What the fuck are you doing," he asked glaring at Brian. "Get your hand off her."

"How about no," I glared at him. "Brian is my friend, you aren't so shoo fly."

“How could you call the police on Luke?” He changed the subject, snarling.

"Oh I don't know, he raped Ella!" I screamed as I pulled away from Brian's hold and stood in front of Christopher. "What did you want me to do Chris? Just let him get away with it?"

"He's off the fucking team now because of you!"

"Good riddance!" I yelled and reared back, popping him in the eye. "Now you can go too asshole."

“I’m not going anywhere,” He slapped me hard across the face as everyone’s jaws dropped.

"You'll never touch me again," I promised with a glare that would and could kill. "I promise you that."

“Your promises are shit,” he grabbed my wrist, Brian glaring at him.

“Let her go.”

“Fuck you,” Christopher barked as Brian punched him square in the temple.

"Well," I said slowly. "That ended kind of bad."

"A little," Brian nodded at the knocked out Christopher. "Who wants to go get the nurse?"

"Not it," I said just as everyone except Jimmy said.

“Oh fuck you guys,” Jimmy mumbled, wandering down to the nurse's office.

“El,” Zacky said softly. “Please stop crying.”

“I-I-“I stuttered through tears. “He took my virginity.”

"It's okay," he cooed. "Baby he'll get what's coming to him."

"But to think," she whispered. "What if I'm pregnant…?"

“I’m sure you won’t be,” He shook his head. “It couldn’t have been but ten minutes. You’ll be fine.”

“If you say so,” I flipped over so my head was in his lap as he stared down at me.

"I do," he nodded softly as he rubbed my hair back. "You'll be fine."

"I'm scared."

“I have you now,” He flashed a caring smile. “You're safe now.”

“Are you sure?” I blinked once and looked right into his eyes.

"I promise," he kissed my forehead. "Now why don't you rest?"

“I’m still a little shaken,” I sighed. “But I’ll try.”

“Good,” He smiled.

"Cheese and crackers, cheese and crackers," Jimmy and I sang rocking side to side while eating cheese and crackers.

"Who knew she was so crazy," Brian laughed.

“Obviously not you guys,” I giggled, taking a bite of Jimmy’s cracker.

"Hey that was mine," Jimmy whined as he stole a piece of my cheese.

"Now that was mine!"

"So," he stuck his tongue out.

“Will you two stop fighting over cheese?” Matt chuckled slightly as Jimmy and I shook our heads. “Immature.”

I swallowed the cheese and laughed. "No, just having fun," I threw a piece of string cheese at his face. "See?"

“Ew,” He pulled it off and threw it back at me, the cheese landing in my hair.

“Get it out!”

"Why?" he smirked at my disgust.

"Because it will melt," I sneered as I waved my hands around. "Get it out!"

“Fine, fine,” Matt nodded, reaching over and pulling the dairy product out.
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