Sequel: Keep Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

Bleeding love

“Thank you.”

"You're welcome, big baby," he grinned as I glared.

"You call me the big baby?" I laughed. "Yeah right."

“You are,” He insisted. “I’m the one that beat up Luke.”

“So?” I shrugged. “Any guy could have, that man was a wuss.”

"Now wait," he said glaring, then took off his shirt showing his build. "There, this isn't a baby."

"Ohhh baby!" Brian teased.

"Well," I blushed slightly as I shrugged. "Not bad, but still."

“Not bad?” He scoffed. “You're blind.”

“Leave me alone,” I flicked my wrist at him and took another piece of cheese.

“El,” Someone whispered in my ear. “Ella.”


“You're shaking.”

"Oh," I sat up slightly as I looked up at the voice, finding Zacky staring at me. "Please tell me I didn't talk or snore."

"You didn't snore."

"But I talked didn't I?" I sighed. "What did I say…wait don't even tell me."

“You're sure you don’t want me to tell you?”

I mulled over it for a moment.

“Okay,” I sighed in defeat. “What did I say?”

"Well," he smiled softly as he brushed the hair from my face. "My name."


"What else?"

“You moaned a little,” He shrugged. “And then said-“

“Do I want to know?”

“It’s funny.”

“Give it to me quick,” I grimaced and braced for impact.

"Are you sure?" he teased.

"Zacky Baker just tells me already."

“Okay,” He took a deep breath. “You're sure you want me to tell you?”

“Just fucking tell me!”

"Alright," he grinned as if he was about to start laughing. "You moaned and said Oh Zacky, that feels good."

"I did not," my eyes widened.

"Nah you didn't, but the look on your face when I said you did was worth it," he grinned as I slapped him.

“Don’t joke like that!”

“Why?” He smirked. “Scared you might have said that? It just slipped out of your dirty dream with me?”

“Zacky,” I turned away, blushing fifty shades of red.

“Dirty dreams with me?” He repeated.

"What? No!"

"Oh you so have," he pointed with a laugh. "Its okay, you're pretty hot and amazing."

"Matt," my eyes slightly twitched as he walked in front of me flexing his arm muscles. "I have seen for three hours, now you just look like a fool doing that."

"But not a baby."

"I said you weren't a baby!" I whined as I turned the corner, he was walking backwards in front of me down the sidewalk, Brian and Jimmy to both my sides. "Just stop!"

“Nope,” He grunted and flexed again.

“Your such an ass,” I shook my head as we rounded the corner to Matt’s car.

"Am not," he grinned and leaned down to my face. "You love it."

"No, you know what I'd love?" I asked excitedly.


"You to get out of my face flaunting you have muscles, that's what I'd like," I smiled widely and walked past him.

“Fine,” He sighed as we all climbed into his car. “To Ella’s?”

"Yeah," I nodded as I climbed in the back beside Brian, who was smirking. "What now Mr. Smirks-a-lot?"

"You loved it," he whispered with a chuckle. "Stop by the store Matt, I need something to drink."

“Beer!” Jimmy laughed, Matt nodding and pulling out of the parking lot.

I watched as Brian and Jimmy ran out of the car into the liquor store. "You don't drink do you?" Matt asked turning in his seat.

"I don't like beer," I shook my head. "Not after the last time I drank it I should say."

"What happened?"

"What didn't happen is what you should ask," I smiled softly. "Christopher took advantage of the situation; let's just put it at that."

"Oh,” Matt mumbled.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “It’s safe to say I’m not a virgin.”

“I-I-“I stuttered. “I’m what?”


"Oh," I said with wide eyes. "Well thanks."

"You're welcome," he smiled as he sat up. "But yeah, we can't take it any farther than mutual agreement until you get all better."

“All better?”

“Recover from the rape,” He nodded.

“Oh,” I sighed. “Yeah.”

“Don’t worry,” He smiled softly. “You’ll be better soon.”

"I hope so," I whispered as the door opened and Cordelia walked through. "Cordy!"

"You will not believe the day I have had," she crashed on my legs. "Matt has annoyed me to no end, I called him a baby and he decided to show me every chance he had that he was build, not like a baby, which isn't half bad but you know."

"Where are the guys?" Zacky laughed.

"Drinking out in the car."

“Oh,” Zacky smirked, lifting me up and sitting me on the couch as he rushed out to the car.

“Gee, Cordy,” I growled. “Thanks for killing the moment.”

"There was a moment?" she asked wide eyed as she looked at the closing door. "Oh my bad, I'm sorry."

"It's alright," I sighed. "Not like I could do anything, I mean I was shaking in my sleep, every time I close my eyes—"

"Its okay," she whispered hugging me. "I'm sorry I wasn't here today or there to save you."

“I-It’s fine,” I stuttered. “I’m okay.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I had Zacky.”

"El?" she said softly. "Tell me the truth."

"I almost ran to school and got you twice but I calmed down and went to sleep," I said sheepishly. "I got scared."

“I understand,” she nodded. “I get it.”

“I mean, Zacky helped in ways you couldn’t, though.”

“He didn’t fuck you, did he?!”

"No!" I said with wide eyes. "He talked to me, you can't tell me I'm hot and me not to think you've gone gay on me can you?"

"Uh," she said slowly. "I guess no—hey!"


“Was he trying to seduce you or something?!”

“I don’t think so,” I shrugged. “I mean, he was just like “Oh, well your awesome… And hot.” But it was really sincere!”

"Oh," she said slowly as she looked towards the door again. "Just for your info, you should see Matt's body, its fucking amazing!"

I laughed at the pure dreamy look on her face. "I'll call him a baby and see what he does," I giggled.

“This should be interesting,” I smirked as her phone began ringing.

“Hold on.”

“Okay,” I nodded as she picked it up.

“Hello?” She said softly, and then her jaw dropped. “Luke?”

I grabbed the phone from her and nearly growled like an animal. "What do you want Luke?"

"Cordelia?" he questioned. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm actually thinking about kicking your ass! Why the hell did you do that to her Luke!"

“Oh please,” He laughed darkly. “You know I get what I want.

"And you know me," I smiled slightly. "I get what I want, and I want revenge on you, you sick and sorry son of a bitch."

"Come and get it baby, I'll save the same pleasure for you."

"Oh honey," I laughed darkly. "The pleasure will be all mine, when I get you back for what you've done."

“I’ll be waiting,” He chuckled and hung up the phone.

“Is everything okay?” El asked.

“Yeah, just fine.”

"It didn't sound like it," she whispered.

"Don't worry," I smiled over at her as I patted her back. "Cordy's got your back."

“Oomph,” She grunted, Zacky hanging off her back. “Seems you're not the only one.”

"Seems so," I grinned until I felt someone's arms around my waist, making me jump. "Whoa there Matt."
♠ ♠ ♠
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