Sequel: Keep Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

Bleeding love

“El?” Zacky said softly. “How are you?”

"I'm fine Zacky," Ella whispered.

"Are you sure," Zacky sat beside me, glancing at her mother every now and then before he held his hand out. "I'm Zachary Baker."

Her mother simply stared at it before Zack turned to Ella.

“Ella,” He touched her shoulder. “Please don’t cry.”

"I can't help it," she sniffed. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," he said softly. "You did nothing wrong."

“Zacky,” She sat up, sobbing, and fell onto him.

He grunted and shifted her up some. "Don't cry El, it'll be okay."

"It's okay," I whispered to her mother. "He's a good guy."

“If you say so,” Her mom said softly as Zack rubbed El’s face.

“Will it be okay?” She sobbed. “Will I be safe?”

"Me and the guys will make sure you and Cordelia are safe," he promised smiling. "Matt's done kicked his ass once."

"But what if he brought a weapon?"

“We’ll protect you,” He nodded. “I promise.”

“What… What if he tries to rape me again?”

“I won’t let him touch you,” Zacky growled, snaking his arm around her waist.

"Me either," I shook my head. "I won't let him take you away again."

"It wasn't you're fault."

"It felt like it."

“Don’t say that,” She said softly. “It wasn’t your fault.”

“Oh,” I sighed, watching Ella close her eyes and curl up on Zack.

“Thank you Zacky,” El whispered.

"You're welcome honey."

"I'll kick his ass," Matt mumbled as Christopher made his way over to us.

"Don't," I grabbed his arm. "It's okay."

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” I nodded, Luke walking up to Christopher’s side.

“El,” Zacky grabbed Ella and pulled her close, hiding her face away from Luke.

"Hello," Christopher growled. "Cordy can I talk to you alone?"

"Not without me," Matt glared at him and then smirked at Luke. "Or the same thing that happened to Luke over there will happen to you."

“Oh,” Christopher nodded. “It’ll wait.”

“Okay,” I sighed, Luke stepped towards Ella.

“What the hell are you doing with him, El?” He growled.

"Back the fuck off," I pushed Luke back, he stumbled and stood up glaring at me.

"Back yourself off bitch, that's my girlfriend."

"One, you won't talk to a woman like that," Matt sternly stated as he sat his backpack that he had slung over one shoulder on the steps and stepped towards Luke. "And two, she isn't you're girlfriend, bitch."

“Uh, yeah,” Luke reached out and grabbed Ella’s hand. “She still is."

“Get the fuck off her!” Zacky growled, punching him hard in the jaw.

"Seems I didn't have to get my knuckles bloodied after all," Matt chuckled as Zacky bent back up and rubbed his fist.

"Fuck that hurt."

“You deserve it,” Zack glared at Luke as he began to stand back up, Zacky kicking him in the gut. “Don’t fucking touch her."

"Okay Zacky," I held my hands out and pushed him back before getting close to Luke. "Listen Luke, you're already in deep enough, I hope you get stuck in prison for the rest of you're miserable life."

“I’m not leaving without her,” He stood up and snarled, glaring at Ella.

"I think differently," I whispered as I stepped up and let Matt, Brian, Jimmy and Zacky step forward. "Rethink it Luke."

“I thought enough,” He pushed Zacky off El and pulled her close. “She’s mine.”

“Luke,” Ella said softly and looked around. “Zacky…”

"Hand her to me before I kick you're ass," Zacky growled.

"Luke--" Christopher whispered. "Let her go, you've gone to far man."

“No,” Luke huffed. “She doesn’t want me anymore, so she runs to him? Fuck that, he doesn’t deserve her.”

"Think again stupid," I shouted. "She doesn't want you because you raped her," I looked around at everyone that had stopped with there mouths gapped. "Yeah, you're soccer star fucking raped her!"

"Shut up!" he hissed.


“Fuck you!” Zacky shouted and hit him hard in the temple, knocking Luke unconscious.

“Zack!” Ella sobbed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"It's okay," he picked her up and took her away from the lump of shit on the floor.

"Jimmy, you're stuck with it again," I grinned.

"Come on," Matt wrapped his arm around my waist. "Let's go."

"Add-damn it," Jimmy mumbled as he looked down at Luke. "Can't I just...I'm leaving him, fuck it."

“Yeah, okay,” I nodded and looked ahead to Ella.

“Zacky…” She said softly into his neck. “Thank you.”

"Your welcome," he smiled.

"Matt," I whispered leaning into his arm.



“Your welcome, Cordy,” He looked down to me and kissed my cheek.

"Matt," I whispered as he stopped and hovered his lips close to mine.


"Will you kiss me?"


“Just-“I fumbled with my words. “Kiss me.”

“Uh, okay,” He nodded and kissed my lips softly, making me smile.

"Thank you," I blushed.

"You're welcome," he laughed as he pulled my chin up and kissed me again.

“Cordy,” El chuckled lowly.

“Matt,” Zacky smirked.

"Hm?" we both pulled away in a daze.

"Nice," they rolled there eyes.

"Yeah," Matt waved his hand and pulled me into a kiss again.

“Geez, Matt,” Zacky laughed. “Having fun?”

“Yes,” He mumbled on my lips, Ella laughing.

“Zacky, it’s hopeless,” She smiled and kissed Zack’s cheek.

Matt pulled me closer as someone whistled beside us. "Damn, damn, damn," Brian chuckled.

"Go away," I grumbled kissing Matt more.

“Aren’t they bad, Brian?” El chuckled.

“I was surprised it wasn’t you and Zacky,” He spat back, Zack grunting.

"Come on," Matt pulled away and walked towards a door.

"Why are they heading to the janitor's closet?" Ella asked loudly.

"Think about it," Brian laughed.

“Ewww,” El scrunched up her nose as Matt pushed me inside.

"Bye guys," he chuckled as he waved while shutting the door.

"That's so gross," Ella whined.

“Matt,” I said softly.


“Maybe we shouldn’t.”

"Shouldn't what?" he turned around to stare at me.

"Have sex?"

"I wasn't planning on it," he said slowly. "I was bringing you in here so we could kiss without interruption, if that was okay with you."

“Oh,” I laughed and pecked his lips. “Okay.”

"Good," he laughed as he pulled me closer and kissed my lips softly, soon deepening the kiss.

"They have been in there forever," I grumbled to Zacky.

"El, their making out, it takes a little time," he laughed.

“Still,” I sighed from his lap as he rubbed the side of my face. “Even Brian left. Just me… And you…”

"Brian chose to go to class because he didn't want to see them making out, he usually ditches," he laughed. "And yeah, you and me Ella."

"You and me," I smiled.

You and me,” He repeated, nodding

"Me and you," I smirked. "I switched it around on ya."

“Damn,” He looked down, his greenish blue eyes boring straight into mine.
♠ ♠ ♠

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