Sequel: Keep Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

Bleeding love

"Are you about to kiss?" we both looked up at Cordelia's voice, teasing us as she pointed at each of us. "That is just so cute."

"Go suck Matt's face again," I growled.

“Fine,” She sighed dramatically, walking back into the closet as I looked back up to Zacky.

"She's so damn weird," I mumbled.

"Oh I know."

“Good thing,” I reached up slowly and touched his cheek.

"Good thing what?"

"I don't remember," we both burst out laughing.

“It doesn’t matter,” He shrugged, chuckling.

“Okay,” I nodded and looked up to him from his lap.



“Nothing,” He quickly looked away and blushed furiously.

“No,” I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine. “What?”

"I think you're really beautiful," he blushed even more. "I wanted to know if you'd like to go out with me, we don't have to rush."

“I-Uh,” I whispered. “Of course, Zack. Yes, I’d love to.”

“Great,” He smiled softly, his face barley touching mine.

"Trick or treat!" Cordelia ran out of the janitorial closet and tackled both Zacky and I. "Matt asked me to the Halloween dance!"

“Oh,” I turned to her and smiled softly. “Zacky asked me to be his girlfriend.”

She turned to Zacky and cocked a hip while pouting her lips. "Just had to outdo me didn't you Baker?"

"Well, yeah," he chuckled. “I really like Ella, Luke didn’t deserve her.”

“Zacky,” I pulled his face to mine and kissed his lips softly.

"But," Cordelia whined. "Did you have to outdo me, now?"

"Well, I asked her before you told us," he shrugged.

“Oh,” She mumbled as I wrapped my arms around Zacky’s neck.

“Kiss me again.”

"Okay," he whispered chuckling.

"Don't even try," I mumbled holding Matt back, he was about to slap Zacky. "They haven't come up for air for five minutes."

“Exactly,” He grunted, Ella giggling softly.

"Zacky," She moaned softly.

"Oh My—" Matt covered his ears looking away disgusted. "Do something if you won't let me."

"Fine," I chuckled as I stood up from my couch cushion, we had gone through school having to watch them make out and as soon as we get to my house, they start up again. Only stopping for bathroom breaks or something to drink. "Oh Matt, take me now."

"What?" Matt whispered.

"Matt," I moaned, soon as I did they broke apart and stared at me. "Fucking finally, stop eating each others face for ten minutes."

“Fine,” Zacky glared at me, making me chuckle as Ella laid back and took a deep breath.

"See," I smiled at Matt before sitting beside him. "I'm good."

"And very realistic," he smirked.

“No,” I stuck out my tongue as he sighed, making El giggle. “She speaks. So the boy sucking her face didn’t suck out her soul!”

"You're crude," she glared flipping me off.

"Now watch, this is cruel, not crude," I instructed as I grabbed Matt's neck and pulled him down on me in a kiss, it caught him off guard but he kissed back just as much as I did.


I nodded.

“Well,” Zacky chuckled lowly and flipped himself on El, making her whimper. “We could be nasty.


"Damn it," I grumbled leaning against Matt. "Make'em stop!"

"Zacky stop it," Ella giggled. "Seriously."

“El,” He grinded his hips into hers as he smirked.

“Zacky, stop,” Ella frowned.

"Zachary," Matt shouted. "She said fucking stop man."

"Oh shit," he pulled away from her. "I'm sorry Ella."

“Its fine,” She flipped away from him and closed her eyes. “Fine…”

"Ella," I said softly. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," she nodded slowly.

“Oh, Ella,” Zacky whimpered and put his hand on her hip. “I’m so sorry."

"It's okay," she smiled. "Just awkward feeling."

"Don't worry," I smiled. "It'll be okay, Zacky wouldn't hurt you."

“I know,” She nodded and looked over to Zacky. “I… I’m just scared.”

"It'll be okay," Zacky grabbed her hand. "I won't do it again."

“I mean, I want to, I really do,” She insisted and leaned against him. “But what Luke did…"

"Luke is an asshole," he whispered. "I'll never be like that."

“Thank you, Zacky,” She kissed him softly as he pulled El to his chest. “I’m so glad you understand.”

"You're welcome," he smiled as he kissed her forehead.

"Aw," I giggled as the door opened and my little brother walked in. "Hey Riddick."

"Hey Cordy," he said slowly. "Who are these two?"

“This is Matt and Zacky,” I smiled. “Zacky is Ella’s boyfriend.”

“What about Matt?”

“Just a… Friend.”

"Friend my ass," he chuckled throwing his bag on the couch.


"I'm fourteen Cordelia, I'm allowed to cuss," he yelled laughing. "I'm not four, I'm not ten, I'm fourteen."

“He told you,” El smirked, snapping her fingers.

“Shut up and go suck Zack’s face.”

"Don't tell her that," Matt groaned slapping his face.

"Nix that, not with my brother in the room," I explained.

“No, no, you suggested it,” She smirked, leaning over and kissing Zacky’s cheek. “Up for it?”

"Nah, little kid in the room," Zacky pointed to Riddick. "So we have to cool it."

"Aw, I love torturing Dick."

"Riddick," Riddick instructed leaning against the wall.

“Dick,” Ella repeated, smirking

"Isabella," he said slowly, making the meaning big as he said it.

"You ass."

"You dick," he grinned.

“Fuck you,” El glared at him.

"When and where baby?" he smirked.

"Ew you're brothers' nasty," El whined.

"I could have told ya that," I mumbled.

“El,” Zacky wrapped his arms around her waist.


"Leave the little dick," he stopped and grinned. "My apologizes, Riddick, alone."

"Funny man," Riddick pointed to Zacky dryly as he walked away.

“Congrats,” El kissed his lips softly. “You’ve scared him away!”

"In you're dreams babe," Riddick walked back in eating a sandwich.

"Nightmares," El sang.

"Yeah, same difference," he sat down beside me.

"Bite?" I held my mouth open, he held his sandwich out and I bite a piece off it and smiled. "You make really good sandwiches."

"Do you want one? Is that your way of telling me sis?"

“I might be,” I looked away, chuckling, as Riddick shook his head and wandered out to the kitchen.

“You own him,” Ella stated. “Seriously, he’s like your slave or something.”

“That sounds…” I thought for a moment. “Dirty.”

"He's you're brother," El grimaced. "Nasty bitch."

"Hey!" I yelled. "I was just saying."

“You’re sick.”

“Maybe so,” I shrugged.

"So," Matt chuckled as he grabbed my hand. "What are we going to do now?"

"Whatever you want, babe."

"Ewww!" El gagged.

"Ew what?" I raised one eyebrow.
♠ ♠ ♠

I need comments

Who should Riddick be?