Sequel: Keep Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

Bleeding Love

"Never mind, let's watch a movie."

"Lost Boys," Riddick walked in and handed me a sandwich.

“I’m in,” Matt nodded, Ella sighing in defeat.

"Me too, Keifer is so hot," I sighed dreamily.

"Yeah well," Matt grunted.

“You people make my brain hurt,” El looked up to Zacky. “Make me feel better."

"Ew," I grumbled as I looked at Matt. "You're hotter, is that what you want to hear?"

"Yes I do," he nodded slowly.

“Well, then,” I sighed. “You're hotter.”

“Thank you,” He kissed my lips softly.

"You're welcome," I chuckled as I raised my arms and laid them over his neck, pulling him closer.

“Hey, Zacky,” Matt looked over. “When’s your next game?”

“For baseball?” He shrugged. “Tomorrow, why?”

"I was just wondering," he said innocently.



"Real reason dude."

“Well,” He looked around. “I wanted to know if the girls wanted to come.”

“Oh!” El grinned widely and sat up. “I can come and cheer on my boyfriend, right?”


"Come on Zacky!" I shouted with Ella beside me and Matt on the other side. "Hit it over the fence and I'm sure Ella will give you a kiss!"

“Fuck yeah,” He smirked from under the helmet, hitting the ball with a loud crack. It flew all the way out, past the in and outfielders, and straight into the parking lot.

“Yes!” Ella squealed, hugging me tightly as Zacky ran the bases.

"Damn Zacky!" I shouted as his fellow ballers congratulated him at home plate. "I didn't know you loved her that much."

"He'll do anything for some love," Matt laughed as he clapped his hands.

“Yeah, now come here,” He ran up to the fence and reached his arms out, El climbing down in front of him. “Kiss?”

"Kiss," she giggled as she kissed him, I giggled and looked at Matt.

"They are so funny," I giggled again.

“That they are,” He nodded and pulled me close.

“Ow, fuck, Zacky,” El groaned. “Don’t bite.”

"Guys," I hissed. "People, around you."

"Oh," Zacky grinned and pulled away. "Love it when you kiss like that, I suggest more after the game."

“Okay,” El patted his chubby cheek as he ran off. “God…”


"He bit my tongue," she mumbled as I grimaced and looked at Matt.


"Ew," he nodded in agreement.

“It felt…” She thought for a moment. “Good.”

“Fuck, your sick!”

"Probably," she giggled as she looked at me, I tilted my head and mumbled.


“Now, don’t be mean,” She looked out to the field. “I really like him…”

“You two are getting in the back,” Matt commanded, pushing Zacky and I into the backseat of his car.

“Why?” I whined. “Is Cordy more special than me?”

“Yes,” Matt nodded and kissed her cheek as he pulled out of the parking lot.

“Love you, too, Matt,” I groaned and laid my head on Zack’s shoulder.

"You too," he chuckled. "Now where are we going?"

"Take me home," I mumbled. "Or to Cordy's house."

"My parents are gone," she said bluntly. "And so is Riddick."

“Then,” I sat up slightly and prodded Zacky in the stomach. “Your house?”

“Why not,” He shrugged.

“Sweet,” I nodded and laid my head back down in his lap, Zacky wiggling around under me.

"Fine with me," Cordelia nodded as she grabbed Matt's hand. "I can't wait for the Halloween dance, I already got my costume."

"Hooker?" Matt asked hopeful.

"In you're dreams buddy boy."

Cordy chuckled. “What about you, Ella?”

“I don't know,” I sighed, looked up at Zack. “I’ll think of something eventually.”

"Okay," she laughed as she sneered at Matt. "I'll give you a hint, twentieth century."

“Are you a buxom serving wench?"

Cordelia turned to me and raised her eyebrows as she pointed to Matt, "He hangs out with you're boyfriend to much Ella."

“And that’s my problem?” I chuckled. “Oh! I have an idea!”

“And it would be?”

“Something sexy?” Zacky smirked.

"No," I flicked his forehead and turned back at Cordelia. "I'll tell you when we're at Zacky's."

"Okay," she shrugged.

“Yep,” I nodded and flipped onto my stomach, looking down to realize me face was at Zacky’s…


“Wow,” I blushed. “Dirty position.”

"Wha--" Cordelia raised her eyebrows. "Nice one Ella."

"This is," I gulped. "Awkward."

“Ella,” Zacky looked down to me with pleading eyes.

"No!" I shrieked and scrambled to my seat. "Nasty!"

"What?" Cordelia asked then glared at Zacky. "We're not disgusting like all the other girls Zacky, there are things we won't do, get it?"

“I know, I know,” He laid his head back and huffed. “I’m sorry, Ella. I’m a teenage boy…”

"It's okay," I mumbled. "Just no."


“Okay,” I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder as he kissed my temple.

“Ella,” He whispered. “I really like you, I hope you know that. I’m not just using you; I just want you to know.”

"I know," I whispered with a smile as Cordelia coughed. "What?"

"We've been parked for about thirty seconds now, you ready to get out love birds?"

“Oh,” I mumbled as I grabbed Zacky’s hand, pulling him out of the car with me.

“Ready to meet the family?” He chuckled and kissed my ear.


"It's a little late now," he chuckled as Cordelia and Matt literally skipped in the house.

"Mrs. Baker!"

“What if they don’t like me?” I whined softly as I stepped into the house.

“They’ll love you,” He kissed my lips softly and smiled, turning to his mom. “Hey, mom.”

“Hello, sweetie,” She quickly glanced at me. “Who’s this?”

"My girlfriend mom," he said proudly.

“Girlfriend?” She repeated, in shock. “Well, nice to meet you-“

“Ella Jones.”

“Well, then,” She smiled warmly. “Nice to meet you, Ella.”

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Baker, it really is," I smiled as Matt and Cordelia watched from the couch. "That's my friend Cordelia if she hasn't introduced herself."

"Matt introduced her dear," she smiled.

“Oh,” I nodded frantically and squeezed Zacky’s hand.

“Scared?” He laughed. I simply nodded. “Don’t be.”

"Okay," I whispered taking a deep breath. "Now what?"

"We go play pool," he smiled. "I have a big pool table downstairs."

“Okay,” I nodded as he began walking, me staying still.

“You coming, babe?”

“Uh…” I mumbled.

“Let’s go,” He walked back over and put his hands on my sides, picking me up slightly and carrying me down the steps.

"You guys," Cordelia ran after us. "Wait up!"

"Come here," Matt shouted as he picked up Cordelia.

“Don’t drop me, Matt!” She whined, making me smile slightly.

“I won’t.”

“Okay,” She nodded, Zacky sitting down on the couch with me on his lap.

"Let's play pool?"

"Ha," Cordelia giggled. "He didn't drop me, go Matt!"
♠ ♠ ♠

Image - Riddick

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