I Find It Hard to Believe Where in Heaven



I was dancing. I always dance. Dancing is my nature. Right now I'm dancing jazz to one of my favorite hits, Akon Smack that. It's always fun to dance to.
"Ahem." I stop dancing and look over at the door.
"Hi Miss. Molly."
"Hello Alex. This is Kristin. She's new here at the school. Can you tell her what level dance she is?" Miss Molly says as a 7 year old walks in. "Her brother will e back in half an hour." I nod and watch Miss Molly walk away.
I sit on the ground against the mirror and look at the little girl. "Okay. What dance are you interested in?"
"Well, like ballet. Oh and tap and jazz."
"Hmm. Okay you wanna show me your moves?" She nods and walks over and hands me a cd. I put in and watch her dance.
The dance wasn't difficult but hard enough to be put in ballet two.
When she finished, we talked about ballet two and how much its going to cost and what she needed.
After 20 minutes, she asks me to show her some of my dance moves. I agree and start my routine to "Don't forget to remember me" by Carrie Underwood. About half way through it, Kristin gets up and walks tot he door. I stop and look towards the door. "This is my brother, Daniel."
I walk over and shake hands with the gorgeous boy. Did I mention he's hot? Like really hot. "Hi I'm Alex."
"Daniel. Um, you did good at dancing."
"Thanks. I didn't even get to the good part."
"Well maybe you'll have to finish for me and Kristin." I nod. "Uh, do we just leave?"
"No you have to go see Miss Molly. uh..... MISS MOLLY!"
She pops her head out and smiles. "Well?"
"Ballet two."
"Ah. Okay." She walks out of the class and starts handing Daniel a bunch of papers. Daniel just nods and takes all of them. I watch him as he leaves. Making sure to check out the ass. Hey gotta check out the goods.
"He's not your type." Miss Molly says after they leave.
"I don't have a type, Miss Molly." I say smirking.
"Well I don;t think this boy is gay."
"I didn't say he was."
After 2 hours at Miss Molly, I get called home for dinner. Every night my mom, brother and I eat dinner together. Mom's orders. She's says it helps spiritually and mentally. She's a free spirit. Why do you think she doesn't care that I'm gay? Because she's a free spirit, Duh!
At dinner, mom sets out Chinese. It's an oriental night. She hands us plates and chopsticks as we sit around the coffee table. Got to be oriental. "So, how was your day, Mikey?"
"Fine." My brother response. "Slow at the coffee hut."
"How about you Alex?" She says before taking a bite of her chicken cho main.
"It was okay, but I got pushed again. Oh and I thought of more of my dance routine for the class I'm teaching."
"Oh. Why don't you tell those boys that their negative energy is pulling your positive energy down. I mean it'll help right?"
"No mom. That'll make it worse."
"Oh, Okay." She says eating more. I move food around on my plate and think about the cute boy. He was really cute. And so what if he was a letterman. He could still be sweet and funny and kind and everything I want in a boy. Miss Molly doesn't know what she's talking about. Well it'll be a week before I see him or Kristin again, I'm sure.

The next time I see you, you'll turn away
I'll say "Hello" but you'll keep on walking
The next time you see me, I'll turn away
two in one day woo.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah... is it good or not?