I Find It Hard to Believe Where in Heaven



It's been 4 months since that night. I did break up with Reese. And Daniel did break up with Stacie. Reese took it well, and as for Stacie, she took it not so much. Screaming and yelling at Daniel right in front of the whole school. It was bad. I guess she was cheating on him cause he wasn't putting out or something like that. Practically the whole school now knows Daniel is a virgin. I think it's cute.
Today is the dance recital. I'm so nervous. I sit at my make up desk thingy. I was in the boys section and applying a little make up. That is until I get a rose in front of my face. I look up and see Daniel. "Hi baby."
I smile and get up and hug him. "Oh my god. Thank you so much. I can't believe you came."
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I kiss him and take the rose.
"Oh, I love roses."
"Well, I got to get out there. Break a leg." I smile and nod. He leaves and great now I have something else to be nervous about.
But all that nervousness went away after I got on stage. I did great. Now missing any steps. I was in 9 acts.
After the recital, I walk out of the dressing room and outside. As soon as I'm out there I get engulfed into a hug by no other than Daniel. "Oh baby, you did wonderful. I'm so happy for you." I smile.
"Thanks." My mom and brother walk over and smile. Daniel sees people coming and walks away/ I just smile and accept the flowers being handed to me. I looke over at daniel and his family and smile. They look like a normal family. No free spirit mother or hippie brother. Normal.
"Come on Alex. We're going to Mikey's coffee place to celebrate." I nod and look away from the perfect family and follow my mother and brother. Why did I have to be so much different? Different than anyone else.
Kiss me beneath the milky twilight

Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance

Silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me
So kiss me
So kiss me
So kiss me
Sorry It's so short. But I need to get it out of the way.
♠ ♠ ♠
5/10 Half way done.